Digital reading | "Good guest Shandong" five years

Author:Jinan Times Time:2022.06.28

Speaking of Shandong travel, what do you think of?

"The head of the five mountains, Taishan." "The capital of spring water, Jinan." "Sea Fairy Mountain, Long Island." "Liu Gong Island is not just an island." Water Margin's hometown, Shuibo Liangshan. "" Sunshine coast, the capital of water rhyme, sunlight. "" Walking all over the world, still Weihai. " "Welcome to Shandong", the colorful "Heroy Shandong" LOGO appears on the screen, bringing a line of small characters "Cultural Holy Land Resort Paradise". Is there a picture?

In 2008, Shandong launched a series of advertisements for "Her Hakka Shandong" tourism promotion, which was broadcast on CCTV's golden time in the morning. The phrase "Welcome to Shandong", such as a thunderous thunder, a cannon fell in Shandong's tourism brands, and successfully made the people of the country remember Damei Shandong. More importantly, as the earliest provincial cultural advertising brand in China, it has created a new model that has aroused the imitation of the brothers and provinces. so."

As a natural result, the "Her Hakka Shandong" brand has been included in the CCTV "brand power project" for three consecutive years, becoming the only cultural tourism brand in the country. "Classic Advertising" and "Childhood Memories", this is the highlight of Shandong's brand image in the field of communication, and also brought new development of Shandong cultural tourism.

Looking back at the past in 2022, I couldn't help feeling the refined creativity 14 years ago, and more attention was to grow in Shandong Cultural Tourism Industry. Especially in the past five years, from the development and protection of cultural relics and attractions, to the operation and promotion of scenic spots, to creating smart cultural tourism to facilitate tourists, Shandong is committed to the entire chain. Related data has also fully demonstrated the results of reluctance to do things. Essence

Source: Volkswagen Daily

Edit: Weekend

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