This little thing before going to bed is destroying the child's sleep quality step by step

Author:Lilac mother Time:2022.06.28

Moms and dads tell stories every night for many children.

Sometimes my parents are really lacking. In order to let the baby sleep quickly, they have to move out of the story machine to tell stories, pull out their mobile phones to open various storytelling apps to save the scene, and take time to do some things.

Such a scene is believed to be circulating in different families every day.

And listening to the story in the story machine, the baby did not need to coax without shooting, and he fell asleep autonomously, just liberating his hands. Because of this, the story machine is also regarded as a sleeping artifact.

But you may not know, listening to the story machine asleep, and is quietly destroying the child's sleep, leaving the brain from resting.

Sleeping with a story machine may let children

It's harder to fall asleep, the later

The first step of the child's falling asleep is to retract the attention from the outside environment, so that the body and the brain must be relaxed. In other words, the eyes no longer actively look at things around, and the ears no longer actively listen to the outside sound.

Image source: station Cool Hirolo

The problem of falling asleep by the story machine is to make it difficult for the baby to change their attention to their bodies and not let the body relax. Originally, I should sleep at 9 o'clock. As a result, it was still over and over at 10 o'clock.

The story in the story machine has various twists and turns plots. Even if you do n’t understand the content, the ups and downs and background music will make the child nervous, excited, and fear. These will make it difficult for the child's brain and body to relax. Not to mention that some stories are integrated with sound and light, and children are even more excited to watch while listening.

Many times the child finally falls asleep. A small and exciting clip accompanied by the excited tone of the speaker, and instantly pulled the child back to the sober state from the drowsy sleep.

The best time to fall asleep, once you miss it, I don't know when it will come again.

Image source: station Cool Hirolo

In the end, the child was not able to sleep by the story machine, but was tired to power off. This is a bit like our adults swipe their mobile phones before going to bed. They were so sleepy that they couldn't open their eyelids. They were still desperately brushing. Unconsciously, they were boiled until 2 am.

Speaking of which, there must be a mother who will say that my child sleeps every time he hears the story machine, and it looks like he sleeps very well. Isn't this good?

not really.

Children are used to listening to the story machine to sleep

The brain is prone to fatigue, poor sleep quality

Indeed, many children sleep when they listen to the story machine, and occasionally there is no problem. But if you listen to the storyplay every night, it will cause the brain to be too fatigue and poor sleep quality.

Image source: station Cool Hirolo

Because even if you have entered the dreamland, the brain can still respond to the outside voice.

After the child is asleep, the sound of the story machine becomes an environmental noise. If it is not turned off in time, the external sound will continue to activate the primary auditory cortex of the brain, so that sleep stays more in the light sleep stage, deep sleep time time It will be reduced, and even for a period of time after the sound stops, the brain still cannot get rest.

Think about our adults watching TV from time to time, listening to the podcast, but do you find it, in this case, he is asleep clearly, waking up but exhausted, his mind is not refreshing. It seems to have a false awareness, and the child is the same as the story machine sleeps.

Image source: station Cool Hirolo

There is also an important function of sleep, the emotion and memory produced when digestion and awake.

The story in the story machine either nervous, excited, or warm. After the child listening to the night, there are more mood that requires digestion of sleep at night. For soothing and other issues, such sleep quality is naturally not good.

In a study about children under 10 years of age, researchers collected 5,566 children's brain data through functional magnetic resonance imaging.

Studies have shown that the short sleep time or poor sleep quality will cause multiple cortex areas, hill brain, base ganglia, hippocampus and cerebellum connection networks of the brain. These abnormalities will cause defects in multiple cognitive processes. The development of the brain leads to inadequate attention, poor emotional regulation, poor memory.

Picture source: reference [2]

Also to sleep with sound

Why is there no problem with white noise?

Speaking of which, there must be many parents in doubt: Isn't it that children and adults can use white noise to sleep?

The story machine and white noise are sleeping with sound. Why can't you use a story machine to listen to the story and give your child white noise?

Both of them are accompanied by sleep. The biggest difference is that the story recorded in the story machine may make the child nervous and excited, and the white noise is relaxed.

Image source: station Cool Hirolo

Within the measured frequency range, the white noise remains uniformly. This uniform sound has almost no fluctuations, unlike the plot as telling stories. Children's attention and spirit will develop with the storyline and have been in excitement for a long time.

If it is described by bands, the ups and downs of the band of white noise is uniform, and the sound of the story of the story is uneven.

Uniform and repeated white noise will not attract children's attention. When the baby pays attention to listening to the white noise, the perception of changes in the surrounding noise will weaken, and gradually focus on itself, so it can quickly relax and enter the sleep state.

For example, the white noise is like a car driving on a flat highway, light and stable, and the driver is relaxed and relaxed. Some stories in the story machine are mountain roads eighteen bends, all the way to thrilling, and drivers must always be mentally tight. Which sound is more suitable for coaxing baby to sleep, is it obvious?

Can I still listen to the story before going to bed?

Remember these 3 points, it's enough

Picture source: Visual China

sure. It is not recommended to use a story machine or a mobile app to listen to stories and sleep on a mobile app.

For the story of the bedtime, 3 suggestions are given here:

1. You can tell your child a story or chat for your child after washing, 20 minutes to half an hour before going to bed, and agreed with the child in advance with the child in advance.

If the time is too late, you don't have to talk about how long it takes, or to ensure that the lights turn off at the time of the light to avoid breaking the normal routine.

2. When telling the story, it is best to choose a short story of the plot. The tone is softly told to the child, which is not easy to excite the child. Do not read a serial story for your children to avoid being immersed in the follow -up plot. It is difficult to fall asleep.

3. After listening to the story, turn off the lights immediately. After turning off the lights, we won't talk anymore. Lie with the child quietly, give the child a quiet and dark space, and let him enter sleep.

Image source: station Cool Hirolo

We also advocate parents to tell their children to tell their children and chat with their children. Because compared to the one -way output story of the machine, parents' companionship allows their children to feel the full love and attention of their parents before going to bed, and it is also an effective way for children to relax quickly.

If we give our children before going to bed and accompany them wholeheartedly, you will find that the child's demand is not high. Half an hour of companionship can make them enter the dreamland satisfaction.


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: 10.1523/jneurosci.1889-21.2022. EPUB 2022 May 4. Experts in this article

Wang Rong

Cooperative expert

American registered infant sleep consultant

Ding Yu

Cooperative expert

Doctor of Neurological Biology from Zhejiang University

Zhang Xiaoyu

Review expert

American FSI Certification Infant Sleep Counselor

Zheng Di

Review expert



Planning: Beauty

Producer: High, A Tongmu

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