New Era of Endering New Journey | Zhijian's "Second Course"

Author:Heilongjiang Daily Time:2022.06.28

The staff demonstrated 3D three -dimensional projection.

On the 24th, in the provincial key project, Jihei High Speed ​​Shanhe (Jihei Province) to Harbin (Yongyuan Town) section of the A9 bidding section of the road base soil and square construction site, the transport vehicle with full loaded materials shuttled between the land and the road base. On the roadbed, the neat grid was drawn with white gray, and the material was dumped in an orderly manner to achieve standardization of the unloading. Not far away, large machinery such as flat -ground machines, bulldozers, and road press machines operate in clusters.

As the second passage of Harbin after the Beijing Harbin Expressway, in the construction of the project of the Yoshimi High Speed ​​Shanhe to Harbin section, new technologies and new materials can be seen everywhere. Intelligent construction and smart management have become boosters to drive the speed of construction and improve the efficiency of construction.

Entering the prefabricated beams of the B4 bid section, the production of the well -produced T beam is placed in an orderly manner according to different specifications. Workers are polishing construction, and the dust noise monitoring system ensures that the site is neat. "The Jihei high -speed project has introduced a small T beam of 16 meters. It uses wet connection seam construction. Compared with some projects using corner seam construction, it has better stability and combination to ensure the quality of construction from the source." The B4 bid project manager Ren Calligraphy said.

A 3D three -dimensional projection in the steel processing workshop allows workers to intuitively see which parts of the component after their processing will be used in which part of the overall reinforced skeleton. Ren Calligraphy said that the Jihei high -speed project creates a smart beam factory, and uses a CNC reinforced steel roller, CNC steel shear production line, CNC steel bending center+automatic material supporting facilities. In the past Now only half of the manpower can do twice the workload, which greatly improves the construction accuracy and efficiency.

The main line of the project of the Jihei Expressway to the Harbin section project is 151.57 kilometers, with a total length of 183 kilometers. Is it difficult to carry out daily management on the entire line now? At the Jihei Expressway Project Office, the smart construction site cloud platform of the "brain" of highway construction can allow staff to look at the overall situation without leaving home.

"In the initial stage of the Jihei Expressway project, we focused on building smart management and intelligent construction. In terms of intelligent construction, the smart beam farm was constructed, and the quality of concrete components was improved through the application of smart grilies and intelligent tensor. In the grass -roots level, through intelligent construction, installation and positioning equipment and intelligent monitoring equipment for paving machines, road pressing machines, mixing and mixing stations to ensure the construction quality of the structure layer. Construction quality. "Wang Wenli, deputy director of the project of Jihei Expressway to Harbin section.

The smart construction cloud platform mainly highlights three aspects. The first is personnel management. The construction personnel can be supervised and managed at any time through the cloud platform; the second is to manage key equipment such as large machinery, and supervise the construction according to the positioning of the mechanical; the third is to manage the construction status on the scene, through the camera through the camera, the camera , Can supervise the construction status of the interte areas, high -filling and dug -dug -cubes. At the same time, the mobile video monitoring vehicle can see the site construction scene in real time, and it is clear for construction quality, civilized construction, and whether there are illegal operations. "If the Jihei high -speed project is checked on the entire line, it takes three or four days back and forth, but through the smart construction site cloud platform, sitting at the project office can be checked at each point and each section, which greatly improves the work efficiency." Wang Weili said.

Source: Heilongjiang Daily

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