Suzhou: Party building leads to promote the development of a new bureau

Author:Suzhou District Release Time:2022.06.26

Since the beginning of this year, Qingshui Town, Suzhou District has adhered to "all work party building leadership, all difficult party building problems", focusing on the general goal of "strong agricultural, rural beauty, and farmers' rich", and give full play to the various causes of grass -roots party organizations and party members and cadres in rural revitalization. The role of combat fortress and the role of pioneer models has continuously promoted the high -quality development of grass -roots party building work.

The party building consolidates the fortress to strengthen the organization

Create the "Red Fan Pioneer • Damei Shimizu" party building brand and actively carry out six pioneering creation activities; focus on selecting members of the Youbaiqiang Village team, use the ability to improve as the starting point, and carry out 4 "job training, business competition" 4 times The 11th issue of various special training courses such as rural revitalization, grassroots governance, and ecological civilization was held. Strictly implement the organizational life systems such as the "three meetings and one lesson" and the theme party day. On the basis of standards and specifications, we will vigorously carry out the "improvement of the vitality of the party branch", continue to deepen and improve the mechanism of the stars and promotion, and improve the overall improvement The organizational power of the village party organization provides solid organizational guarantee for rural revitalization.

The development of the party building and the development of the industry will make the industry prosperous

Adhere to the work ideas of "party committee lead, branch leader, party member lead, industrial paving the way", make bigger and compulsory species, breeding, and labor services, implement 58,000 acres of corn, and 06,000 acres of wheat, implement the orders of white onion, sweet sweetness, sweet Ye Ju, flowers, melon, vegetables and other economic crops have 10,000 acres, and the total number of livestock and poultry breeding in the town reaches 394,000 heads (only), realizing 6,247 labor transfer, and various main indicators to achieve "opening the door". Actively build the "branch+cooperative+farmers" industrial chain. Through the model of "branch setting up, cooperatives, party members lead, and mass participation", the branch has been fully implemented in the industrial chain, party members gathered in the industrial chain, talent education in the industrial chain, and the industrial chain, and the industrial chain, and the industrial chain, and the industrial chain, and the industrial chain, and the industrial chain, and the industrial chain, and the industrial chain. The masses are rich in the "five -chain" construction model of the industrial chain and the collective strength in the industrial chain. 14 village party organizations lead the establishment cooperatives of 14 village party organizations. Above, the "party building lead" collective economy with risks shared and shared by interests.

Use the party building to stimulate the vitality to make the environment beautiful

Focusing on the development goals of "let the general masses live in a good house and live a good life", set up 12 party members to tackle teams to promote the reconstruction of rural adobe housing. 9 newly -built farmhouse reconstruction demonstration sites. Establish and implement the mechanism of high -level promotion and supervision and dispatch. The team members take the lead in play the role of party members' model pioneers. According to the progress of the project and difficulties, they will be scheduled at any time. Strong joint force. Promote party members and the masses to participate in the co -construction mechanism, set up a discussion group, establish a system of discussion, and maximize the needs of the masses into all aspects of the farm house transformation, and truly make the peasants the participants, builders and beneficiaries of rural construction actions.

The party building leads harmony to make the township wind rising

Continue to organize the practice activities of "add glory to the party flag and do practical work for the masses", regularly carry out service consulting, vulnerable group visits, etc. During the year, 231 practical practices have been helped, and 48 kilometers of village group roads and 45,000 acres of high -standard farmland construction will be completed. , Effectively solve the anxiety of the masses. Relying on platforms such as the Civilization Practice (Station) of the New Era, the Tongjiamei Points Supermarket, the Red and White Council, the Moral Review Parliament, the Youth Commando and other platforms, organize and organize the "old party members to talk about tradition, get rich and ability to talk about experience, advanced typical virtue" Wait for more than 20 times to publicize and educate activities, carry out more than 60 volunteer service activities for various types of volunteer services, and vigorously cultivate simple people's style, good family style, and civilized native style. Carefully create a "full coverage, seamless, all -weather, refined" grid service system, promote the use of "one trial, four disclosure" work methods, so that farmers themselves "say things, discuss, and host", effectively improve the village level level Governance.

(Source: Window of Shimizu)

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