Huimin County Sangluo Town: Implement "Sifang Responsibility" to build a defense defense line

Author:Huimin Rong Media Time:2022.06.28

In order to effectively ensure the occurrence of minors' personal safety and effectively curb the occurrence of drowning accidents, Sangluo Town, Huimin County planned early, deployed early, adheres to the policy of "life first, safety first, prevention -oriented prevention", and implemented the "territorial, communities, schools, schools, schools, schools The family "is responsible for the four parties, and multi -party linked to build a drowning safety line.

Implementation of territorial responsibilities. Establish a special class of drowning work, hold a special meeting of drowning warning education education, and touch the river tangba one by one to achieve a promotional bar in the village neighborhood, the student family has a contact form, the riverside Tangba with a warning sign, an important node with a patrol force, further compact each Responsibility.

Implement community responsibilities. Establish 6 community patrol teams to strengthen supervision patrols on dangerous waters such as pit ponds and pools in the jurisdiction, actively participate in the supervision of students on the way to school, holidays and summer, and escort students' safety. Incorporate the drowning work of students into the important functions of the river leader, Tang chief, and the database chief, ensure that the town and the village of the town and the villages are compacted at all levels, detailed measures, and implementation of layers. Each river section and reservoir administrators conduct inspections during special periods such as school, attending school, weekend, and summer.

Implement school responsibility. Each school held 10 special meetings and deployed meetings to prevent students' anti -drowning work, issued a letter to parents, signed a letter of resistance to drowning, established home -school contact cards, carried out drowning drills, and held special parent meetings. Communicate the knowledge and requirements of drowning to each class, every teacher, every student and parent. Adhere to the implementation of the "1530" safety education mechanism, that is, one minute before school, 5 minutes before school on the weekend, and 30 minutes before the holidays to do a good job of safety education and reminders.

Implement family responsibilities. Each school regularly uses WeChat, QQ, telephone, SMS and other forms, and holds a special parent meeting or home visitor to strengthen online and offline contact with the parents of the students or guardians, remind students of parents or guardians Strengthen the safety education and supervision of students and young children. School teachers use online or offline methods to conduct home visits every half month every half month to urge the guardians to perform their responsibilities for anti -drowning and guardianship. Sangluo Town organized town cadres and volunteers to conduct investigation and registration of minors at home in the summer, focusing on a letter of letter from a letter to students, a letter to a parent, and a home education return reminder.

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