Drop gathers and frugality, Jinan Border Inspection Station focuses on promoting the creation of conservation agencies

Author:Jinan Times Time:2022.06.27

New Yellow River Reporter: Chai Yingying

"Do not buy new ones when you can use the old office equipment; the files can be printed on both sides with double -sided printing; the water of the washing should be placed to the minimum ..." On June 20th, the office building of the entry and exit border inspection station in Jinan on June 20 , Wang Huaming, Director of the Logistics Security Division, began a routine inspection in the morning. He went to the floor to stand on each floor every day to see the situation of everyone to create a conservation authority, reminding the police to pay attention to "live".

In recent years, the Jinan Border Inspection has adhered to problems -oriented, established and improved targeted institutional mechanisms, implemented accurate targeted measures, strengthened publicity and education guidance, and promoted the construction of institutions. For a while, the wind of diligence blew through the police camp, and the police formed a strong atmosphere of conservation, opposition to waste, inheriting and carrying forward and carrying forward the hard work.

Do "add method" in canteen management, and actively promote the "CD -ROM Action"

Entering the Jinan Border Inspection Station cafeteria, "saving savings", "CD -ROM action", "saving grain" ... can be seen everywhere. When the meal time, the diners are endless.

Jinan border inspection stands on the management of the canteen management process structure to continuously make "addition" to make management more "complicated" and save resources more "simple". Forming less, getting more, diligent and thrifty, from the beginning of me, it has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and the construction of conservation agencies has become the consensus of everyone.

In the ingredients procurement session, the station adopts the weekly recipes in advance. The vegetarian and vegetarian matching takes into account the nutritional balance, continuously improves the quality of the dishes, and meets the diverse appetite of the police. In the production link of the ingredients, the number of departments and teams will report to the number of people next week to do it next week. Go to scientific matching, quantitative procurement and production as needed, and encourage the selection of ingredients to be rich and diverse, avoiding the waste of the leftovers and dishes caused by excessive purchases. Promote banners, TV broadcasting, etc., improve the awareness of dining staff, encourage the police to start from themselves, take less diligence, and do the advocate and practitioners of "CD -ROMs".

"You can be lighter." "You can be thinner" ... The cafeteria chef, the staff reminded each other to minimize the ingredients loss on the peeling leaves. "Through the recent period of calculations, in the case of the unchanged number of dining people, the amount of food and auxiliary materials of each cainal room decreased by about 5%year -on -year." Logistics policemen Niu Shikai introduced, "On the basis of resolutely not waste, we strive to enrich the style of dishes. , A reasonable diet. "

Do "subtraction" in fund expenditures, and implement technological reform reduction expenditures

In October 2021, since the Jinan Border Inspection Station was put into use in 2004, the building lighting system has been using fluorescent lamps. It is generally universal. The lighting system for lighting systems is proposed.

The Jinan Border Inspection Station can do a good job of "subtraction", reduce the amount of lamps, reduce expenses, reduce energy consumption, and achieve three hard indicators of "saving, energy saving, and eye protection". Earlier this year, the reconstruction project was successfully completed, and more than 200 old -fashioned lighting lights in the building were replaced with LED lamps, saving the average energy consumption of 50%.

In recent years, the party committee of the station has profoundly understood the importance and urgency of constructive institutions, and has taken it as a basic and long -term work. Do a good atmosphere of fixed -point, positioning, fixed personality, and blame, and creating a good atmosphere of "hard work and frugality, opposition to spreading and waste".

The Logistics Office issued the "Proposal of Creation of the Establishment Organization" to the police of the entire station to control the running time of the office and inspector's home air -conditioning, and turn off the central air -conditioning system half an hour in advance. Computers and other office facilities can get closes to people, eliminate long flowing water and long light lights. Organize the property company to check the public facilities and equipment of the administrative building, the tea room and other public facilities and equipment, and discovered that the problem of "running, dripping, leaking" water was treated in a timely manner. The "energy -saving and consumption reduction" new air flows in the police camp, and the "energy -saving reduction reduction" action penetrates every corner of the police camp.

Institutional construction does "multiplication" and implement a long -term energy conservation mechanism

In order to further promote the construction of conservation -saving agencies, Jinan Border Inspection Station has studied and formulated a plan for the establishment of a conservation agency. The content covers the control of energy consumption, office expenditure management, office asset allocation, and banning catering waste.

Based on the principle of "reducing consumption and eliminating waste", the station also started from "a piece of paper, once, a penny, and one penny". At the same time, check the situation of each branch on a regular basis. In response to the problems found, the responsibilities have been implemented to the people's establishment and reform, strictly prevent extravagance and waste, and strive to create a conservation agency.

"In the next step, we must further increase the education and management of the police of the entire station, properly use and keep various office equipment and property, streamline electricity equipment, reduce standby energy consumption, and do electric equipment such as computers, printers, water dispensers, etc. When people leave the power control, prevent the phenomenon of "long daylights" and "long flowing water", strictly prevent the short resources of resources, and cultivate the requests of stubbornly conservation as a conscious habit of the police on the entire station. The report was exposed to form a warning deterrence. "Ren Xiaoning, the director of the station, said.

Edit: Weekend

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