Recently, there are high influenza!Loudi City Disease Prevention and Control Center issued emergency reminders

Author:Loudi News Network Time:2022.06.26

Since June, the number of influenza sample cases in Loudi City's medical institutions has risen significantly, suggesting that it has entered a high incidence of influenza in the summer. According to experts from the provincial center, it is expected that the influenza in the province will remain at a high level in the next to two months. Therefore, in order to improve the public's awareness of influenza and ensure the health and life safety of the general public, the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control Center of Loudi City issued an emergency reminder:

Introduction to influenza

Influenza is an acute respiratory infectious disease caused by the flu virus. It is mainly transmitted through the respiratory tract droplets, such as sneezing, cough, etc., and can also be transmitted through direct or indirect contact. Infectious is stronger than ordinary colds. Fluid sample cases: fever (body temperature above 38 ° C), with one of the cough or sore throat. Typical clinical symptoms are high fever, headache, fatigue, systemic soreness, etc. In severe cases, pneumonia, otitis media, myocarditis, meningitis, etc. The crowd is generally susceptible.

Second, the difference between influenza and normal cold

Third, preventive measures

1. Inocular vaccine. Vaccination of flu vaccines is the most effective measure to prevent influenza and prevent complications, especially children, elderly and pregnant women. In addition, because the flu virus is prone to mutation, it is recommended that citizens better vaccinate influenza vaccines in the first month before the influenza epidemic season.

2. General prevention. Keep good personal hygiene habits, including hard -to -hand; keep the environment clean and ventilated; use up arm or paper towels, towels, towels, etc. when coughing or sneezing, wash your hands after coughing or sneezing, try to avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth; Try to reduce the activities of crowded places as much as possible in the influenza season to avoid contact with patients with respiratory tract infections. Furthermore, you can improve your body's immunity and reduce the occurrence of diseases through measures such as reasonable diet and exercise.

3. Symptoms of influenza should go to the hospital as soon as possible, and wear a mask during the medical treatment.

Loudi City Disease Prevention and Control Center

June 24, 2022

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