Caring for "one old and one little" heart -like manner leads happiness start

Author:Zhuzhou News Network Time:2022.06.27

Zhuzhou News Network June 27 (Correspondent Zhu Manxia Tang Xin) "Old and old, old and young, young and young." With the acceleration of the aging process of our country, respect for the old and the young Focus on the focus of people's livelihood. The Langkou District Party Committee and the District Government attach great importance to the development of the cause of "one old and one young". Development projects, active actions, innovation measures, solving problems, creating highlights, focusing on the bottom line of people's livelihood, with a real and warmth measure, and vigorously supporting the stable happiness of "one old and one small" with their hearts.

An old age is worry -free

With the goal of "making the elderly more dignified for the elderly", in -depth promotion of the pilot of the combination of medical care, set up 2 medical care institutions, 17 pairs of medical and nursing signing, and 148 medical and nursing combined with a total bed; Set up 2 elderly medical department, and the green channel setting rate of the elderly in the medical institution is 100%. Actively carry out the creation of elderly friendly hospitals, with a 42%creation rate. The implementation of the "Silver Age Announcement Action", the participation rate is 100%.

Publish report telephones and emails to the society in a timely manner, and carry out a collection of clues to combat special action clues to combat the special action of pension fraud; comprehensively carry out publicity of combating knowledge of pension fraud, distribute more than 4,000 publicity materials, 80 publicity posters, and 26 banners; The home medical care institution carried out comprehensive inspections, increased the supervision of the medical institution of the Yangtze Rabin, established a special work ledger, urged rectification, sold one by one, and effectively eliminated the breeding of the soil for pension fraud. space".

Young and healthy growing up healthy growth

In order to do the care of infants and young children under the age of 3, promote the smooth implementation of the education project of childlike and people's livelihood, adhere to the government's promotion, departmental collaboration, family -oriented, and social participation in the general tone, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of social forces, vigorously develop nursery services, gradually meet the gradually satisfaction The people's demand for infant care services. As of the end of May, a total of 3 nursery institutions in the region had 330 custody institutions, with 330 trustees, of which 180 were added in 2022. Actively apply for two national inclusive care projects, with 1.8 million funds in place.

Strictly standardize the entry system for nurturing institutions, and supervise the entire process of registered custody institutions in accordance with the standards and specifications; regularly organize and carry out centralized investigation and rectification of hidden dangers of nursery institutions, and on the hardware facilities, qualifications, and personnel qualifications of the nursery institutions. Carry out inspections to promote the standardized development of the nursery industry.

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