80.72%!Contribute to the consciousness of the Chinese nation community consciousness

Author:China National News Time:2022.06.28

On June 28, the Ministry of Education held the sixth "Ten Years of Education" series of conferences to introduce the achievements and development of the language and words since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Ten years of reform and development achievements.

Zhou Wei said that in the past ten years, the language front has fulfilled the duties given by the Constitution according to law, and unswervingly promoted the popularization of the country's universal language. The rate dropped to 2.67%, which contributed for the casting of the Chinese nation's community awareness, the construction of a spiritual homeland of the Chinese nation, the participation of all ethnic groups to participate in the great rejuvenation process, and the sharing of great achievements.

Zhou Wei introduced that my country has implemented a promotional plan for poverty alleviation and the popularization of national language and text. The Ministry of Education and the Poverty Alleviation Office of the State Council carried out the strategic cooperation of “pushing poverty alleviation”, continuously increased investment, and implemented national language training for key groups such as teachers, young adults, grassroots cadres, language workers, etc. Tens of millions. The Ministry of Education and other units organized mobilizing youth forces to carry out volunteer services. The central government supported more than 11,000 college students in 986 teams, and radiated hundreds of thousands of college students to go deep into the central and western pushing lines.

At the same time, the implementation of the push to help the rural revitalization plan and the national general language popularization and improvement project, and help promote common prosperity. Including the "three major actions", "five major revitalization" and other programs, and the improvement of language service capabilities such as urban areas. At present, the project plan is fully implemented, and the kindergarten in ethnic regions has basically achieved all the use of the country's general language to carry out conservation education activities, laying a good foundation for achieving the goal of 85%of the 85%of Putonghua's penetration rate in 2025.

Source: Xinhua News Agency

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