Urgent prompts!Pay attention to prevent!

Author:East Asian Economic and Trade Time:2022.06.27

On the morning of the 27th, the Changchun City City Defense Office launched a business research and judgment mechanism, organizing meteorological, traffic police, urban management, housing management and other member units and urban areas and development zones to analyze the characteristics of rain conditions in advance. Essence

At 14 o'clock on the 27th, more than 1,500 pre -flood control personnel and more than 200 vehicles and equipment of each unit, in accordance with the flood prevention plan and the requirements of the work manual, arrived at the designated point and started to prevent the value of the value. , Discover the problems in time, and the large -scale cars are on standby.

At 15 o'clock, the Urban Defense Office organized the supervision and inspection team to supervise the implementation of key parts such as low -lying road sections, dangers, bridge tunnels, pumping stations, storage ponds, gates and other urban areas. Prevent measures, make every effort to ensure good night peak traffic traffic and urban safety floods.

The Changchun City Urban Defense Office will strengthen communication with the meteorological department, timely issue early warning information and dispatch instructions. If necessary, it will be re -deployed and implemented by the flood prevention work in urban areas by holding an emergency deployment video meeting.

So, how can citizens prevent the weather in heavy rainfall?

Changchun City Flood Control Office

Reminder the general public:

1. Try to reduce travel.

2. Try not to park the car in the low -lying section to avoid being flooded; if the vehicle is parked in the underground garage of the community, communicate more with the property, and remove it in advance if necessary;

3. Do not forcibly water to avoid the drowning of the vehicle; if the vehicle is overwhelmed, please ensure the safety of the personality first, leave the vehicle, contact insurance and trailer or ask for help;

4. Pay attention to preventing the risk of the shaft, avoid the manhole cover, and the stagnant water may cause the manhole cover to loosen or shift or displace;

5. Please pay attention to travel safety to avoid the dangerous source of high -altitude pendants such as billboards and transformers.

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Source 丨 East Asia Economic and Trade Journalist Wang Zhendong

Edit 丨 Luna

Review 丨 Han Dawa Jiang Shuai

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