Maiji District: The construction of key projects is progressing well

Author:Maiji Rong Media Time:2022.06.27

Maiji District Rong Media Center News (Reporter Li Yunqiang) Since the strong leadership of the Maiji District Party Committee and the District Government, the whole district has vigorously promoted the spirit of facing difficulties and fighting for the first time. Investment has grown steadily, the project construction has achieved remarkable results, and the development of development has continued to increase. The implementation of various key projects, for further improving the quality of living environment, improving urban functions, enhancing the quality of the city, enhancing the sense of happiness and gain of the masses, it is very very very very very good to build Maiji District into a livable and available, well -owned city. Significance.

In accordance with the requirements of "monthly scheduling, quarterly evaluation, and annual assessment", Maiji District implements the project "monocularization", pays attention to the time node, inverted construction period, and accelerates construction progress. Under the premise of ensuring the quality and safety of the project, it can be able to ensure the quality and safety of the project. Fast and fast, expand effective investment.

Pay close attention to factor protection strong services. Focus on industrial development, social and people's livelihood, etc., strengthen the implementation of key elements, and provide the project with full elements and full cycle service guarantees. Relying on the online supervision platform of investment projects, strengthening project dispatch supervision, and effectively accelerating the preliminary work of the bidding of the project bidding for the comprehensive pension service center of Maiji Town, the Dangduan Duan Duan Prefecture Project of the Baijiahe Maiji District, and the promotion of the construction as soon as possible; At the same time, focusing on key projects such as Smart Government Service Center, Tianshui Humanities Memorial Park, and Longyuan Primary School Teaching Building, we strengthen measures, formulate lists, and responsibilities to people, and laid out for the rapid formation of physical projects and ensuring that the target tasks in the first half of the year were laid out. A good foundation.

Strengthen the investment in the warehouse. In accordance with the principle of "should be entered and should be fulfilled", improve the information required to enter the warehouse to ensure that the storage is completed according to the time node. For the network direct reporting projects that are included in the library, the provisional information such as payment bills and project progress orders provided by the project unit will be declared in full to ensure the steady growth of fixed asset investment in the first half of the year.

Grasp the support of strong reserves. Pay close attention to a series of policies and measures introduced by the country, provinces and cities, and focus on the development of central budgets such as industrial development, open innovation, major infrastructure, affordable housing projects, ecological and environmental protection. Large projects and good projects with outstanding support, accelerate the promotion of preliminary work, and effectively enhance investment development.

Increase supervision and promote implementation. Strengthen the start -up project tracking services to ensure the quality and effect of construction. Focus on key links such as target tasks, project approval, factor guarantee, and construction environment, and combine the supervision and inspection of key construction projects. Based on the results of online platform monitoring and on -site supervision, the lag projects are included in the list of responsibilities, and special dispatching will be implemented to promote each effort to promote each The work is implemented.

Maiji District will focus on the spirit of confidence and determination of unprecedentedness and the spirit of hard work, and focus on the spirit of the 14th party congress of the province, focusing on the "three new and one high" requirements, closely linked to "Jianqiang's secondary center, walk out of the new road, and go out of the new road. "Request to take the initiative to take the initiative and implement the task implementation, actively explore new ideas and measures and measures for county economy, rural rejuvenation, and urban and rural integration and development, and welcome the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with an excellent answer sheet of high -quality development of economic and social development. 【Edit Liu Niu】

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