Luohe City Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervisory Committee to promote the special supervision of corruption and style in the field of people's livelihood

Author:Dahe News Luohe News Time:2022.06.26

Dahe Daily · Henan Video Reporter Liu Guangchao Correspondent Guo Yongrui

From the middle of the year, various tasks have entered a critical stage. How about work in the first half of the year? What gaps exist? On June 22, the Luohe Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection held a centralized rectification work scheduling meeting for corruption and style of "one old, one, small, and strong", and implemented the spirit of high -quality supervision work conferences of the provincial and municipal disciplinary inspection and supervision systems. Effective measures, in depth, promote the special supervision of corruption and style of people's livelihood in the field of people's livelihood.

Carrying out centralized rectification of corruption and style of people's livelihood in the field of people's livelihood in the field of people's livelihood. It is an important starting point for Luohe Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision to implement the "three one" special action and promote high -quality supervision. Therefore, after listening to the report of the work progress of the 7 disciplinary inspection and supervision team to rectify the work progress of different fields, and consult the written materials submitted by each county and district, we carefully sorted out the problems and shortcomings and reasons for the existence of the work. The disciplinary inspection and supervision organs face up to the gap and strengthen the responsibility. We must have a strong sense of urgency that cannot be sitting and waiting, and resolutely overcome the ideas of contempt, slackness, watching, etc., grab the time because of the delay of the epidemic, quickly take measures, resolutely tolerate with zero tolerance The attitude punishment occurs the unhealthy wind and corruption of the masses.

To this end, the Luohe Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection has clearly promoted the centralized rectification of corruption and style issues in the field of people's livelihood in the field of people's livelihood in the field of people's livelihood. Focus on gathering strength, focus on focusing on focus, and in accordance with the "Working Plan for Rotten and Modging in the Field of the People's Livelihood in 2022" centralized rectification of "one old, one young and one green and strong" in the people's livelihood field. The one -piece method of disciplinary inspection and supervision team, through work -sharing, information sharing, and results sharing, and make every effort to promote the progress of the work. In combination with the actual situation, the county and functional areas combine key issues and highlights the phenomenon in the fields and systems, completely solve the problem of old problems, and control new problems; The problem clues, take self -employment, leading, handling, supervision and other methods for centralized investigation, resolutely investigating and dealing with the behavior of corruption and misappropriation in the field of people's livelihood, resolutely investigating and dealing with the functional departments of the people's livelihood field inaction, and the discharge of grass -roots cadres, etc. Problem; cooperate with each other, promote rectification, not only strictly supervise and investigate cases to form a deterrent, but also achieve the source governance of ideological education and strengthen system construction, and timely the good experience and good practices formed in the formation of special rectification in a timely manner in the form of a system form. After solidifying, study and introduce a group of effective management systems, establish and improve long -term mechanisms, avoid "rain over the ground", and prevent centralized rectification of "one wind"; based on the "supervision of supervision" The style of work style, supervision and promotion, investigation and handling cases, etc., urge the functional departments to do a good job of centralized rectification work, so as not to be offside in place; in accordance with the mechanism of "mass questions, department answers, disciplinary committees supervision, and social evaluation" One feedback, one publicity, consciously accept the judgment of the masses, and use the media to "report to the people" column, regularly publicize the special rectification results to the society, and take the initiative to accept social supervision.

"'One old, one young and one green and strong' 'people's livelihood and style of corruption and style, related to the vital interests of the masses, and resolutely rectify the duties of party organizations at all levels and the mission. To the end, get the trust of the people with actual results. "The relevant person in charge of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Luohe City said.

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