Lanzhou Railway Bureau: Take rain as the safety of passengers in the flood season

Author:New Gansu Time:2022.06.28

The Lanzhou Railway Bureau opened the service post for the elderly.

New Gansu Client June 27th (New Gansu · Daily reporter Ilizyi Eidamine Correspondent Jin Shuaiqun) From June 25th to 26th, China Railway Lanzhou Bureau Group Co., Ltd. Land rainstorm. In order to ensure the safety of transportation production and passenger organization during heavy rainfall, the Lanzhou Railway Bureau quickly launched an emergency plan to fully do a good job of transportation safety security.

Railway staff clean up the road.

In order to ensure the safety of transportation, related units such as railway labor, electricity affairs, etc. quickly assembled on duty emergency requirements, and used satellite cloud maps, radar maps and rainfall monitoring systems to pay close attention to the changes in rain, style, and water conditions. After the rainfall reaches the patrol value, immediately organize cadres and employees to take the rain and patrol, focusing on hiking inspections on the bridge equipment, drainage systems, tall mountains, and road base slides. The dealers conducted a rainfall inspection of 108 people, and the rail vehicle inspected 6 times/16 interval, and Tim Bybi to check 57 times.

Open an artificial service window. (The picture of this article is provided by the correspondent Wang Guanghui Zhang Expo)

At the same time, the passenger stations in the rainfall areas have timely grasped the operation of the train, increase the manual service window, adjust the self -service equipment function, help passengers do a good job of refund and signing various businesses, play and display train information in real time , Reasonably arrange follow -up itinerary.

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