Take the trend of "from north", Shanghe strives to build a "hard kernel"!

Author:Love Jinan Client Time:2022.06.28

In the Shanghe River in June, there was a booming boom everywhere: the company's production workshop, the machine roar and the workers were busy; on the construction site of key projects, vehicles and welding flowers splashed; Native

Here, the pace of driving development is stunned and firm. This year, Shanghe County has established the work idea of ​​"One Three Four Six", gathered together to fight hard industrial counties, strong agricultural counties, strong transportation counties, strong ecological counties, cultural strong counties, and people's livelihood. ", Insist on building a new highland with industrial development, inspire new vitality with innovation, and enhance new momentum with project investment. The economy and society maintain a good trend of steady progress and improvement, and the pace of high -quality development is solid and powerful.

Know "Time" to know "potential"

Plan the road with high -quality development with the characteristics of Shanghe

At present, strategic opportunities are superimposed, and Shanghe knows "Shi" to know the "potential", standing at a new higher starting point to promote the comprehensive effectiveness of the "Xin Shanghe".

One domain, the ecological protection of the Yellow River Basin and the strategy of high -quality development, and the strategy of strengthening the provincial capital has been accelerated. In -depth implementation of strategies such as development, Shanghe is in the acceleration period of strategic opportunities. In the next five years, Shanghe will enjoy more policies and project resources. At the same time, regional differentiation will become increasingly apparent. Multiple tests of collaborative, intensified competition, and acceleration of cooperation. Shanghe clearly realizes that it is necessary to find a place for the dimension of the domestic large -cycle center node and the domestic and international dual -cycle strategic fulcrum. The road of high -quality development with characteristics.

As a result, Shanghe clarified the "one, three four -six" work ideas of the "one three -four -six" work of the new era of socialist modernization counties "one goal", "three steps", "four positioning", "four positions", "four steps", "three steps", "three steps". Established the development positioning of "Jinan's bridgehead of Beijing -Tianjin -Hebei, the industrial acceptance of the new and old kinetic energy conversion, the new space of the city expand from the north of Jinan, the new model of the provincial capital of green ecology and happiness and people's livelihood", anchoring the "Create a new Shanghe River again "Recent goals," building a new city group of provincial capitals ", and" building a new era of modernization in a new era "long -term goal.

In the construction of the industrial development system, Shanghe benchmarks the top ten industries in the province and the city's top ten billion industries, and strives to cultivate the five major leaders of modern high -efficiency agriculture, high -end biomedicine chemical industry, intelligent manufacturing and high -end equipment, cultural tourism, and hot spring medical care. Industry, take the lead in creating 6 industrial clusters of 3 billion yuan in 6 billion yuan in 6 billion yuan of industrial clusters, including biomedicine, general aviation, green intelligent buildings, high -end flowers, new materials, one, two, and three industrial integration. Shangzhong Road and Shangzhonghe are the "one axis, two wings, four districts and eight parks" industrial development pattern with the two wings of Beijing -Shanghai high -speed and Jibin high -speed rail.

In 2021, the GDP of the Shanghe River has passed the 20 billion yuan mark and an increase of 9.2%. The general public budget revenue was over 2 billion yuan, an increase of 33.4%, the tax proportion of tax reached 80%, the investment in fixed assets increased by 22.4%. The added value increased by 26.6%, the retail sales of units above the limit increased by 29.1%, and the total import and export volume increased by 99.1%.

It is understood that since March last year, Shanghe's industrial economic development has been surprised. Total investment of 12.66 billion 29 projects participated in the city's key projects to start construction; Shanghe first tried to push the city's first "agricultural land into the market" project; Shanghe County held an industrial economic conference to come up with 31.125 million yuan of red envelope heavy prize industrial enterprises ; "Biopharmaceutical Industry" 25 projects concentratedly signed a total investment of 10.463 billion yuan; Create the province's largest characteristic printing industry cluster; 23 projects in Shanghe County started in autumn; Sibers obtained the number one in the entire network of sports nutrition food sales; Linot Boli became the first listed company in Shanghe; the first 220 kV smart intelligence The substation is successfully put into operation; the first bonded warehouse is officially awarded; the Red -Japanese Pharmaceutical Project with an annual output value of 2.6 billion yuan is successfully capped; the "zero breakthrough" of the national industrial Internet platform innovation application project is achieved; Use a license.

Innovative development ideas

Agricultural county has gone into high -quality development "fast lanes"

As an agricultural county, in recent years, the technology taste of Shanghe has become intense.

The leaders of Shanghe County and the cargo have driven a "e -commerce style" in the county. The "National E -Commerce Entering Comprehensive Demonstration County of Rural", and the honor of "Shandong E -Commerce Demonstration County" has also been collected. According to reports, there are more than 160 registered enterprises in Shanghe E -commerce Industrial Park. In 2021, the county's zero amount accounted for 28.28%of the total total amount of the company. The 13 e -commerce companies are limited to NATO, Sibte biotechnology annual sales revenue of 2.4 billion yuan 2. Sports nutritional food accounts for more than 60%of the domestic market. Langwei fitness equipment dumbbell products are sold on the entire network on the Tmall platform and realized cross -border e -commerce business. One acre of sweet potato is a national potato leader chain company. It is planned to this year. Open the entire industry chain of fresh food. In the first quarter of this year, the county's zero volume and agricultural product network zero increased by 117.9%and 389.5%year -on -year, ranking first in the city. In terms of industries, the integration of one, two, and three industries is promoted to strengthen the deep processing of agricultural products and the shortcomings of distribution logistics, and build the Beijing -Tianjin -Hebei high -quality agricultural product supply base and the largest agricultural product processing and circulation center in the provincial capital's economic circle. With the implementation of the revitalization of rural industries to help the "three changes" reform, increase the income of land transfer, stable wage income, and a relatively stable dividend income, and create a model for rural revitalization of the Shanghe River. In the city, it is the first to connect with the starting area and the main urban area to integrate the planning, industry and transportation, and strengthen the docking with the starting area in the "three districts". Manufacturing, the upper reaches of the industrial chain in the starting area and the middle and lower reaches of the Shanghe River development pattern to create a community of scientific and technological innovation and industrial agglomeration. Focusing on the construction of regional transportation hubs in the northern part of the Jinan Metropolitan Circle, coordinating the construction of the Expressway (16 kilometers section within the starting area) as soon as possible (16 kilometers in the starting area), and completed the Delong tobacco Railway Shanghe Freight Station project by the end of June; completed before the end of October completed Investment of 250 million yuan and 7.3 kilometers of Beijing -Shanghai high -speed merchant Henan export connection line expand the transformation project; do a good job of Jibin high -speed railway section with a total investment of 7.6 billion yuan and a total investment of 5.66 billion yuan. Work. In the county, highlight the integration of the urban parks and towns, according to the professional functions of the relevant regional, the main production of agricultural products and processing areas, and take the lead in breaking the county and the economic development zone and the Yuhuangmiao Town, Jiazhuang Town and Zhangfang Town, Yinxiang, Yinxiang The development of the town's "one core and three hearts" is integrated. Implement the "four major promotion" and "six -man collaboration" operation of the city, improve the "five -in -one" vertical management system of the city, cooperate with Weiguang Huitong Group to invest 2 billion yuan to build a historical and cultural district, and cooperate with Shandong Zhongliang Group to invest 6 billion yuan Build a commercial center, build special districts such as the cultural and sports centers, civic centers, etc., open up 7 broken ways, build 4 model roads, and promote the construction of more than 6,000 sets of resettlement houses in the seventh phase of Xu Shang comprehensive area with a total investment of 4.2 billion yuan to enhance urban functions to enhance urban functions quality. Accelerate the landing of biomedical chemical industry parks with an investment of 700 million yuan, and explore that through the "one insurance, two expansion, and two trusts" methods, it has promoted the function of the parks and the streets of the streets and the development of industrial development.

Serve people's livelihood and not relax

Let the people enjoy the fruitful results

The city's comprehensive carrying capacity is reflected in the carrying and supporting capabilities of economic and social development in regional resources and energy, ecological environment, infrastructure, and public services within a certain period of time.

In recent years, Shanghe County has continued to work on people's livelihood work, allowing ordinary people to enjoy the fruit of economic and social development.

In -depth implementation of the strategy of strengthening the county. Build the first kindergarten of Hongde Middle School High School Campus and Wenchang Experimental School, and start construction of the third experimental junior high school in the western new city district, the first middle school and high school teaching building, Wenchang Experimental School South Campus 2 student cafeteria, experimental middle school student dormitory and cafeteria project , Solidly promote the remaining 5 junior high schools and 13 primary schools in primary schools. Precise and efficiently do a good job in the introduction and training of teachers, improve and improve the institutional mechanisms such as teachers' deployment and exchanges, assessment rewards and punishments, and teacher morality construction, and create a team of high -quality professional teachers. We will further promote the reform of "county management school employment" and "principal level system", continue to strengthen the curriculum system and classroom teaching reform, accelerate the construction of the province's small connection pilot zone, and release the vitality of education development. Firmly grasp the fundamental tasks of Lide Shushu, strictly implement the requirements of "double reduction" work, and strive to strengthen teaching research, exchanges, evaluations and assessments, and improve the quality of education and teaching.

Promote the Action of Health Shanghe. The "one core and six wings" grass -roots public health emergency centers are comprehensively built, and the construction of Lubei Hospital, County Maternal and Child Health Hospital, and County Disease Control Center of the First Affiliated Hospital of the First Affiliated Hospital of Shandong First Medical University to improve the hardware support capabilities. In -depth implementation of the "Five Fortunately" project pilot projects of public Chinese medicine hospitals in Shandong Province, continue to increase the introduction and training of health talents, actively deepen the cooperative diagnosis and treatment model of cities, counties, counties and towns, and improve medical services. Consolidate the achievements of the national health county town, and launch a demonstration county in grass -roots Chinese medicine work county and the national health promotion county creation work. Actively develop cultural and sports undertakings. Start the research of Shanghe Culture, tap the red culture, historical culture, integrate packaging Yangge culture and hot spring culture, connect into the Yellow River Cultural spectrum, and enrich the connotation of the construction of a strong cultural county. Promote the upgrading of the three -level cultural facilities of the county and town, and make good use of the "Shanghe Cultural Tourism Cloud" online platform to carry out a series of activities such as "non -legacy campus" and "opera into the countryside". Accelerate the nomination cities of civilized counties across the country, and solidly promote the construction of citizens' quality of civilization. Construction of the construction of cultural museums, museums, and urban exhibition halls to complete the preliminary preparations for the stadium, swimming pool, and stadium projects. Improve urban and rural fitness facilities and carry out extensive mass sports activities. Implement the long -term and long -term youth development plan, and actively build youth development friendly cities. The report of the 14th Party Congress of Shanghe County emphasized that the proportion of people's livelihood expenditures will remain above 80%in the next five years; the two sessions will continue to refine, and public commitments will be completed in 2022 to complete 10 people's livelihood practices.

Economic development and people's livelihood improvement of the same frequency resonance, and Shanghe, who runs at full speed, is full of happiness. (Love Jinan Reporter: Liu Hua)

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