Thousands of ways to stabilize employment, Xi'an frequently comes out

Author:The official account of Xi'an Time:2022.06.28

Keeping employment is to protect the people's livelihood, and stable economy requires stable employment. Since the beginning of this year, Xi'an has adhered to the employment priority strategy, putting the employment insurance employment in a more prominent position, multiple measures, strengthening coordination, do everything possible to stabilize the job and expand employment, build the cornerstone of people's livelihood, and stabilize the economic market.

As of the end of May, there were 74,800 new employment in the city, and unemployed personnel achieved 22,500 re -employment, and helped employment difficulties to achieve employment of 3,709 people.

Policy implementation

How to get employment subsidies for college graduates? What are the special treatment of Shuo Bo talent to come to Xi'an? How to apply for one -time employment subsidy? ... Recently, the Xi'an Human Resources and Social Security Bureau went to Xixian New District to carry out a major lecture on the employment policy of stabilizing post. The relevant persons in charge of 25 companies gathered in the Qin Chuangyuan talent market and harvested the full talent policy "dry goods".

Since the beginning of this year, our city focuses on the economic development and employment situation, and has introduced heavy policies such as "Several Measures for Stable Economic and Stable Economic" and "Strengthening Employment and Employment Employment Measures"; And made instructions that the Municipal Employment Leading Group and the Municipal Stable Employment Work Course actively played a coordination and coordination role, and held 13 special meetings successively to study and judge the employment situation, find the shortcomings of problems, deploy to promote work, and make every effort to promote the stability of the employment situation.

Pay close attention to the needs of enterprises, support enterprises to rely on the rescue of enterprises, and use support policies such as "lowering, returning, retreating, reduction, and exemption" to make every effort to stabilize market entities and consolidate employment foundations. Since the beginning of this year, it has reduced the unemployment and work injury insurance of 1.068 billion yuan in stages; 114 million yuan in the issuance of stabilizing the job of unemployment insurance, benefiting more than 20,000 enterprises and 640,700 employees; Households, unemployment and work injury insurance have been slowed down 11.6395 million yuan, benefiting 89 companies; the tax refund of more than 30,000 households is repaid for 13 billion yuan in tax refund to reduce the exemption of small, medium and micro enterprises, and individual industrial and commercial households for leased state -owned assets. Renting is 140 million yuan.

Adhere to classification and policy to support key groups

The key group is the key to solving the problem of employment. In 2022, the total number of graduates of Xi'an universities is expected to be 290,000, a year -on -year increase of 16%, a record high, and the employment of young people is even more prominent. In this regard, the city adheres to the classification policy, puts the employment of college graduates in the primary position, and try to promote the employment of college graduates--

● Extensive campus recruitment activities, public employment talent service agencies at all levels organize 168 recruitment activities, provide 403,400 employment positions; issue 5.273 million yuan of campus recruitment subsidies to 45 colleges and universities, and support 484 recruitment activities in universities.

● Implement the "Millions of Employment Trainee Positions", a total of 1909 employment trainee bases have been completed, 18,211 apprenticeships are released, 5073 are organized in the organization, and 7.0334 million yuan will be issued.

● Support enterprises to absorb more college graduates. This year, a total of 704 social security subsidies for college graduates are reviewed by enterprises, involving 7,616 people, involving funds of 27.382 million yuan; reviewing small and medium -sized enterprises to recruit graduates of college graduates for one -time employment subsidies 983 Households involved 5,322 people, involving funds of 10.644 million yuan.

● Implement the "College Graduate Plan", and issue "Music subsidies" for college graduates willing to employment and entrepreneurship in Xi'an. As of the end of May, the subsidy funds were issued 32.9034 million yuan and benefited 151,300 people (including 67,700 graduates in 2021).

It is reported that the city is currently planning to build the "Xi'an Young Talent Station", and provides multiple angles, comprehensive, and nanny -type dual -innovation services for all young talents inside and outside the city who intends to apply for a job in Xi'an to create high -standard young talent support service carriers.

Service Key Enterprise Live Bottom Top Play

"High-level talent compensation, one person, one person", "full guarantee for children's education", "providing nine insurances and two gold", "diversified talent training model" ... June 20th to 23rd, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Education of the General Education of the Central Radio and Television, Seven ministries and commissions such as the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Affairs, the SASAC, the Communist Youth League Central Committee, and the National Women's Federation, and the CCTV and the Sinosaic Investment Manpower, the Xi'an Municipal Party Committee Talent Office, the Xi'an Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, and the Xi'an Newspaper Media Group. The National Employment Action "Xi'an Innovation Driver special session conducted live broadcast through central video. Through online interpretation of Xi'an's talents and employment policies, it has established a accurate recruitment platform for enterprises.

4 days of live broadcast activities attracted the participation of Xixian New District, Aerospace Base, and High -tech Zone. Key enterprises in Xi'an have conducted live recruitment lectures, driving nearly a thousand companies to participate in online recruitment activities, and provide more than 50,000 high -quality positions such as algorithm researchers, automation engineers, and software engineers. In order to promote the accurate docking of employers and various talents, to promote strong talent support for college graduates' precise employment and corporate innovation development.

Entering the park, the factory area, the enterprise ... Since this year, the "live broadcast" has become a common form of service industries and enterprises. In the "Public Employment Services Entering Campus" live broadcast series organized by Xi'an Human Resources and Social Security Bureau and Xi'an Newspaper Media Group, 771 Aerospace Ninth Academy, BYD Automobile Co., Ltd., Western Superconducting Materials Technology Co., Ltd. The recruitment team of enterprises such as construction of workers and Easy Dianxia appeared in the live broadcast room, facing the lens to introduce corporate profile, recruitment needs, salary and benefits, career development opportunities, etc. Netizens can submit resumes online while watching live broadcasts. The job search process is more convenient, and the opportunity to choose a job is more diverse. Taking activities as a carrier to do a good job of employment

Earlier this year, Xi'an Human Resources and Social Security Bureau and Xi'an Newspaper Media Group launched a series of "employment at the door". indivual. Efforts to build a “employment at the door” service brand, relying on the province ’s“ Qin Yun Employment ”public service platform to develop a palm platform covering the city, county and development zone,“ Qin Yun Employment Hall ”.

The event gathered the city, county, development zone, and public employment talent service agencies at all levels, and invited employers within the jurisdiction of districts and districts to participate. While alleviating the employer's "difficulty in recruiting", they would "send them at the air at the air and send them at the air. Palace. In order to make the recruitment service more grounded and more effective, the activities have also established a area of ​​employment policy promotion, employment video guidance, and employment recommendation to provide various precision and personalized services.

After the Spring Festival, in order to help the city's re -production and re -production and the full employment of key groups, the Human Resources Department launched the "Stable Employment and Promotion Development" in 2022 Xi'an to help resume work and re -production series of cloud recruitment activities, covering business, logistics, catering, construction and other fields in many fields and other fields Essence Among them, the recruitment of special construction categories has attracted more than 200 state -owned enterprises and leading enterprises in the construction industry to register for the conference, providing 15,000 positions.

100 -day special action plan, large and medium -sized cities joint job fair ... Since this year, public employment and talent service agencies at all levels in the city have carried out nearly 100 recruitment activities, providing employment positions 361,100, and 1999,000 jobs in service jobs. Essence

The reporter learned from the Xi'an Human Resources and Social Security Bureau that next, our city will step up the implementation of the implementation of the "Several Measures for the Economic and Stable Economic", go all out to help the enterprise to stabilize the job, support entrepreneurship to drive employment, focus on focusing on accurate assistance, let the employment stable employment Professor employment policies benefit more groups.

Xiao Xiang, a reporter from Xi'an Newspaper All Media

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