I, Hong Kong people, once made a million annual salary, married Beijing to give up her career as a full -time mother, never regret it

Author:Apollo at 4:30 in the morning Time:2022.06.29

This is the 523rd real story we told

I am Shi Baoling, a after -80s Hong Kong, and has been living in Beijing after marriage.

At the age of 5, the endurance of a surgery became the "little star" in the hospital.

In high school, with his excellent results, he entered the Chinese University of Hong Kong and asked students to receive a single scholarship of 200,000 yuan.

After graduating, I successfully entered a world -renowned consulting company and had a proud year of a year salary of millions.

Because of love, I married Beijing. After my daughter went to school, I made a surprising decision-to be a full-time mother.

Someone was surprised, some people felt a pity, but I wanted to say, "This decision is true!"

(I have been in Beijing for 9 years)

I was born in 1987. Dad is a Chinese professor of college, my mother is a bank staff, and there is a two -year -old brother in the family.

When I was a kid, my parents were very busy. Although there were Filipino maids at home, they still encouraged me that their own affairs were independently completed. Education is even more Buddhist, rarely intervene, and will not be disciplined strictly.

Mom and dad have a big heart. When I am busy, I don't care about taking care of us meticulous, so that I have never noticed that my body is abnormal. It wasn't until the kindergarten, and the teacher found that I was walking, and they realized the seriousness of the problem.

I went to the hospital for examination and learned that it was congenital hip dislocation. The doctor suggested that conservative treatment first, but unfortunately missed the best treatment period, the effect was not significant, and in the end, he could only undergo surgery.

(My parents)

In order to give me a good mood before the operation, my parents took me to Singapore and Malaysia to play. The way they love me are so special, and at the same time teach me: Don't pre -advance tomorrow's troubles, and learn to grasp the worry -free today.

In 1992, at the age of 5, I underwent the first major surgery in my life. And my performance is beyond everyone's imagination.

I remember at the time, in order to prevent the bones from misalignment after surgery, it had to be fixed with gypsum. As a result, from the feet to the chest, lying up for more than half a year.

And my little me, I seemed to understand from then on, even if I was crying, I couldn't escape the status quo, and I also understood that no one could bear all this for me.

So I rarely cry, and I always endure pain and discomfort. My parents and medical staff praised me for being strong, and therefore became the "little star" in the hospital.

(I just returned to Hong Kong a few days ago)

This lying made me miss the first semester of the first grade. Fortunately, the hospital has a special teacher who can give a class for children. Therefore, when I appeared on the campus with a cane in the current semester, I found that the course did not fall at all.

The condition needs to be continuously reviewed. I have always been a frequent visitor to the hospital. Until the teenager, I still need to review each year.

Although I missed a lot of sports activities, because of "sitting", they played a good piano. Fortunately, the operation is very successful, and now I look no different from ordinary people.

Parents have instilled in me since childhood, and people must be responsible for their own lives. As I get older, I start to understand the meaning of this sentence.

Coupled with their years of self -discipline, it has also had a positive impact on me. I have a flat grade. After I went to high school, my heartbeat began to become extremely strong, and my life goals became clearer. Because I know that my dream can only be realized by me in person, and the world needs me to see it in person.

(Hong Kong's home is on the mountainside, the scenery is good)

From then on, he was in his heart, and his grades made rapid progress. In 2005, after finishing high school, he entered the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and applied for the most difficult "Kobe"-Global Commercial Science.

The major is jointly hosted by Hong Kong, the United States, and Denmark. There are only 15 classes in each region. In the future, they will adopt study tour to gather 45 students in the class to learn together.

This novel teaching method makes me full of expectations. However, in my freshman year, students need to study in their respective regions.

Hong Kong universities pay attention to competitions and practice, so I also started to participate in various competitions to improve their ability to improve all aspects.

Unexpectedly, the university started to make money. Various scholarships kept taking it, and they also won the most difficult Jockey Club scholarship with their ability, with a total of 200,000 yuan.

(Movie World taken on the Gold Coast)

During college, I not only actively participated in various competitions, but also started my internship career since I was a freshman.

Remember during the winter vacation, Dad's special trustees contacted a Beijing bank and wanted to take this opportunity to deepen my understanding of the motherland. Although I have been in Beijing many times since childhood, it has shocked me in changes in each other.

At that time, I never thought that one day I would leave Hong Kong, and I did not expect that they would marry Beijing in the future. Because in my eyes, Hong Kong is the most ideal place for development.

Even when studying, the courses and work rhythm of other countries were obviously easier than Hong Kong, and they did not shake the idea of ​​development in their hometown.

Denmark got out of class at 4 pm, which made me always walk around the competition and internship road. After adapting to a period of time, I dared to let go of this rare relaxed class.

(When traveling in the United States, I ate myself into a big fat man)

By the time the United States, he let go of himself thoroughly, followed the boarding family, and participated in various fun activities. Among them, eating is an indispensable project, challenging the 7 -story big burger. Over time, he ate herself into a big fat man of 150 pounds.

I had to be self -disciplined. Later, I persisted for several months through exercise and diet, and changed myself back to the original appearance. These interesting experiences have become a joyful embellishment on my way to school. Students from different countries have grown up in different educational environments, gathered together, and collided into a magic weapon in future work.

When I graduated in 2008, with the excellent results in the school and rich internship experience, I entered the dream of world -renowned consulting companies as expected.

(Travel to Bali)

This successful result also made me understand better: as long as you are willing to work hard, those people you don't think can see and the scenes that you can't see will eventually appear in your life. Even if there is only one journey, it will become your lifelong wealth.

Hong Kong's work rhythm is fast, and consulting companies have not said on time. The projects participating at the time were all over the world. They often set off on Sunday afternoon and flew to Seoul, Bangkok, Beijing and other places. If they went smoothly, they could rush home for a weekend on Friday night.

The most unbearable thing is not to fly around, but to work too long. I remember for a while, I often need to work overtime until two or three in the morning, and start working at 9 am the next morning.

During that time, my mental state was very bad, and I often lost my temper to my family. Later, I started thinking, what do I like? Behind the high salary is overworked and unhappy, which does not seem to be what you want.

(Children turn around every year)

So after two years of exercise, I changed jobs to the bank, joined the international management plan, and participated in the rotation in various departments. Finally, I found that I prefer fast -paced debt capital.

Later, my friend's mentor helped to analyze and felt that I was more suitable for structural financing. So I followed him and started to participate in various securities projects and officially entered the investment bank work.

And I don't know that my fate is quietly coming. In a project in Shanghai in 2012, he met a Shanxi boy working in Beijing.

He is very talkative, humorous, and even a little "cheeky", active, do not delay, is completely different from the Hong Kong boys I have contacted.

Because of work, we have communication. Once, when I learned that I went to Beijing to travel on a business trip, he took the initiative to ask me to eat. There are many common topics between peers, and his opinions are very unique, just like him, exuding a different charm.

(The water in Bali is beautiful)

The meal was very happy, and later our connection became more frequent. In order to meet him, I applied for a chance to go to Beijing for a business trip. It didn't take long for the love relationship.

I wanted to persist for a period of long time, but I found that the cost of time was too high. As long as you call, it will take more than two hours, and during this period, nothing can be done.

Considering that its industry is rising, there is a prospect of development everywhere. Therefore, I did not hesitate. In April 2013, I found a work of a securities company in Beijing and ended a long -distance relationship.

After work, I found that Beijing's investment bank friends were too happy. The workload of a person in Hong Kong can top three people here. Sometimes they are too busy to care about drinking water, or even have time to go to the toilet.

Before lunch, I have never left the station, and now I can go downstairs to eat a bowl of fried noodles. Beijing's work rhythm is too easy than Hong Kong. It didn't take long before I came, I fell in love with here.

(Beijing haze day taken from the company window)

To my distress, the air quality in Beijing is average and haze weather often appears. Fortunately, it is much better after year and year -year governance.

During that time, he could face face -to -face with his boyfriend every day, and his feelings quickly heated up. At the same time, he found that he was very responsible and his work was very advanced, but he also had the rudeness of a northern man, and his emotions were not delicate enough.

I remember that night, when we were visiting the WTO, the proposal information of others suddenly appeared on the big screen.

He also had to propose on the spot. The romantic proposal that had been imagined to have fantasized, even without preparation. Afterwards, he moved himself, but I couldn't cry.

However, after coming to Beijing, he has been taking care of me very well, and even trivial matters such as water and electricity have been packaged one by one, and never let me worry. So the next year, we plan to get married.

(Mom send me to marry)

When I told my parents, they didn't worry about it, only saying, "Okay, believe in your vision!" The boyfriend said that he would visit his future wife, but the reply he got almost fainted him.

Mom and dad said, "Don't see each other, you like each other." But the boyfriend felt that it was not suitable. He insisted on going to Hong Kong to meet them. After that, he married me with peace of mind.

When we got married, we did not buy a house. Later, when I was pregnant, I put the buying a house on the agenda. When I saw that house prices were half cheaper than Hong Kong, I was so surprised, which means that the same total price can buy a house twice as big as Hong Kong in Beijing.

Hong Kong's house is famous for small. 40 square meters can be made into two rooms and one living room, and 70 square meters can achieve three rooms and two halls. The three rooms and two halls in Beijing were so big that it surprised me.

(For love, marry from Hong Kong to Beijing)

In the bedroom bed, you can turn around. You must know that in Hong Kong, many working -class homes in Hong Kong are less than that.

It also found that the rent for rent was only one -third of Hong Kong, but the space was more spacious. Living in Beijing is really happy! We immediately decided to buy a three -bedroom. Soon my daughter was born, and I originally planned to find a nanny, but I found that the nanny in the market was different, and the price was high, and it was difficult to find the favorite of 8,000 yuan.

This is completely different from Hong Kong, and many families in Hong Kong have servants. Most of them are the Philippines and Indonesians, only 4,000 yuan a month, and general families can afford it.

And their education is generally very high, and they will receive special training before they come. I remember taking my Filipino maid when I was a child, or a local middle school teacher, as long as I was free, I would do my best to tutor English for me.

(Accompany your daughter with your heart)

Because I couldn't find a suitable candidate, I had to trouble my in -laws for a while. They are very enlightened and we get along well.

Especially grateful to them not only gave us meticulous care, but also respect my educational concepts, and never intervened too much.

In order to better accompany her daughter, considering that the current work needs to be traveling frequently, they simply change a relaxed errand.

I started to put more energy on the cultivation of her daughter. In order to make her develop a normal work and rest habit, from the infant days, she would wake up several times during the day to help her adjust her sleep time. So her daughter learned to fall asleep by herself, and she could stay alone in a bedroom.

Since having children, my attitude towards work has also become Buddha, and the intensity of work has dropped again.

As the child grows up, there is more knowledge that needs to be learned. And I found that I can do it with myself, and I can do it myself, so I saved a lot of costs.

(Bring your parents and daughters to Japan)

Later, it was discovered that neither my husband and I were devoted to work, because there were inevitables that there would be a need for substitutes. We began to think about the balance between family and work.

Maybe I am used to the house in Hong Kong, and I have no need for big houses. If you don't plan to change the house, you only need to maintain normal expenses.

And I think that children's primary school stage is crucial, related to the development of future learning habits. More importantly, we do not have a second child plan, and my husband's career is also flourishing. A person's income is enough to cope with the future life.

Even if there is a change, I have the confidence to return to the workplace at any time with my own ability. As a result, we made a clear division of labor, worked hard to work with peace of mind, and devoted themselves to the family. In this way, last year I returned to my family from the workplace.

(Go to the outing together and let your daughter come into contact with nature)

Many people are surprised by my choice, and I feel unfortunate. At the stage of implementation, I think the most important job is to cultivate my daughter well.

There will always be a choice in life, and there is no true beauty in the true sense. I believe that everything given to fate will be the best time.

The full -time mother I understand is not to rush to the child, but because I leave the workplace and have some free time, I can devote myself to the family and what I like.

Human ideas will really change, and when I go to school, I feel that they must enter the famous enterprise. After having a child, I think the growth of children is more important.

But the only constant is to keep self -improvement at all times. Therefore, during this time, I took the master's degree in law from Renmin University. I also plan to take translation next year, and consider doing financial and legal interpreters in the future.

(I have participated in various housework since my daughter)

The research is a healthy entertainment for me. To learn from fragmented time, it can also set an example for children to learn continuous learning.

And I always believe that if there is a book hidden in my heart, the years will never be undefeated. Being a mother who keeps pace with the times has always been my original intention.

I have never thought of giving up economic independence. The current society is so diverse, and work is no longer limited to get off work step by step. There has been a million annual salary, even though the glory is no longer, it does not mean that I will lose the ability to make money.

I am particularly enjoying such a life today. No job can make me so free. Every year in the winter and summer vacations, I will formulate a lot of travel plans. Although it is affected by the epidemic in recent years, it is still very fulfilling.

I started writing a few years ago, and now I finally have time to operate my account. While accompanying children and growing on myself, this is my life I yearn for.

(My daughter's piano was taught by myself)

At present, the most important task is that I can cultivate my children well. Really precious education is to cultivate children's curiosity, curiosity and imagination. Therefore, I pay more attention to the cultivation of her ability.

She had a bilingual dialogue with her daughter since she was a child, so her sense of language was very good, and English and Chinese were very good at. Moreover, social ability is very strong, very popular, and the grades are significantly better than those of the same class. From this period of online lessons, the ability to learn independently is also great.

After junior high school, I will gradually let go. When I was in college, I will let go completely, and I will rely on myself. I believe that as long as the foundation is a good foundation, the future will not be bad.

I agree with the sentence in "Broken Leave": "The power of a person's heart not only reflects how much you have, but the critical moment, how much do you dare to give up."

As a former school hegemony, he has also gloed to the body, but now it is just a way of living. At each stage of life, the focus is different, it is not right and wrong.

(My daughter is also very patient on the Internet class) When I was studying, I tried my best to do nothing; at work, I worked in the world's top companies and experienced the most beautiful scenery in my life. In my marriage, I met my partner who merged with myselfEssence

Today, for the common goal of the family, the most suitable arrangement is just right for us.

Life is short, the most important thing is to leave no regrets and know what you want.When the daughter is 18 years old, her husband will retire in advance, and then we will live together to see the great rivers and mountains of the motherland.

【Oral: Shi Baoling】

[Edit: Make your face]

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- END -

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