Hong Kong's 25th anniversary of the return of the motherland | Festive atmosphere overflows the streets of Hong Kong

Author:Xinhua News Agency Time:2022.06.27

On June 16, in Lidong Street, Hong Kong, the flag of the People's Republic of China and the Hong Kong Special Administrative District Flag fluttered. Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Gang Photo

Xinhua News Agency, Hong Kong, June 26 (Reporter Wei Yan) A few days of commemorative day from Hong Kong's 25th anniversary of the return of the motherland, the festive atmosphere has been overflowing on the streets of Hong Kong. Hong Kong Island, Kowloon, and New Territories, large and small celebration banners and posters are embellished with streets and alleys; at night, a bunch of colorful lights illuminate the ink color of the city.

"Warmly celebrate the 25th anniversary of the return of Hong Kong's return to the motherland", "Tongxin celebrates the future of the fellow", "Forge ahead, and work together to join the new journey." On the body of the Ding Ding car, which was running, the slogan celebrated the eye, and the red flag was particularly bright against the blue sky and white clouds.

The night fell, strolling on the Star Avenue by the beach, looking at it, and the poster light show performed by the skyscrapers, making Victoria Harbor more colorful. A beam of light shot towards the sky, dancing with the rhythm of the music, and complementing the stretch of light bands. The light was projected to the water, and Victoria's port seemed to wear a colorful coat.

This is a color lamp shot in Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong on June 25. Xinhua News Agency reporter Lu Binghui Photo

Lidong Street is a pedestrian street located in Wan Chai, Hong Kong Island. The streets with a length of about 200 meters have gathered many shops such as restaurants, teahouses, and hand shops. As the return of the commemorative day approaches, red has become the main color of Lidong Street. The flag array consisting of the national flag and the district flag hangs in the atrium, gently moved with the wind, and the scene is spectacular, which attracts passers -by to watch.

Li Wenlong, a contact person from all sectors of Wan Chai District, told reporters that the idea of ​​building a "Banner Sea" on Lidong Street has long been existed, and this plan has also been strongly supported by merchants. In addition, they will also lighten the special lighting of Hong Kong's multiculturalism near the Wan Chai Seaside Park and Victoria Park, and jointly welcome the return of the return anniversary with the citizens.

On June 23, a sailing banner hung on the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland to sail in Victoria Harbor. Xinhua News Agency reporter Lu Binghui Photo

A red sailing boat "stopped" in a lawn in front of North Point. The captain of the sail was about 7.5 meters, and the red sails on three sides were printed with the words "Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the return of Hong Kong to the motherland".

Li Shaorong, secretary -general of the associations of the Eastern District of Hong Kong, said: "The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region was established for 25 years, and this year is a new starting point. We build a sailing boat is a blessing that Hong Kong will get better and better in the future."

In the Yuen Long Chamber of Commerce Middle School, more than 250 teachers and students from 25 schools are creating large -scale mural creation. According to Lin Bizhu, vice chairman of the Literature and Art Association of the Yuen Long District, the mural is more than 30 meters long. It will be jointly created by teachers and students and volunteers at the school and will be opened to the public on the 28th.

It is reported that this mural will depict the dream home of the author's mind from the feelings of the country, the characteristics of Hong Kong, the citizens' heart resistance, and the people's livelihood.

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