China release 丨 Beijing fully responded to the strongest rainfall since the flood in the flood this year, increased capacity, and in advance control to investigate the Yi Jishui to establish a bridge

Author:Chinese network Time:2022.06.26

China Net June 26 (Reporter Zhang Yanling) The reporter learned from the Beijing Municipal Commission for Transportation that in order to properly respond to the strongest rainfall since the flood in 2022 on June 26 and 27, the Beijing transportation industry mobilized and strictly treated. Go all out to do a good job of rainfall.

The bus group arranges 230 mobile capacity, and the routes under the jurisdiction of the subway company will open 60 passengers to extend the operation time of the morning peak on Monday and serve the citizens; strengthen the facilities and equipment inspections of key parts of rail transit to do full flood prevention materials to ensure operation safety ; Aiming at the impulse of underwater, the hidden dangers of highway geological disasters are controlled in advance and strengthened the investigation, and the traffic facilities are fully guaranteed to operate smoothly and the citizens travel normally.

Public transportation formulation rainy driving plan

Increasing maneuverability service on Monday morning peak travel on Monday

In response to the impact of rainfall on the early peak on the 27th, public transportation adopts flexible and effective dispatch measures to strengthen the operation organization and order monitoring of lines during peaks. The bus group arranges 230 motor capacity to be put into operation at any time. The lines under the jurisdiction of the subway company will open 60 passengers, extend the operation time of the early peak, and apply anti -sliding pads and signboards in the subway station to ensure passenger service guarantee.

At the same time, the bus group has already targeted key road sections such as lower -type interchange bridges, low -lying road areas and mountainous areas that are prone to landslides, and mudslides. Research and determine temporary operation plans. In the case of water accumulation, temporary dispatching measures will be taken immediately to ensure the safety of citizens' travel.

Subway strengthening facilities and equipment inspection

Do a good job of flood prevention preparation for key stations

In order to ensure the safety of rail transit operation, each rail operation enterprise has strengthened facilities and equipment inspections for the lack of pipeline squares and low -lying terrain, and a good reserves of flood prevention materials. Flood prevention measures, start the emergency linkage mechanism of the flood season, especially strengthen the preparation of flood prevention preparations in key rail stations such as Metro Jinanqiao Station, and do their best to reduce the impact on rail operation. For heavy winds, rail operating enterprises carry out uninterrupted inspections of rail ground lines and viaducts, and adopt an artificial driving mode during the rainfall to reduce speed and strengthen look at rail operations. At the same time, maintain dynamic communication with civil aviation and railways, make every effort to prepare for the continuous transportation of trapped passengers, and evacuate passengers in a timely manner.

Publish control in advance

Ensure the safe operation of the road

Each road operation enterprise and maintenance units are pre -pre -storage for key points such as the concave overpass, drainage pumping stations, and Yizhi water sections under the highway. The highway arranges 2,339 emergency rescue personnel and 861 sets of machinery and equipment. For the hidden dangers of highway disasters at or above 51 county levels to fully implement the requirements of the "one place, one plan", deploy daily patrols and emergency duty in advance, strengthen the investigation of dynamic hidden dangers and guards on duty. Make sure the road operation is safe and reliable.

The transportation and traffic management department will make full use of Beijing traffic Weibo, WeChat, APP, Beijing Transport Broadcasting, Road Variable Intelligence Poems, High -speed Highway Display, Square Hub, and Bus Metro Display. Essence The transportation department reminds the general public to reduce travel as much as possible, rainfall in public transportation venues, and obey the staff's guidance, safe and orderly.

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