Recruit talents to attract Zhixing village

Author:Corps Daily Time:2022.06.27

● Yu Jing

The key to rural rejuvenation is people. The "Implementation Plan for Rural Construction Action" issued a few days ago emphasized that "accelerating the cultivation of various technical skills and service managers, exploring the establishment of a rural craftsmanship training and management system, and supporting professional and technical personnel who are familiar with the village to participate in village planning and design and project construction, coordinated promotion Urban and rural infrastructure construction management and protection talents and sharing. " These important expressions are of great significance to further carry out rural talents.

At present, in the process of development of rural talents, the contradictions between the supply and demand of rural talents in the development of rural talent construction, the contradiction between the supply and demand of rural talents is prominent. In this regard, a series of policies such as "Opinions on Accelerating the Revitalization of Rural Talents" have been implemented in recent years, further aggregating the strong gravity of rural gathering talents, establishing a system of regular service to the countryside, and promoting a broader and broader formation Village entrepreneurial space.

Further recruit talents to revitalize the countryside, we must take multiple measures, focus on key links, and implement rationality and policies, with the wisdom of talent, the sincerity of love, the courage of talent, the elegance of talents, and the good recipe of gathering talents. Talents, good talents, and good talents.

First, we must fully introduce talents and build the "wisdom" high point to revitalize the countryside. It is necessary to introduce talents with multiple prongs, and do a good job of "flexibility", "promotion of return", "directional moves", "downward" articles, especially to introduce outstanding university graduates to guide them to start a business at grass -roots officers. Enhance the grassroots hematopoietic function through order training and local cultivation. For example, some teachers' institutions can guide their teachers and guide them to go home to teach after graduation. To attract talents, we must both look out and inward to fully activate local talent resources.

Second, the career should be left to create a "strong magnetic field" for talents. Career is more attractive than treatment. It is necessary to respect the laws of talent development, and provide various types of talents to provide talent for talent to exert talent. If some provinces promote the "five -way talents to promote the revitalization and prosperity", focus on the five -way talent of farmers, planners, agricultural technicians, engineers, and artists, and strive to reach a certain standard of various types of rural talents by 2025 Essence It is precisely because these areas have a broad space for career development in rural industries, planning, and technology that they can maximize the extensive gathering of talents.

Third, we must take care of their talents to optimize the soft environment of talent services. Strive to create a good atmosphere for talent development, in order to truly make all kinds of talent services more at ease and be more confident in the future. It should break the policy barriers of rural talents and urban talents in terms of education, social security, and public services, and to remove restrictions on identity and preparation, so as to motivate talents to take root in front -line work and enhance the sense of gain and belonging of rural talents. (Originally contained in the Economic Daily)

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