The passenger lost his phone after drinking the police to help him retrieve

Author:Shanxi Evening News Time:2022.06.28

"Comrade of Police, my mobile phone was lost, and I was still there last night. I can't find it now ..." Recently, the police detachment of the Taiyuan Railway Public Security Department took the K238 train to the police from the No. 7 car. Help.

According to Mr. Liu, after drinking alcohol on the night, he went to the bathroom, and then went to bed. He woke up the next day and found that the mobile phone I just bought was lost. After receiving the report, the police immediately carried out the work and dial the owner's phone with his own mobile phone. You could get through but no one answered. At this time, Mr. Liu reminded that he had transferred his mobile phone into a mute mode. The police analyzed that the train is currently in a state of full person, and the people in the carriage are more and more mixed. In addition, Mr. Liu had a drinking one night before. The mobile phone may be left in a corner of the compartment when the upper toilet. The suspicion of stolen people. So the police investigated and visited, and mobilized the surrounding passengers to assist in the search.

Kung Fu is worthy of care. Through the joint efforts of the police and enthusiastic passengers, Mr. Liu's mobile phone was found under the bed 15 in the carriage. By instructing everyone to keep their portable property and try to avoid drinking as much as possible when they go out.

Liu Zhiyan Song Jixin

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