Oriental Time and Space | How to strengthen the flood control work in the northern main flood season?

Author:Emergency Management Departmen Time:2022.06.28


Where is the focus of flood prevention?

Earlier, my country had occurred in the south of the country. Recently, rainfall in the northern region has gradually increased, entering the main flood season. How to view the overall situation of the future flood prevention during the main flood season? Come to listen to the analysis of Kang Bin, deputy director of the Taihu Lake Basin of the Flood and Drought Resistance Department of the Emergency Management Department.

This round of rainfall

How does it affect the drought in the north?

The meteorological department predicts that Henan Province will have two to three precipitation process in early July, and the situation of drought and flood will be transformed and entering the rainy period.

What is the impact of rainfall caused by this round of flood conditions on the north? In addition, the multiple periods of typhoons are coming. How can we deal with it?

How do cities do a good job of waterlogging and prevention?

"Data-version =" 0 "data-vwidth =" 526 "data-vHeight =" 302 "transcoding =" 1 "style =" width: 400px; "> There are heavy rainfall in Shandong, causing waterlogging in the local town.After entering the main flood season, one of the focus of flood prevention is urban waterlogging. How to do a good job of urban waterlogging during the flood season?Please watch the video to understand.

Source: CCTV

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