Activate the new momentum of revitalizing the countryside -Xinjiang insists on carrying out the "visit Huiju" assistance work in the village

Author:Xinhuanet Time:2022.06.28

In the midsummer season, the black fungus planted by Toroma Mai Gati Village, Ush County, Xinjiang, ushered in a concentrated listing period. In recent years, this small village at the foot of Tianshan has made the folks get rid of poverty with the fungus industry and has become a well -known village to become famous.

Wank McGati Village, Toroma Town, Ush County, Xinjiang overlooks (Photo taken on June 7). Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Ding Lei

Entering the modern village industry incubation garden fungus rod workshop, I saw the villagers who worked in the middle of the migrant, using a holes machine to be skillfully tied to the fungus rods that have been implanted in the mycelium Hanging line on a roof. After 45 days, these fungus sticks will grow high -quality black fungus. In the other side of the factory building, a row of neatly placed on the neat bacteria, densely covered with tender black fungus.

In the precision poverty alleviation industry incubation park of Torwanc McGati Village, the workers tied their eyes at the fungus stick (taken on June 7). Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Ding Lei

Chen Jinsheng is a senior technical personnel from fungus planting from Zhejiang. He participated in the entire process of developing the fungus industry in the local area and continued to try to improve the cultivation technology of the fungus. The people in the village cordially called him "Chen Gong".

Chen Gong calculated a account to reporters. After using the branches trimmed in the spring, the fungus rod was filled, and the cost of each bacteria could be controlled at about 2.1 yuan. One of the growth cycles was expected to generate about 6 yuan.

Chen Shuangping (middle), the first secretary of the "Visiting Huiju" team and the leader of the work team of the "Visit Huiju" work team in the Village of McGa, and Chen Jinsheng (right) of the technician (photo taken on June 7). Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Ding Lei

In 2018, the Organization Department of the Party Committee of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and the veteran cadre bureau in Torwanci Mai Gati Village "Visit the People's Livelihoods and Meet the People's Hearts" ("Visit Huiju") work team to build an industrial incubation park on the spot and build 10 Modern intelligent greenhouse greenhouse. Last year, the incubation park sold about 2 million barbers and mushroom mushroom sticks, with a turnover of 5.5678 million yuan.

Chen Shuangping, the first secretary of the "Visit Huiju" work team, introduced that in recent years, the village has led to nearly 100 villagers' employment with this characteristic industry. , Consolidated the results of poverty alleviation in the village, injecting new kinetic energy into the revitalization of the countryside.

Mu Hehe Maihemi Ti, a trial person engaged in acetic proportion in the industrial incubation park, told reporters: "It's close to home, you can go to get off work by walking, and the income of about 3,000 yuan per month makes me very satisfied."

In the precision poverty alleviation industry incubation park of Torwanc Mai Gaiti Village, the technician Muheca Maihemi Timi was doing a bacterial separation experiment (taken on June 7). Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Ding Lei

For villagers who try to plant fungus at their own house, the "Visit Huiju" work team provides them with fungus planting greenhouses and agricultural tools for free. This year, the villager Gulinia Zihan Gamali purchased a 2,000 -stick fungus, and it is expected that the net income is 5,000 yuan. She told reporters that fungus had a 5 -month picking period, free working hours, and she could take care of her children.

Chen Shuangping said that in addition to continuing to make the edible fungus industry bigger and stronger, the current "visit Huiju" work team also tried to deeply integrate with rural tourism to allow villagers to get higher returns. In 2019, the local area was converted into a 200 -acre tourist ecological park, and it applied for the "Quncun" brand.

Torwank McGeei Village Ecological Park (taken on June 7). Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Ding Lei

The reporter saw in the "Quncun" tourism ecological park that the homestays transformed by villagers' houses are unique. Tourists can not only watch programs, taste food, enjoy the beauty, but also experience the fun of picking mushrooms, fishing, camping.

Ru Zehi Hermu, the head of the Torwanc McGa Village Ecological Park, was cleaning the homestay (taken on June 7). Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Ding Lei

Today, the village of Torwanci Mai Gaiti has a fixed bus vehicle to the county every day, as well as a special property company for garbage clearance and sewage discharge. Public facilities such as activity rooms, cultural rooms, libraries, clinics, employment markets, national unity centers, etc.

Members of the "Visit Huiju" work team in the village of McGeei in Torwank came to the villagers' homes (Photo taken on June 7). Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Ding Lei

The village of Torwanci Mai Gaiti is a microcosm of the assistance of Xinjiang's "visiting Huihui" in the village. Since Xinjiang carried out the work of "visiting Huiju" in 2014, a total of more than 500,000 party members and cadres in the region have been selected in the region to go to more than 10,000 village teams (communities), and they have invested 20.4 billion yuan to implement the village -level Huimin Sheng project 3 More than 10,000, assisted in the distribution of various types of subsidies and compensation for compensation for more than 24.4 billion yuan. A batch of "visit Huiju" cadres in villages, first secretary, and college teachers from the "visit Huiju" from all levels and units in the region still fight on the front line of the grassroots, consolidate the results of poverty alleviation, promote rural rejuvenation, and use their hearts to use their hearts and force for the masses of all ethnic groups with their hearts and affection. Do practical things, do good things, and solve difficult things.

Reporter: Gao Yan, Ding Lei

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