2022 Henan Province Highne Strikes Obverse Line 527 Science 527 Science 509 points

Author:Plains Evening News Time:2022.06.27

On June 24th, our province announced the batch of admission control scores in the 2022 ordinary high recruitment of Henan, 527 points for a batch of liberal arts and 509 sciences; 445 points for second batch of undergraduates, 405 scores of science; , Science 190 points.

From June 25th, Henan college candidates can pass the website of the Henan Provincial Department of Education (http://jyt.henannan.gov.cn/), Henan Education Examination Institute website (http://www.haeea.cn), Henan Admissions Exam Information Network (http://www.heao.com.cn), Henan Province's ordinary college admissions candidates service platform (https://pzwb.haeea.cn/) to query his college entrance examination results. At the same time, the Henan Provincial Education Examination Institute only reads an email to send an electronic transcript to the candidates through the ordinary high -recruit candidate service platform. The WeChat public account will push the results to the candidates who follow and bound candidates' information.

In order to help candidates fill in volunteers scientifically, after the opening of the college entrance examination system, the website of the Henan Provincial Education Examination Institute and the Henan Admissions Examination Information Network also released the "score segment statistical table" (one point at a time). Candidates volunteer reported on the Internet for three times: June 26th from 8:00 to 18:00 on June 28th, fill in the army's recruitment, undergraduate approval (public security, judicial specialty with this batch), national special plan undergraduate, Early approved by the art undergraduate, dedication, counterpart enrollment (base, college) volunteer; 8:00 on June 30th to 18:00 on July 2nd, fill in the art undergraduate A, art undergraduate B, special types of enrollment, undergraduate batch of undergraduate batch , Local Special Plan for British British and Bachelor of Undergraduate; 8:00 on July 4th -July 6th at 18:00, fill in the special batch of specialists and higher vocational high vocational high -profile volunteers.

(Xinxiang Daily All Media Reporter Ding Yanbing)

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