Guangdong: Establish a linkage development zone in 13 prefectures and cities including Guangshenzhu

Author:Golden sheep net Time:2022.06.28

Text/Yangcheng Evening News all -media reporter Qi Yaoqi

On the morning of June 28, the Guangdong Provincial Government News Office held a press conference on the construction of the Guangdong Free Trade Zone Liner Development Zone. Zhang Jinsong, director of the Provincial Department of Commerce, released that the Customs General Administration of the Customs Department, Guangzhou, Shantou, Zhanjiang, and Guangdong Free Trade Zone Qianhai Shekou District of the Qianhai Shekou District attended the meeting to introduce the general development zone of the Guangdong Free Trade Zone. Thinking.

Zhang Jinsong, director of the Provincial Department of Commerce and director of the Free Trade Office, pointed out that recently, the provincial government has approved the establishment of 13 prefectures in Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Shantou, Foshan, Shaoguan, Huizhou, Shanwei, Dongguan, Zhongshan, Yangjiang, Zhanjiang, and Maoming. The Guangdong Free Trade Zone Localized Development Zone.

It is reported that since its establishment in 2015, the Guangdong Free Trade Zone has achieved fruitful results in leading high -quality development with institutional innovation, and has formed a total of 584 system innovation results. Innovative experience, the economic indicators of the Guangdong Free Trade Zone ranked among the forefront of the national free trade pilot zone. The annual tax revenue has exceeded 100 billion yuan. The important platform and important carrier of the high -quality development of the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area.

Promote the establishment of the Guangdong Free Trade Pilot Zone Local Development Zone. Through the "linkage test, collaborative innovation, and resource sharing" with the Pilot Free Trade Zone, the innovative achievements of the free trade pilot zone first test and autonomous practice are promoted to a larger space " The landing is rooted, flowering and fruiting "injects new vitality into local innovation and development, expands new space for the reform and innovation of the free trade pilot zone, and explores new paths for coordinated development of the province in the province.

After two to three years of hard work, Guangdong Province has made the linkage development zone into a premium and high -quality demonstration area for reform and innovation in the province, and the growth pole of regional economic development has been strongly driven. The reform dividend of the experimental area, enhance the comprehensive competitiveness of the regional economic economy, and make positive contributions to the strategic fulcrum of creating a new development pattern in the province.

Guangdong will replicate the experience and innovation experience of the free trade pilot zone in the form of a list, and use the experience of copying and promotion of the reform and innovation experience of the Guangdong Free Trade Zone as the primary task for the construction of the linkage development zone. The relevant departments of the Free Trade Office, the relevant departments of the provincial and the Zhongzhi stationed in Guangdong, have sorted out the 62 reform and innovation matters that have been replicated and promoted in the linkage development zone, involving four areas: investment facilitation, trade facilitation, financial innovation and rule of law services.

At the same time, considering the differences in the actual situation of various cities, 13 cities are requested to comprehensively evaluate whether these 62 reform and innovation experience have been implemented in the local area, and formed a list of differentiated replication and promotion of each city. In these 62 items, some of them are preparing to implement more than fifty, and some implement more than forty. Next, the Provincial Department of Commerce will instruct the cities to do a good job of copying and promotion of matters in the list with relevant provincial departments.

At present, the 13 prefectures and cities of the Business Department have conducted practical assessments of the 62 plates that have been taken out, mainly to focus on the implementation conditions of innovation and replication around this linkage development. Demand and local government departments are willing to copy and promote, and evaluate these 62 experiences around these aspects. After the evaluation, take out the list for review. List.

Combing, there are 58 links in the Guangzhou linkage development zone, 56 in Shenzhen, 59 in Zhuhai, 51 Shantou, 54 Foshan, 38 Shaoguan, 48 in Huizhou, 35 Shanwei, 37 in Dongguan in Dongguan, 37 items in Dongguan. There are 50 items in Zhongshan, 43 Yangjiang, 44 Zhanjiang, and 49 Maoming.

It is reported that Guangdong will actively strive to implement special pilot policies on the Guangdong Free Trade Zone in the linkage development zone. Considering that the Guangdong Free Trade Zone enjoys a special pilot policy for the national and provincial and provincial, such as recently giving the State Council a measure of 19 investment and trade facilities in the Pilot Free Trade Zone, the provincial government put three batches of 134 provincial levels under the Guangdong Free Trade Zone. Permanent and so on.

Next, after the operation of each linkage development zone is relatively mature, consider referring to the practice of the Guangdong Free Trade Pilot Zone, and study the relevant provincial and municipal management authority to the joint development zones. It does have actual needs for the linkage development zone, but it is not included in the reform and innovation matters of replication and promotion.

According to statistics, more than 20,000 Hong Kong and Macao enterprises have been established in the Free Trade Zone, which actually attracts Hong Kong and Macao to more than $ 40 billion. The main purpose of establishing a linkage development zone is to better play the role of radiation driving in the Guangdong Free Trade Zone. On the one hand, it has driven the high -quality development of the economy in various places, and on the other hand, it has also expanded the development space of the Guangdong Free Trade Zone.

The development of the linkage zone is a major benefit for the development of the Pilot Free Trade Zone and the development of various linkage development zones. It is also a major development opportunity for the development of Hong Kong and Macao enterprises.

Among the 62 reforms and promotion experience, there are 8 open matters specifically for cooperation between Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao. These 8 experiences are the measures that are mature and effective in the Guangdong Free Trade Pilot Zone. Promotion is a great attraction to Hong Kong and Macao companies.

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