The "Belt and Road" gold ribbon inherits historical and cultural imprints

Author:China Food Industry Magazine Time:2022.06.27

Source: Global Network

"Hands and your heart, we will always be friends." A song of the Greek "Olympic Oeds" once again sang. At the rehearsal scene of the Malan Flower Child Choir in Fuping County, the melodious melody evoked people to the "City of Double Olympics". Warm memory. The sound of the sound of the sound of the sound of the sound of the sound of the sound of the sound of the "Beautiful Home" as the opening show of the upcoming "When the East meets the West" concert, spreading love and peace.

Dream flower blooms from Dashan to the world

The actors who participated in the performance came from the Malan Flower Child Chorus, Fuping County. Behind the show performance, there is a beautiful story.

Fuping County is a "Quanshan County", and Shanliwa went to the big stage to sing the song of youth in the new era. Let love and art accompany the children to grow up and help Fuping County Malan Flower Children's Choir rehearse, perform and develop in the future. This fund is the first donation of the "Belt and Road" Youth Education Fund, which is about to initiate by the Huabin Culture Foundation, which brings a hint of coolness to the children in the hot summer day.

Earlier, there were also children in Zhuxi County from Dashan to the world stage. On November 18, 2017, by the invitation of the Huabin Culture Foundation, 4 children from Zhuxi County, Shiyan City, Hubei Province, Hubei Province, Hubei Province, set off from the depths of the mountains. Trains and planes, at the charity and literary party of Hong Kong's "Light Your Life 'Century Music Feast", sang love and gratitude with the world artists such as piano master Liu Shikun, and passed the global love relay to Hong Kong.

The little actors participating in the performance also loved painting. The painting "Green Manzhu Creek" once crossed the ocean and was photographed by VOSS founders in the Sanyi Plaza Charity auction in London, UK. Painting is well -known for drinking water projects in African poverty -stricken areas. In order to convey the love of the children of Zhuxi, since 2017, the Binbin Culture Foundation has set up a "Love Transmission" education fund in Zhuxi County to help children complete their studies and bring local students to Hong Kong, Beijing, Wuhan and other places to participate in participating in Public welfare charity cultural activities, open the window where children know the world.

In 2019, many Shandong members of the CPPCC members of the CPPCC of the CPPCC at all levels of the Huabin Culture Foundation also launched the "Taishan Student Fund" together with "studying and cultivating morality, being honest, courageous, and benefiting from Sangzi". The purpose is held once a year awards ceremony to be used in Shandong in Shandong in Hong Kong with excellent or innovative and practical ability to study in Hong Kong in the Mainland. Cultivation has played a positive role in the construction of the "Belt and Road" talents.

The strong country teenager played the tone of the times

Young people are the future of the motherland and the hope of the "Chinese dream". The Binbin Cultural Foundation takes sports as the base, moral education first, food education as the wings, and aesthetic education. It builds a comprehensive communication platform to help young people grow up healthy and happy.

Sports is a happy football

Health first practiced Jiankang China 2030. Adhering to the concept of physical education integration, Huabin Culture Foundation and China Football Development Foundation and Beijing Football Association to build an international standard-PRO training venue in Huibin Ecological Park. "Youth Training Center (Beijing)" and "China Football Development Foundation Youth Public Welfare Training Base (Beijing)".

Promote the red culture and sports spirit, and build a platform for football culture exchange in the central and western regions. On June 28, 2021, the Huabin Culture Foundation joined the China Football Development Foundation and the Beijing Football Association and other institutions to jointly organize the "Huabin Novelty Cup Cup "Mid -Western Youth Football Exchange Activities, 100 football teenagers from the old and western revolutionary districts in the Midwest. The average age of children is 12 years old, from Yudu in Jiangxi, Yongsheng, Yunnan, Pu'an, Guizhou, Zhangye, Gansu, Shaanxi Zhidan, Hunan Pingjiang, Hebei Xianxian County and Beijing Changping. Among them, there are both the starting point of the Red Army Long March and the hometown of national heroes. The farthest team experienced more than 30 hours before arriving in Beijing. The event was 5 days. Children visited the Windshadow Winds and Sands Memorial Hall, went to Beijing Sports University to communicate with the Olympic champion at close range, played football competitions, climbed the Great Wall, and participated in the "Hundreds of Thousands of People and Party Walk". Interesting cultural journey, football exchange journey.

In 2022, the Huabin Cultural Foundation and the Beijing Football Association launched all -round cooperation in the selection of youth football reserve talents, creating Beijing and national boutique events, training of referees, and public welfare activities. Focusing on the standards of young people's football in training, catering, technology, and services, the two parties have formulated detailed work plans.

The Office of the National Youth Campus Football Leading Group, the "National Youth Campus Football Teaching Guidance Manual" jointly developed and published the "National Youth Campus Football Teaching Guidance Manual" to promote the popularization of campus football and the construction of grass -roots football coaches. The "Handbook" is free to open to the society by combining electronic and paper version. Follow -up will give paper books to grass -roots coaches and teachers in the central and western regions according to the work arrangement. The Binbin Culture Foundation has supported the development of the football industry in Zhidan County, Shaanxi, and promoted the popularization and development of football.

"Football is a very healthy and interesting aerobic exercise, which is very beneficial to improving the physical fitness of young and children. Health is the best gift in the growth process of children." In April 2017, the Binbin Culture Foundation joined hands with the United States. The father of oxygen movement "Dr. Kennis Kopper, donated the" Cooper Aerobic Sports Prescription "to the Chinese Youth Football Team. Scientific health guidance only enhanced the health quality of Chinese youth and helped Chinese football to the world. In addition, Binbin Culture Foundation has helped young people in green, sunny, and aerobic golf movements through the establishment of celebrity golfer demonstration teaching, golf cultural summer camp, and the "free observation of youth viewing of the youth competition of the youth competition of the Chinese elite competition for the Chinese elite competition. etiquette.

Moral education is a good character for the first good family style

In 2020, the Huabin Culture Foundation and China caring for the next -generation work committee Health Sports Development Center jointly hosted the "China Good Family Style" large -scale public welfare project to promote the enrollment of excellent Chinese traditional culture and establish an example of excellent "family style". Covering 292 schools affects 760,000 students and 1.86 million parents. This year is the third year of the project's implementation. It will cover the home -school scene of young and children across the country to a greater extent, and improve the cultural quality education and training of young people.

Food and Education for Entry Campus to improve resistance

On May 20, 2020, "Chinese Student Nutrition Day", the Huabin Cultural Foundation and the Chinese nutritional meal industry collaborative innovation work platform jointly launched the "Healthy China Action Food and Education Promotion Action" public welfare project. Publicity and publicity of scientific dietary knowledge are popularized and promoted, and the food education public welfare campus is promoted to help students and parents continue to improve their resistance through reasonable diets. The project covers 50 schools, affecting 110,000 students and 300,000 parents.

Aesthetic is the wing "When the East meets the West"

Since 2008, the Huabin Culture Foundation joined hands with the king of opera and one of the three major men's trebles, Prazoto Domino, and co -founded the "Huabin Asian Young Artist Training Plan". This plan has now gone through more than 10 years of time. Master Domingo not only carried out a number of young artist training activities, but also repeatedly presented high -level performances with Chinese and foreign artists on the stage of Huibin.

At the "When the East Meets West" concert held in the Hualibin Opera House in 2014, Domingo joined forces to teamed up with the famous American conductor Mesto Guski, and the award -winning in the 2014 "Domingo World Opera Contest" Young opera actors have presented world -renowned opera selection such as "Macbeth" and "Romeo and Juliet". The abundant emotions and beautiful arias once again dumped all the audience present. The classic musical "Western District Story", known as the milestone of the development of Broadway musicals and the highest model of musical dance, has given Chinese audiences a deeper understanding of Western diversified music art.

Love relay helps young teachers to cultivate

Create a team of teachers who "can't take away". The Huabin Culture Foundation will carry out education assistance in Hubei, Hunan, Anhui, Inner Mongolia and other regions to promote the development of local education.

The "Love Transmission" special education fund has been established in Zhuxi, Hubei. Since the launch of the project in 2017, in addition to helping children complete their studies and out of the mountains, it also funded teachers who have long contributed to the mountainous career for a long time to help the construction of local young teachers.

In 2017, Mr. Jiang Xiaoyu and the Beijing Youth Development Foundation jointly established the Beijing Educational Youth Education Special Fund to provide assistance for the educational undertakings of the famous revolutionary districts of Inner Mongolia and the representative of the ethnic minority representatives of Qixian Tumimotzi. Improve projects, and training and commendation for outstanding teachers.

Build a solid foundation to start a new journey of international talents

Promote the cultivation of talents in the “Belt and Road” to help young people to create international understanding and cross -cultural exchanges, and the ASEAN ASEAN Health Industrial Park plays an active role. The industrial park covers a variety of formats and friendly and friendly. It is a high -quality living community of humanities, health, green, and safe. In the park, there is an ancient Chinese building with the "Renshou Hall" of the Summer Palace and inheriting the non -heritage culture. There is also a top international school in Asia to provide teachers' guarantee and exchange channels for the two -way talent training of China and the countries along the "Belt and Road".

The designer of the famous Danish international school designer is designed. The designer predicts the world development and changes in the next 10-20 years through the model to ensure that the school space design, teaching methods, teaching concepts are maintained and representing the international advanced level. School model.

The international IB course is adopted to offer the highest standard international courses from kindergarten to university preparatory course for students around the world. Introduce the most advanced science and technology to daily teaching, such as AI, intelligent robots, quantum physics, and Yuan cosmic technology.

"Light the immortal fire in the heart and illuminate every world." As the "Olympic Song" song sings, no matter how the times change, love and dream eternity. Under the end of a century, the "Belt and Road" gold ribbon not only inherited historical and cultural marks, but also made the "Chinese Dream" and "World Dream" link closer.

Editor -in -chief: Zhao Peng

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