Safety production alarm bell

Author:Langfang No. Time:2022.06.27

In the past few days, there have been many serious production safety accidents across the country, causing unruly losses to the people's lives and property. The price is huge and the lesson is painful.

The painful facts sounded the alarm again. There was no small matter for security, and the responsibility was more responsible than Taishan.

We do not want to see severe safety production accidents. How can the responsibility of safe production and the heavy responsibility of Taishan be implemented? How can I prevent it? How to use practical and effective measures to avoid production safety accidents? In the face of painful lessons, this is undoubtedly the question of soul!

The party and the government have always attached great importance to safety production, formulated a series of laws and regulations, and improved the relevant regulatory system. However, major accidents in some industries and regions have occurred from time to time, exposing problems such as backward development concepts of local, departments, and production enterprises, weak safety in production safety, inadequate safety responsibilities, and inadequate supervision of supervision. The lessons are extremely profound.

The reason for calm analysis is that the following points are worthy of attention: First, the attention of thought is not enough, the hidden dangers are not professional and not in place on weekdays; the other is that some units and individuals still have verbal attention, lucky, and no hidden danger investigation work. There are policies on the top. There are countermeasures; the third is to arrange the deployment to stay in the meeting arrangement and trace management. Individuals still use inertia thinking and empiricalism to arrange safety production work. There are dead ends and vulnerabilities.

Faced with a large -scale safety production accident together, we deeply mourn for the deceased, and we should learn from the lessons of blood, sore and painful, and in contrast to investigate the hidden dangers, resolutely block the safety production loopholes, and effectively prevent the occurrence of heavy special accidents.

First, to the impact of extreme weather changes, the safety accident caused by thunder and storms should be made in advance; second, strengthen the sense of responsibility and professionalism of employees, and investigate the hidden dangers cannot go through the field; third, strengthen the sense of safety prevention of science, To achieve the training of all -person safety production, it is necessary to have professional means and measures for the disposal of hidden safety production hazards. Fifth, use the "Thunderbolt" to add administrative means, mobilize all aspects of force, and comprehensively investigate and rectify the society. Let the phrase "safe and small things, responsibility is more important than Taishan", practice in the work and life of everyone, and form a strong social atmosphere.

Safety production is a complex system project that involves many links. Grasping safety production requires a strong sense of responsibility, rigorous work style, and a mental state of grasping to the end. Adhere to the responsibility of party and government, "one position and two responsibilities", we can focus on co -managing, negligent accountability, resolutely curb the occurrence of major accidents, and effectively maintain the safety of the people's life and property and the overall social stability of the social situation.

We must always adhere to the alarm bell, strengthen the problem -oriented and result -oriented orientation. Comprehensive and thorough rectification to ensure the implementation of various tasks in production safety, and welcome the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with a safe and stable social environment.

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