China release 丨 National Health and Health Commission: The phenomenon of "Nine inaccurate" for violations of the epidemic is opened to open a public message board

Author:Chinese network Time:2022.06.28

China Network June 28th On June 28, the State Council joint prevention and control mechanism held a press conference on the relevant situation of science and precise epidemic prevention and control.On the morning of the 28th, the State Council ’s joint prevention and control mechanism comprehensive group held a national telephone conference on the national epidemic prevention and control work, emphasizing that all localities and departments should always tighten the epidemic prevention and control of the string, strictly implement the ninth edition prevention and control plan, and control what should be controlled.Resolutely control, the implementation of the implementation is resolutely implemented, the cancellation of the cancellation is resolutely canceled, and the inconsistent measures should be cleaned within a time limit.The comprehensive group of the State Council ’s joint prevention and control mechanism will send a working group to supervise the local implementation.

In response to the "nine inaccurate" phenomenon of violations of the epidemic prevention and control, Mi Feng said that the comprehensive group of the State Council ’s joint prevention and control mechanism has opened a public message board on the homepage of the National Health Commission’ s official website.The Health Commission will conscientiously summarize the violation of the "nine inaccurate" problems clues, urge places to rectify as soon as possible, and report the typical cases.

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