The "riding" wonderful journey for more than ten years: The most beautiful scenery of one person and one car is on the road

Author:Qingdao Evening News Time:2022.06.29

Ma Chaoyang and riders.

Ma Chaoyang opened a wonderful journey of "riding".

Wearing a helmet, windproof mirror, backpack on the back, stepping on the bicycle, and rolling the tires. When the scenery on both sides continues to retreat, the wind sounds through the ears, all the unhappiness and daily fetters are left behind. In the collapse of sweat and tendons, Ma Chaoyang felt the long -lost pleasure. From the beginning, it is just a hobby of exercise to the obsession of the north and south of the motherland. Riding is now like eating and sleeping, and it will feel uncomfortable without riding for a day. Most of the famous mountains and rivers of the motherland left his footprints, even in the uninhabited area of ​​the famous mountains and rings of Qinghai Lake, Yunnan and Myanmar Highway ...

In order to exercise to fall in love with cycling

Ma Chaoyang, 52, works at a unit on the North Road of Fuzhou. He has loved sports since he was a child. When he was young, he signed up for the army and served in the youth troops for many years. In 2005, he left the troops to the place, because there were about ten kilometers from the residence to the unit, and there were multiple blocks along the morning and evening peaks. In order to exercise both, he could get to get off work on time. He bought a bicycle. "Actually, when I was a kid, I often rode a bicycle. Whether it was elementary or junior high school, it was a bicycle." This bicycle, although it is just an ordinary mountain car, opened the door to another world: because riding every day ride every day On the car, he naturally paid attention to the knowledge of cycling, met a group of like -minded friends, and joined the cycling club.

Cycling clubs organize activities almost every week, most of the time are ring lines. "The ring line, as the name suggests, is around Laoshan, and the mileage of ride is about 100 kilometers a day." Ma Chaoyang told reporters that riding will also be addicted, especially after participating in several club organization activities, this addiction is even more addicted Above: As the tires are continuously rolled, the scenery on both sides quickly declines, and there is only the sound of the wind in the ears. They are like magical, can take away the unhappiness and anxiety in all life, and the whole person also enters the state of emptiness. After one day of cycling, a bit of exhausted body can clearly feel the trajectory of sweat continuously slipping, and the smoothness brought by the cycling is full of full body.

Ma Chaoyang said that people who do not ride a bike may be difficult to understand why they are so desperate to ride a bike, but cycling is of deep significance for him. People are rational animals, and every behavior of a person is purposeful in terms of biology; some friends who love cycling often given "I don't know, just like it", which seems to be Aimless answer. "Maybe this is the drive and call of the heart, it is the desire for cycling deep in the heart." Ma Chaoyang said.

After changing the equipment trajectory, it is getting farther and farther

The original intention of the bicycle was to continuously extend the trajectory of human beings. The cycling of the ring line line has made Ma Chaoyang feel a bit "not addicted". He wants to go to a farther place, see more scenery, and feel more special local customs. In 2009, Ma Chaoyang "upgraded" the equipment and changed a bicycle. Almost every weekend, he will walk around the car, leaving him in Laoshan, Jimo, Jiaozhou and other places. "If you want to go far, you must first have sufficient physical fitness. By continuously exercising in the city, physical reserves have also taken a step." In 2011, Ma Chaoyang rode for the first time from Qingdao to Jinan. This time, he did not set too harsh targets for himself. For more than 400 kilometers, he took 4 days and played while walking to fully feel the style of Qilu land.

In June 2012, after many years of preparation, Ma Chaoyang embarked on the Sichuan -Tibet Line. "I paid attention to this information before, and I also met a few riders on the Internet. Everyone rides together." From Qingdao to Chengdu, Ma Chaoyang consigned "equipment", from Chengdu to Lhasa. More than 2,000 kilometers, on the way, you need to cross 14 high mountains of 14,000 meters, and you need to pass through the 72nd Tour of Nujiang. Although sufficient physical training has been done before departure, considering the hardships along the way, the family still did not agree with him at first. During the ride, Ma Chaoyang also had the idea of ​​giving up during the ride, but this idea was repelled in the sense of accomplishment obtained by conquering the high mountains. The entire cycling took 26 days, and Ma Chaoyang, who returned to Qingdao, not only lost a lap, but also had a lot of darkness. Difficulties and dangers are observed. After returning, Ma Chaoyang understands how ordinary he is, and he loves his family and friends more. He likes his life and work more.

The famous mountains and rivers have left footprints

The riding experience of the Sichuan -Tibet Line has made Ma Chaoyang gain a lot: not only the body and spirit have been tested, but the experience of long -distance cycling is also more sufficient. Since then, from the Canal ride from Qingdao to Hangzhou and PBP uninterrupted cycling (1200 kilometers in a row, completed in 90 hours, Tianjin-Qingdao-Tianjin), Qinghai Lake Greater Ring Road, Yunnan and Myanmar Highway (Kunming to Tengchong), silk Road (Lanzhou to Urumqi), northern Sichuan (Lanzhou to Lugu Lake), north of Gannanchuan. Many of these lines are Ma Chaoyang's own choice and plan to set up a ride plan.

"Reading thousands of books and walking thousands of miles, compared to the self -driving process, the ride speed is relatively slow, and it can further understand the customs and customs of the place where the place is." The road to the Long March of the Red Army, such as Jiajinshan, experienced a deeper understanding and experience of the heroic and tenacious spirit of the Red Army. Ma Chaoyang has thought for many years from the north of Gannan Sichuan to northern Yunnan. At first it was because of the article about the Chinese Armed Forces, but because of various changes, it was postponed to 2019. "I design this route, the schedule is relatively long, the total length is close to 2,000 kilometers, there are not many people riding, and I rarely find the experience of riding friends on the Internet to refer to it, but I also find some records of records for reference." Ma Chaoyang said, especially from the town of Shangri -La to Lugu Lake, whether it is Baidu map or Gaode map or even the road, it is unknown whether it can be passed. Although the road cannot be found on the map, by logging in to the official website of Daocheng County and Miri County, we have learned that the government has been conducting the oil road of the hometown in recent years. The county magistrate mailbox also returned the information and informed the situation in their territory. "The design of this route is actually difficult, and some sections are even less than the Sichuan -Tibet line. After passing the Gaoshan Pass at the altitude of 4,000 meters above sea level, in Shangri -La After the town departure, there is no map to refer to. Interests such as roads, diet accommodation and other information can only be inquired to the local area. This is the charm of riding. In the same mountain, do you eat or drink water, everything is unknown. "Every time the cycling is over, Ma Chaoyang will record the process in detail. These words, now it has become his precious wealth, and most of them will be uploaded to the cycling circle for reference for riders who have a cycling plan. In addition to relaxing and exercising for more than ten years, in the view of Ma Chaoyang, cycling has also become an indispensable part of life, which is as important as eating and sleeping. The years of cycling have kept Ma Chaoyang always maintaining a thin figure, and even have not even had a cold for more than ten years. In recent years, affected by the epidemic, Ma Chaoyang has suspended long -distance riding. It departs from Tuanjima every morning. The scene of the most beautiful coastline on the coast has become a habit of wind and rain. In his opinion, the most beautiful scenery is always on the road. For your dreams, in order to experience the hardships, to appreciate nature, to love your life more, to love this world more, to be happier for yourself, and to eliminate too much desire in your heart, Ma Chaoyang looks forward to the epidemic flowing. Set on the ride again. Guanhai News/Qingdao Evening News reporter Xu Meizhong

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