Interview with Yang Guorong: ISCP is held in Shanghai to make the world better understand Chinese philosophy

Author:Report Time:2022.06.26


From June 27th to July 1st, the 22nd International Chinese Philosophy Conference was held on the East China Normal University online platform

Tomorrow (27th), the 22nd International Chinese Philosophy Conference (ISCP), which is the theme of "Chinese Philosophy in the World Philosophy", will open on the East China Normal University platform for five days. Such an international academic event is of course a considerable honor of Chinese philosophy and a Chinese academic community, and all of this comes from Yang Guorong, a lifelong professor of China East Normal University, was elected as the president of the International Chinese Philosophy Society three years ago as the chairman of the Association. One of the tasks is to successfully hold a period of international Chinese philosophy conference. There were more than 30 scholars in more than 30 countries in this conference, participating in nearly 100 academic discussions, and the scale was refreshed.

After the 24th World Philosophy Conference in Peking University in 2018, how much did China go during the long journey of Chinese philosophy and world dialogue? What role will this conference have an international discourse right to promote Chinese philosophy? What kind of boost does it have to improve the cultural self -confidence of the Chinese people?

Wen Bao reporter Li Nian exclusively interviewed Professor Yang Guorong.


In 2019, Yang Guorong, as the new chairman, took over the flag of ISCP in Switzerland

After 14 years, he settled in China for the fourth time.

Wen Wei Po: Everyone remembers that the international academic event moved to China. The biggest one was the 24th World Philosophy Conference hosted by Peking University in 2018. At that time, many people in the industry participated in it, and you were also the protagonists. What are the associations and similarities between our international event and the 2018 World Philosophy Conference?

Yang Guorong: From an academic perspective, this is an international academic conference participating in students at home and abroad, with similar nature to the World Philosophy Conference. The World Philosophy Conference is held every five years. In the middle, due to the interruption of the World strategy, the 25th session should be held in Melbourne next year. The International Chinese Philosophy Conference was starting in 1976 and once every two years. It has never been interrupted. The 22nd International Chinese Philosophy Conference should be held last year. However, due to the epidemic, the International Chinese Philosophy Society allowed us to postpone one year.

The host of the World Philosophy Conference is dominated by Europe and the United States. China is the third Asian country after South Korea and Turkey. And this meeting is the fourth time in China. It was first hosted by Peking University in 1993; the second time was 2001, sponsored by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences; the third was 2007 and hosted by Wuhan University. The last time it was, this time in China again, almost 14 years before and after. Needless to say, the environment is different.



The picture above, ISCP held in Wuhan University in 2007, the picture below shows the participating scholars during the conference in Switzerland in 2019

In terms of scale, this meeting is unprecedentedly the same as the 2018 World Philosophy Conference. You also went to the World Philosophy Conference. About thousands of people applied for the conference this time, which was actually accepted by the conference, about 600 people. The last time in Switzerland, about 100 people were present. In comparison, the scale was much larger. Because this is the third year of the global epidemic, affected by this, we can only use digital technology to adopt online forms. Although this makes the meeting less "sense of presence", but it also breaks time and space in a certain sense. limits. This conference involves both European and American time, which is dominated by English scholars, but also about the time of Chinese language users. The opening ceremony and closing ceremony were taken into account both in China and the West. Speaking scholars are mainly submitted with the dissertation, and all countries have all countries, but the participants are not restricted by the country. Each lecture is broadcast live online. We have set up a special person. Therefore, it is indeed a rare feast for Chinese philosophy lovers. It also fully reflects the characteristics of international academic conferences in the information age. While bringing convenience, of course, there are also adverse aspects: Face -to -face communication is more fully interacting after all, it also brings richer information accordingly.

The content will cover all aspects of Chinese philosophy traditions, with philosophical commonality


Screenshot of the agenda of the conference lecture

In terms of content, the International Chinese Philosophy Conference is slightly different from the World Philosophy Conference. The World Philosophy Conference covers a wider face. In addition to Western philosophy, it also includes non -Western philosophical systems, such as African philosophy, Arabian philosophy, Indian philosophy, and so on. In comparison, the International Chinese Philosophy Conference mainly focuses on Chinese philosophy. However, since Chinese philosophy is also philosophy, it has the common problems of all philosophy, such as the theory, epistemology, logic, ethics, and so on. Although the meeting is mainly focused on the field of Chinese philosophy, it will also cover all aspects of philosophy issues, and there will be issues that pay attention to. In addition, this time to commemorate the two philosophers who died shortly, Mr. Li Zehou and Professor Zhang Xianglong set up a special session to discuss their philosophy. Their philosophical concern has its own characteristics and some common problems, so that it is also related to the content of this conference.

Chinese philosophy has met with world philosophy and requires modern form transformation and self -characteristics


The theme of the 24th World Philosophy Conference held in Beijing in 2018 is "Learning to adults"

Wen Wei Po: The detailed manual of the conference has been announced three days ago. It is indeed very rich. It can also be said that it is dizzying. In the morning, afternoon, and evening, the topics and special invitations are not enough. The topic is also very rich. It is no less than the World Philosophy Conference. I remember one of the core topics in the 2018 World Philosophy Conference is Chinese philosophy and world dialogue. How much possibilities and convenience it has. At that time, I interviewed the chairman of the World Philosophy Conference. He mentioned the narrowness of the Western world, and also mentioned that the openness of Chinese philosophy itself was not strong enough. Four years have passed. In your opinion, what is the state of Chinese philosophy and world philosophy? Yang Guorong: Since modern times, Chinese philosophy has met with world philosophy. This is a fact, and Chinese philosophy has also become the object of face -to -face. Whether it is four years ago, the World Philosophy Conference is based on the theme of "learning adults". It is still this conference to pay attention to "Chinese philosophy under the world", which reflects this. It also contains a premise at the same time, that is, Chinese philosophy is philosophy. Starting from the pre -Qin, Chinese philosophy has taken the object of "sex and heaven" as the object, which includes universal philosophical problems: sex involves human nature and human existence, and the Tao is related to the principle of world principles. The question of concern is how to understand how people and how to understand the world. However, the discussion and expressions of traditional Chinese philosophy have their own specific ways. The latter is different from modern forms. From modern perspective, it needs to be transformed in terms of language forms and problems. What cannot be avoided in the process ofization or modernization. If the lack of modern forms and stays in the existing discourse system, it is difficult for Chinese philosophy and other philosophical systems to talk; One of the hundred houses. Different philosophical forms have their own unique traditions, and they also need to show their creativity in modern times.

In general, after meeting with the world philosophy, you face the question of how to talk further. Here you need to avoid three trends. One is to follow in the face of Western discourse. Stay on the slogan slogan "claim" and "requirements", shouting "innovation", "combining" and "self -proposition", but he is unwilling to study specific issues to form constructive research results.

The international voice of Chinese philosophy is related to the national strength and the construction

Song and Ming Confucianism "refusing to blend with the biography of Buddhism"


Wen Wenda: Indeed, in the current context, we will feel that the smoothness and breadth of Chinese philosophy and world dialogue are not enough. However, looking back at history, the International Chinese Philosophy Association was founded in 1975. Mr. Cheng Zhongying, the University of Hawaii, has only Eastern philosophy courses in the Department of Philosophy of the University of Hawaii. Chinese philosophy is not well known in it. He has made unremitting efforts for this. So far, it is not the same as the participants and influence of the International Chinese Philosophy Conference.

Yang Guorong: When you talk about the right to speak in Chinese philosophy, I think this is inseparable from the two elements. The first is the background element, a cultural form to obtain international discourse, and the comprehensive strength of the political, economic, military and culture behind this cultural form cannot be divided. In recent years, Chinese philosophy has been valued. Thanks to the great improvement of China's comprehensive strength.

The second is the connotation element, that is, the creative power and significance recognized by other cultural forms. The right to speak is not obtained by one -way "competition". Only by truly show the significance and internal strength of its own cultural creation, can we get respect and recognition from other cultural forms. From the interaction of different cultural forms, the important thing here is not to overlook or ignore the "self -proposition" of other cultural values, but to advance and retreat: that is, deeply understanding the various traditions in world culture, and through creative work and both Take its length and be above it. In this regard, Song Ming Confucianism provides an example in a sense: After the Buddhist East Biography, Song Ming Confucianism often "rejected and blended with each other" to enrich the tradition of Confucianism, forming its own "discourse right to speak rights, and "". It can be seen that the key is whether it is based on the multiple smart resources formed by human civilization, and engage in actual creativity work to form the results of both historical value and global significance. I think this is the basic prerequisite for obtaining international discourse.

In the 100 -year -old Chinese and Western blending exploration, the division of philosopher research and historians' research

Mr. Feng Qi (middle) proposed wisdom, Mr. Li Zehou (right) proposed the historical body theory, and Mr. Zhang Shiying (left) proposed the theory of "all kinds of communication"


Wen reporting: If Hu Shi published the "History of Chinese Philosophy" in February 1919 as the starting point, Chinese philosophy has gone through 100 years. Do you think that seniors and peers have taken a path of dialogue with the world. Especially in the past 40 years, how should overseas Chinese scholars' efforts be evaluated?

Yang Guorong: Senior scholars have always had an open vision. Take Xiong Shili, Liang Shuming, Feng Youlan and Jin Yuelin as an example. They have not only have a deep understanding of Chinese philosophy, but also the sensitivity of philosophers. In terms of how to treat other philosophical traditions, two methods need to be distinguished, one is a philosopher method and the other is an expert way. The former is good at grasping the fundamental aspect of the problem, while the latter often pays attention to specific, technical branches. From the perspective of modern Chinese philosophy, Feng Youlan and Jin Yuelin both have the character of philosophers. They respect their own traditions and have an open field of vision. They have a more conscious understanding of Western philosophy. Different aspects integrate Chinese and Western philosophy to form a new philosophical system. After the 1980s, there was a trend similar to Western Xue East in the early 20th century: at the end of the century and the beginning of the century, it showed a similar trend here. Accompanied by this phenomenon is that philosophers such as Feng Qi and Li Zehou gradually showed the mountains on the stage of philosophy. They did a lot of work in the field of Chinese philosophy, and tried to make some theoretical construction. Feng Qi proposed wisdom that Li Zehou proposed the historical body theory, and Zhang Shiying proposed the theory of "all connectivity". Of course, this can be reviewed from different levels, but these ideas undoubtedly constitute the content of contemporary Chinese philosophy. In general, the history of philosophy and Chinese and foreign philosophy must be attached great importance to it. The creation of philosophy cannot start from scratch, and the thought accumulation of the past person is the starting point.

In terms of Chinese philosophy research, in addition to creative construction, it is still at a tendency: restore philosophy into the history of philosophy, restore the history of philosophy into the history of thought, and restore the history of thought into academic history. This may be more or less influenced by sinologists. Sinologists have geographical advantages, and they do a lot of work in general, and the results are obvious. However, from the perspective of the entire academic background, they also show the tendency of "letting Kai Avenue, occupying the hatchback": the so -called "letting Kai Avenue" refers to the inadequate discussion and research on the historical history or history. "It is manifested as the edge, branches and branches. In addition, overseas Chinese philosophy scholars often have a little trend of observation of China, and learn more from classics. This kind of observation is different from the immersive care: even for Chinese scholars, the eyes of far away from the ocean are always accompanied by a sense of diaphragm in the homeland. At the same time, the more popular research methods in the Western Sinology community are also relatively weak in the theoretical construction of sinologists. Affected by it, the research of Chinese philosophy is often used to taking the path of ideological history and academic history.

Western well -known ethics scientists actively focus on "Feng Qi and the World Philosophy Relations"

Slot's conference speech arrangement, the title is "The transcendence of Feng Qi and the World Philosophy"

Wen Wenda: Do you think the attention of Western philosophers to Chinese philosophy is increasing. What are the characteristics of their attention?


Yang Guorong: They have always paid much attention to the classical philosophy since the pre -Qin Dynasty. In recent years, it has also attached great importance to the new Confucianism in Hong Kong and Taiwan. In fact, Feng Qi's field of vision is quite wide, especially his three theories of wisdom, which is quite unique and deep in grasp of the world and people, and his views on some philosophical issues are not as speculative and abstract as Mu Zongsan. Unfortunately, scholars at home and abroad are often keen to discuss topics such as "religiousness", "internal transcendence", "round good" and other topics, so as to get some speculation satisfaction, but in a true understanding of the world and people On the one hand, it always appears to cover the fog cover, and lacks real advancement. It is worth noting that in this conference speech, the theme report of the well -known ethical scientist Slot in the West is "Feng Qi and the World Philosophy". Although the specific content is not yet known, this topic is undoubtedly a good one. beginning.

It helps the world to better understand Chinese philosophy and show self -confidence in Chinese culture

Wen Wendao: When the 2018 World Philosophy Conference was held, some people questioned a large and comprehensive academic conference, which is easy to flow in symbolic significance. As the president of the International Society of Chinese Philosophy, what are the expectations for this academic event?

Yang Guorong: Academic conferences have both form and substance. This is a world phenomenon rather than China. As far as the World Philosophy Conference is concerned, I have attended the Greek and Turkish conferences, which are similar to the 2018 Beijing conferences, and they are very enthusiastic and lively. There are thousands of people in the east and west of the United States, and there are thousands of people. Of course, scholars with different backgrounds come from all parties, providing different academic horizons and research paths, and understanding each other. It not only helps to promote related research at a substantial level, but also expand social impact at the formal level. In comparison, substantive aspects are more important. Scholars need to focus on their pragmatic research. See academic conferences are only a way for academic activities.

The International Chinese Philosophy Conference held at East China Normal University this time will of course have positive significance for the research on Chinese philosophy. The first is to help resolve the academic complex of "interpretation in China"; the second is to promote academic exchanges between China and the West, and the third is to let the world understand Chinese philosophy more, and let the society know more about Chinese philosophy. From this perspective, it also constitutes a way to improve China's philosophy and produce independent production of Chinese knowledge. At the same time, Chinese philosophy is the core part of China's excellent traditional culture. In this regard, this is also positive for the promotion of self -confidence in Chinese culture. Wen reporting: Last year, it was specifically mentioned that the Sinicization of Marxism was combined with China's excellent traditional culture. Do you think that in this context, have Chinese philosophy have another development opportunity?

The concept of Marx proposed in "Go Da Program Criticism" can be regarded as a further development of "acquisition" based on the concept of benevolence.

Yang Guorong: From the perspective of the big background, any foreign culture must take root in China, which is inseparable from the localization process. Just like Buddhism, the process of Buddhism in China is also the process of integration of local culture and foreign culture. From a professional perspective, Marxist philosophy itself is a creative philosophical theory, which has a lot of fit with Chinese culture. A vitality concept, theory, or system with vitality should be Chinese philosophy, Western philosophy, and Marxist philosophy.

For example, justice is a western concept, but a deeper understanding of justice needs to use the resources of Chinese philosophy. Among them, the concept of benevolence should be paid attention to. Based on individual rights: "gain should be deserved" is often considered the basic connotation of justice, which is the acquisition of individual rights. Excessive enhancement of individual rights is often easy to lead to separation between individuals. In comparison, benevolence uses affirmation of each inherent value as the basic connotation. To avoid understanding justice as a deserved, it is necessary to affirm the premise that the benevolent is higher than that of rights. The introduction of attention to the need for human internal value, and also provides a basis for Marxism's transcendence of justice. In the book "Criticism of the Gorda Program", Marx proposed the concept of "distribution on demand". This theory is different from justice in the sense of "obtaining the deserved" that only starts from individual rights. Further development of "gain". Here, you can see the relationship between Marxist theory and traditional Chinese philosophy.


In the 14 lectures of the first guide lecture, the new characteristics of the background of the vast and western philosophy of Chinese philosophy

Screenshot of Wang Rongrong's lecture

Wen Wei Po: As an organizer of East China Normal University, what special stories and special supports are there in the process of preparing such an online conference in preparation?

Yang Guorong: Internationalization is currently the characteristics of well -known colleges and universities pursuing. Following the previous World Mathematical Education Conference of East China Normal University, the International Chinese Philosophy Conference provided another platform to allow the world to better understand East China Normal University. Multi -domain specialties. As an aspect of internationalization, the meeting also received support from East China Normal University.


Wen reporting: 14 lectures on the lead philosopher lectures from the leading philosophy starting from June 1st, and the last lecture tonight (26th), Wenhui Lecture Hall also participated in the viewpoint of some lectures. They are relatively solid, and some are quite novel. For example, Wang Rongrong of the American university explained the wisdom of Chinese philosophy by "Rou Zhi" to make up for the lack of Western resources when facing various conflicts; Different paths from western schools, and put forward "order -shaped schooling", and so on, they have made a good Chinese and Western exchange dialogue. Can these efforts be regarded as the vane of academic frontier?

Yang Guorong: In recent years, Chinese philosophers have a clear consciousness, focusing on the communication of Chinese philosophy and Western philosophy. On the one hand, young scholars studying Chinese philosophy carefully study Western philosophy. On the other hand, scholars who use Western philosophy as professional Often turned to the research of Chinese philosophy, and so on. This may be a new ideological trend.

The next session will be held in the United States next year, the theme is "the diversity of Chinese philosophy"

Above: In Switzerland in 2019, Yang Guorong and his colleagues Chen Yan (right) and Zhu Cheng (left) raised their flags. In the figure below, in the summer of 2023, the 23rd ISCP will be held at the California Riverside Branch

Wen reporting: This time you have to put the president's stick to the scholars of the president. What are the topics of this international event two years later?

Yang Guorong: According to the rules, I want to transfer it to Professor Ruili from the University of California River. The next meeting may not be postponed, so next year (2023), the 23rd conference should be held in California, USA next year. The theme of this conference has been identified as "the diversity of Chinese philosophy." The forms they organize can be flexible, including the combination of online and offline.



Wen Wei Po: After the 22nd conference organized by China, I believe that it will be more diverse in form. Because they can participate and understand online, more people pay attention to Chinese philosophy. Of course, I hope that the topic of Chinese philosophy will become more and more philosophical, and the construction of philosophy will become more and more conscious. Therefore, the right to speak Chinese philosophy will also increase. Thank you also for the unremitting efforts of this conference.

Author: Li Nian Yang Guorong

Edit: Li Nian

Editor in charge: Li Nian

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