[Tianxin must hear] Wu Xinwei visited the Governor of Pioneer Street and condolences to outstanding party members and difficult party members

Author:Tianxin Published Time:2022.06.29

Wu Xinwei visited the Du Governor of Pioneer Street Village, and coordinated the difficulties and reasonable demands of the masses.

Wu Xinwei visited the old party members and sent holiday condolences and blessings.

On the afternoon of June 28, Wu Xinwei, Secretary of the Tianxin District Committee, led a team to visit the Governor of Pioneer Street to coordinate and solve the difficulties and reasonable demands of the masses. He also visited the representatives of outstanding party members and difficult party members to send them care and blessings. District leaders Liu Xiang, Xu Bo, and Zhang Jian participated separately.

During the supervisor, Wu Xinwei and his party listened to the reporting reports of Pioneer Street and Xinlu Village in detail, and learned about the progress of the relevant letter and visits issues. Study specific methods to solve problems.

"Letter and visits work is an important part of the work of the masses, and it is also an important window for understanding social sentiment and public opinion." Wu Xinwei emphasized that all departments at all levels in the region must always adhere to the people -centered development ideas, further strengthen understanding, solid actions, face difficulties, Solving the letter and visiting the accumulation case, the small presence of the morning and the small amount of reasonable demands, continuously reduced the amount of survival, and strictly controlled the increase. It is necessary to adhere to truthful things, according to laws and regulations, illustrate the law, clarify things, talk about through, and enhance the transparency and credibility of dealing with problems, and ensure fairness, fairness and publicity. It is necessary to further concentric and form a joint force, strengthen coordination, coordinate, strengthen joint linkage, form a coordinated force, effectively take responsibility, solve the problem, and continuously improve the masses' happiness and satisfaction.

"July 1st" is approaching. Wu Xinwei then entered the old party members Liu Haiquan and Wang Guoping's house, talking about their family, talking about their current situation, inquiring about their living, health, and sending holiday condolences and blessings in advance. Wu Xinwei encouraged the old party members to continue to play a pioneer model, as always, to care about and support the various undertakings of the party and the government, and positive suggestions and suggestions for the development of the region. At the same time, Wu Xinwei also told the responsible comrades of the streets and communities to earnestly care about party members of the difficulties in the jurisdiction, actively come to the door to solve the problems of living and living, so that they can really feel the party's care and the warmth of the organization. It is necessary to further guide the majority of party members and cadres to learn alignment from outstanding party members around them, further strengthen their ideals and beliefs, practice their original mission, do their best to do practical things and do good things for the masses, and contribute more and more for the high -quality development of the region.

Source: Tianxin News Network

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