Women's anti -cancer medical examination should be done, accurately and save money

Author:Cancer Channel of the Medical Time:2022.06.28

*For medical professionals for reading reference

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Today, Dr. I talked about what items and how to do women's anti -cancer medical examinations, so that you can take less detours, spend less money, and avoid some unnecessary examinations.

First, breast cancer. Breast cancer is a malignant tumor that ranks first in malignant tumors suffered from women. How should breast cancer screen? For the average person, it should be screened from the age of 40. It is recommended to do breast X -ray photography (commonly known as molybdenum target photography) every two years, do color Doppler ultrasound once a year, and have been screened to 70 years old. After the age of 70, if you estimate that you can live for more than 10 years, then you can continue to screen each year. If you have high -risk factors for breast cancer, such as family history of breast cancer (many people have suffered from cancer such as breast cancer or ovarian cancer in the family), then you have to listen to a doctor, you may have to advance the age of the screening.

Second, lung cancer. The incidence of lung cancer is ranked second among the cancer that women suffer. Regarding the screening of lung cancer, the "Low -dose Spiral CT Screening Guide (2018 Edition)" of China's lung cancer is proposed that the age of the screening is 50-74 years old.

First do a low -dose spiral CT examination in the lungs. Be sure to remember that it is a low -dose spiral CT, because this CT is lower and safer than the radiation dose of ordinary CT. In fact, because the incidence of lung cancer is getting higher and higher, many thoracic surgeons have suggested that from the age of 40, you can consider doing a low -dose spiral CT examination at the age of 40 to see if there is any problem, and then decide the frequency of review.

Third, colorectal cancer. For ordinary people, the screening of colorectal cancer is generally done from the age of 40 and has been 74 years old. The choice of colonoscopy for screening. If you do a colonoscopy, if there is no problem with a colonoscopy, you can do colonoscopy again every 5 to 10 years, because the time of the bowel polyps to the bowel cancer is very long. If you feel that colonoscopy is very uncomfortable and you don't want to do colonoscopy, then you can do a hidden blood test or dung DNA detection every year. These two screening methods are also recommended by the "Expert Consensus of China's Cancer Cancer Cancer and Pre -Cancer Condition Treatment Strategy". It is very simple, just leave a little stool.

If these two tests are found, you need to do colonoscopy to further diagnose.

Fourth, thyroid cancer. Although thyroid cancer is high, it is a pity that there is no clear guidelines for screening thyroid cancer in China. In the United States, doctors do not recommend screening of thyroid cancer. They found that although screening can find many early thyroid cancer, the survival rate of patients with thyroid cancer has not improved for so many years. In other words, although you have screened early patients with thyroid cancer, thyroid cancer may develop very slowly, and there may be no obvious changes in several or decades. Even if you do surgery to cut off early thyroid cancer tissue, the survival rate of patients with thyroid cancer has not increased significantly. In other words, early resection of thyroid cancer tissue does not significantly increase the survival rate, and the significance of early discovery is not great. Therefore, for non -thyroid cancer high -risk population, the American medical community is not recommended to screen thyroid cancer. If you want to check, you can do a thyroid color Doppler ultrasound once a year.

If you have the following symptoms, such as the swelling of the neck, the swallow of the swallow, the sound of the swallow, the hoarseness of the sound, the uncomfortable throat, the uncomfortable front area of ​​the neck, the asymmetry on both sides of the neck, etc., you must go to the hospital to go to the hospital Do inspection. The main test is to do thyroid color Doppler ultrasound. The diagnostic value of the thyroid color Doppler ultrasound is very high and the accuracy is very high.

Fifth, gastric cancer. Our country is a high -incidence of gastric cancer, so it is recommended that you start gastroscopy from the age of 40. If the gastroscopy test is not found, then the time interval of your gastroscopy can be extended appropriately, such as doing it every 2 to 3 years; if there is a problem if you find that there is a problem with the gastroscopy, then you may have to review in a short time. It's right.

Sixth, cervical cancer. Cervical cancer is a common cancer among women. Its screening method has already made a clear explanation in the "2020 American Cervical Cervical Cancer Screening Guide": women under 25 years of age are not recommended for screening;

Women aged 25 to 65 recommend that every 5 years of HPV virus screening (first choice), or to do cervical cytology and HPV virus test every 5 years. If you don't want to do the test of HPV virus, then a cytology test every 3 years can also be done; women over 65 years old, if the previous screening results are negative and there are no high -risk factors, then you can not screen.

Seventh, liver cancer. Our country is also a high incidence of liver cancer, because there are many patients with chronic hepatitis B and hepatitis C in our country. For liver cancer, it is recommended that you start screening from the age of 40. It mainly depends on these two screening methods: one is blood testing nail protein; the other is to do liver color ultrasound. It is recommended to check once every six months. Both inspections have to be done. If you have chronic hepatitis B, hepatitis C, or alcoholic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, you must regularly monitor your liver function and hepatitis B DNA quantitative. These two are also very important.

Eighth, esophageal cancer. Esophageal cancer is also a high incidence of cancer in our country. It is recommended that you start screening from the age of 40 and screen to 75 years old. The screening method of esophageal cancer is the same as the screening method of gastric cancer. The first choice is also the gastroscopy, because the gastroscopy can not only see the stomach, but also the esophagus. This screening method is very good. Similarly, the frequency of review can be decided based on the results of the first screening. Ninth, endometrial cancer. Endometrial cancer is also a common malignant tumor among women. It is also a pity that in the endometrium cancer, our country has not yet established a very clear screening guide, but I see a draft. High -risk people of endometrial cancer are 45 years old and above. At the same time, there are diseases such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension, infertility, long -term use of hormone therapy, or family history of ovarian cancer and breast cancer. These people are advised to screen for endometrial cancer and do it once a year. The most recommended method is the curettage and cytology examination, that is, take some cells from the endometrium, take a test to see if there is any problem. At the same time, women can also do a color Doppler ultrasound once a year, and the color ultrasound also has a certain prompt.

The above are nine malignant tumors and related screening methods that are common among women. I hope I will understand it. Everyone also listens to it. You can do screening according to the above instructions. Take less detours and spend less.

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