Focusing on the Party Committee of the Party's Congress# Zhang Dongmei, Secretary of the Party Group of the Beijing Human Resources and Social Security Bureau: Stabilize the basic market to build a people's livelihood pressure compartment stone

Author:Beijing people Time:2022.06.28

At the 13th Congress of the Beijing Communist Party of China, Zhang Dongmei, the party secretary of the Party and the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, came to the "first interview" studio of the Beijing Daily client. Zhang Dongmei said that Beijing adheres to the employment priority strategy. During the "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan" period, it will focus on more sufficient and higher quality employment goals, work hard to improve the quality of workers, and cultivate skilled talents that meet the needs of all walks of life in the new era. In terms of social security, Beijing has taken the lead in building a social security system that is unified in urban and rural areas and covers the entire population, and basically achieves the goal of enjoying social security.


Source: Beijing Daily Client

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