Wuxi, Chongqing: Crispy Li Pan "Hard" to avoid the "good period"

Author:Zhihui Babe Time:2022.06.27

"When this rain is soaked in the ground, we can fold the sun umbrella, cover the rain and prevent rainfall, try to avoid losses such as fruits, fruits, and diseases, insects, etc. Married '. "Recently, the Chongqing Agricultural Technology Promotion Station sent a team of experts to go to the county and township agricultural technical personnel to go to the Late Li base of Longchi Village, Tongcheng Town, Wuxi County, Chongqing, and overcome the difficulties of the heavy rain caused by the rain and rain. Promote the new results of preventing and preventing disaster prevention, ensure that the characteristic backbone industries of the place stand up, and farmers' income continues to increase.

Agricultural technical experts teach on -site professors to fold the umbrella to breathable rainfinder film technology. Photo by Yu Mingfang

Grassroots development demand is the "direction of running" for the agricultural technology team

Kong Wenbin, the chief of the fruit tree department of the Chongqing Agricultural Technology Promotion Station, taught fruit farmers at the base to support the umbrella to support the adult trees and cover the ecological waterproof and breathable film for young fruit trees. He said that umbrellas and membranes should be turned on according to the weather conditions, and it should be opened during heavy rain and even rain. It is clear to put away the light and does not affect light and ventilation. Their rain avoidance effect is good, the operation is more convenient, it can be used repeatedly, saving costs, reducing the environmental environment, reducing the environmental environment, reducing the environment Pollution. After use, the damage to the rain can be controlled from 80%of the previous years at about 15%. The perurone yield received the highest 2.3 tons from the owed climate. It is really a great scientific research.

According to Li Xiangjin, the head of the Economic Crop Station of Wuxi County, Wuxi Lizi Industry encountered a "block tiger" in the past two years and did not predict the "Kan" of the rain and rain. The phenomenon of rotten fruits and brown rotten fruits caused production and even some fruit farmers.

重庆市农技推广总站与基层农技队伍,赶赴灾害现场反复察看监测,既着眼解决当前的问题反复试验,推出、提供简单、方便的“树冠避雨膜”、简易折叠避雨伞等设施试验示范From the direction of physical isolation, urgently improve the ability to prevent disaster prevention. At the same time, the key technical technical research team for the green crispy Li Li this year, launched the Wuxi Demonstration Park project of the Chongqing Green Crispy Lika Neck Project, from the application of ecological organic fertilizer, dwarf tree, and high -quality varieties with strong breeding and adaptability. Let the green crispy Li's own "strong", can stand the market selection, but also hold extreme weather such as drought and flood.

Letting farmers solve the problem independently is the "hard core task" of agricultural technology promotion

"If you use the applicable technology, someone needs to use promotion in order to take effect. This year, Tongcheng has invested 600,000 yuan, and 1,000 acres of planning and promotion of rainfall facilities for planning awards. The cooperatives moved first, and the training led to the masses and allowed them to be able to solve some problems in the industry. "Zhan Zubin, director of the town's agricultural service center, introduced that the villagers' minds also have the concept of" eating by the sky "to varying degrees. The city and county rural agricultural technology expert team promoted new technologies while educating and training villagers, improving the ability of disaster prevention and mitigation and responding to the market, and actively solving some problems is the long -term method. Therefore, Wuxi County Rong Media Center made a series of reports on Li Angyu, and conducted disaster warning and technological promotion of fruit farmers throughout the county through various forms.

Chen Gaocai, a large household in Lizi, felt deeply. He said: "Experts are not Sun Wukong have three heads and six arms. It is impossible to control the orchards of every family to the end. Training yourself must strive to participate, remember the experts of the experts, and the experts dare to do it and do their income. This year, he ordered an umbrella and breathable film to enjoy the difference in the government award. With a good growth, many fruit farmers come to visit and learn from the scriptures. It is conservatively estimated that it can produce 6 tons of boutique Li Guo. According to the current market price, the income is expected to reach 50,000 yuan.

Science and technology empower the mountain modern agriculture "there must be far away"

"There is still room for research on the rain -avoiding measures to avoid the level of intelligence next year. Fruit farmers can operate umbrellas and membranes on mobile phones. The development of high -quality Li Guo who adapt to the climate finally reduces labor costs and intensity from the source, fundamentally improves disaster prevention capabilities, improves quality, win the market, allows fruit farmers to have a distance, so that the characteristic backbone industry of Tongcheng has a distance. " The Office of the General Office Assistance Group in Tongtong and Town and Rural Revitalization Team told the expert team.

According to the relevant person in charge of the town, due to early protection and publicity, Li Guo successively faced the market from mid -June to early October. This year's sales revenue can exceed 10 million yuan, and the comprehensive output value reaches 50 million yuan. Shandong's opposite experts, experts from Sichuan Agricultural University, and municipal experts will jointly support the development requirements of development and the masses, start new topics in the modern and efficient agricultural direction of mountains, and launch good results, so that farmers can remember, use, and manage long -term.

Source: Zhihui Bayang International News Center

Reporter: Huang Yu Yu Mingfang

Edit: Jiang Jinggu

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