Report to the world, Yangzhou model with sustainable development

Author:Yangzhou released Time:2022.06.27

At the opening ceremony of the 2022 World Canal City Forum held on June 27, the United Nations Development Planning Department (UNDP) representative Bai Yating, representative of China, awarded the sign of Zhang Baojuan, secretary of the Yangzhou Municipal Party Committee, and awarded Yangzhou City's "Canal City Implementation of the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Fair City City" Essence

Subsequently, Zhang Baojuan, chairman of the World Canal Historical and Cultural Urban Cooperation Organization (WCCO) and secretary of the Yangzhou Municipal Party Committee, made a report on "Protection and Sustainable Development of the Yangzhou Grand Canal Cultural Heritage". She said that Yangzhou and the Grand Canal are the same as the leading city of joint application and heritage protection of the Grand Canal. In cooperation with the United Nations Development Program, Yangzhou has a deeper understanding of the achievement of sustainable development.

We carried out the comprehensive protection, live inheritance and scientific utilization of the Canal cultural heritage, build the China Grand Canal Museum, develop the World Canal Historical and Cultural Cooperation Organization, and tell the world of the Grand Canal to the world.

We unswervingly promote high -quality development and create a demonstration of national innovative cities and national small and micro enterprises' entrepreneurial innovation bases.

We coordinate the construction of the Yangtze River Protection and Jianghuai Ecological Corridor, and the construction of a water corridor in the South Water and North Water, and create a national ecological city, national water ecological civilized city, and national water -saving cities.

We have carried out the construction of healthy Yangzhou, Shuxiang Yangzhou, Ping An Yangzhou, etc., and strive to meet the growing needs of the people's growing good life, and build a well -off society in an all -round way.

Drawing Wang Meng

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