[Accelerate the modernization of social governance in the city] The development market provides a "home" to provide posts to mobile vendors

Author:Xinjiang.com Time:2022.06.29

In Meet Hua Tian Ye Lane, Ma Wenjie (left) packs roast chicken for customers. (Urumqi Evening News all media reporter Mu Min)

Xinjiang Net News (Urumqi Evening News reporter Gai Yu, Wang Lei, Song Jianhua Tang Hongmei Mu Min) The "stall" and the "tall" image of the city are incompatible. In the grass -roots social governance, how to do a good job of cities' refined management of urban refinement management while coordinating the prevention and control of the epidemic and economic and social development? Each community in Urumqi seems to have found a way.

The successive morning market and night markets have successively established the convenient market, gathered small and scattered mobile vendors, improved environmental hygiene, upgraded the stall's economy, and the operation links. The communities in our city are answering the test questions of urban governance and people's livelihood employment, small scattered and "tall", "tall", human fireworks and urban images.

The fixed booth makes the income more stable

After lunch, Abu Du Saramu Alemu and his family began to be busy preparing the ingredients needed for barbecue stalls. Cut meat, meat, washing vegetables, and vegetables ... every link can be safe and healthy.

The barbecue stall of Abu Saramu Alemu is located at Zhen'an Street, Zhen'an Street, Zhen'an Street, Shuimi Gou. The entrepreneurial square happens to be at the door of the house. He and his wife, father, and apprentice operate a booth with a turnover of about 4,000 yuan a night.

"I used to push a tricycle, where to go, and set up stalls everywhere. The business is unstable. Now it’ s different. Our booth is fixed. Everyone will come to visit after get off work, eat a few buns of barbecue, and drink small wine. " Abdul Saramu Alemu said.

The barbecue spread for more than a month. Abu Duku Saramu Alemu used the previous savings and the money made in the newly developed community in Qidaowan Road. A 110 -square -meter house was paid.

"In the past, the booth was not fixed and the income was unstable. I didn't dare to loan to buy a house. I was afraid of it. Nowadays, we are not afraid. As long as we do well, good days are still behind.

In addition to Zhen'an Street Venture Plaza, the South Community of Zhen'an Street in Shuimou District also established a Gick Shunyuan Catering Plaza, Shengsiju Market, and the People's Plaza B of Shanshui Yayuan. People entrepreneurship.

Every morning, Ding Peixing, Anhe residents of Petrochemical Street, Midong District, pushed a small cart, and came to the Dream Garden market in the community. After pushing a small cart in various communities to call jewelry, jade and other small products for more than two years, he finally realized the convenience of a fixed booth.

In the promotion of the construction of the entrepreneurial community, the Petrochemical Street Party Committee will lead the stalls into the market and develop the convenience economic market, and tap the resources of surrounding waste factories, warehouse houses and other resources to build morning and night markets and convenience markets. The Dream Garden Market was built by Anhe Community with an idle warehouse of more than 2,000 square meters, and all stalls were provided for free.

Ding Peixing, 68, has been working abroad before. In the past two years, the stalls subsidize their homes with the help of the community. After the market opened, Ding Peixing went to the community to apply for a booth as soon as possible.

"The traffic here is large, and the place is also spacious and clean. Next, I want to add some products according to your preferences and make the stalls more popular." Ding Peixing said.

Sanxin operation set the development goal

In the Economic Development Zone (Tutun River District) Germany and Hong Kong Wanda Night Market, 35 -year -old Aima Titti Toti will go to the market to prepare ingredients every day. Features barbecue ".

On June 28, after Aimati Toto came to the booth, he marinated fresh lamb with his wife and put on a skewers. A total of more than 30 varieties of barbecue, sheep belly, sheep liver, sheep waist, and lamb chops are ranging from 3 yuan to 15 yuan.

"Come on, friends, you can taste the barbecue." From 19:00, customers came to the night market one after another. The night market management party will also take the initiative to step forward.

Aimati Toto Timi originally worked for the restaurant and set up a stall on the street. Since there is a fixed booth, he has regarded this as his own career and operated with his heart. This year, with his own efforts, he bought a house and car, and the recent money he saved, ready to report a summer basketball interest class to the child.

"I have a goal, to save more money to make a shop and make the‘ Aimatti characteristic barbecue ’into a brand.” Aima Titto Toto is full of confidence in future development.

On the evening of June 28, in Meet Hua Tianye Lane, Ma Wenjie put the new cup noodles, and customers lined up to scan the code to buy.

When MEET · Hua Tianye Lane opened on June 18, Ma Wenjie took the grilled chicken to the market. In recent days, fried cargo platter and cup noodles and ice surfaces were introduced.

MEET · Huatian Yexiang is located in KL Starway, Changchun Road, which is transformed from outdoor street streets.

Ma Wenjie said that he was doing business in the night market for the first time. From the current sales situation, the prospects are very good.

Ma Wenjie started his business three years ago. He has tried the stalls and trunk markets, and his income is not ideal. After Meet, Hua Tianye Lane opened, he and his wife took a stall. He operated snacks and his wife operated tea and other tea such as Thai lemon tea.

Ma Wenjie said that now Yexiang has the support of the merchant, and various activities carried out by the community to attract passenger flow. From the perspective of these 10 days of operation, he and his wife can earn about 15,000 yuan per month.

"With the venue and support, our development goals are more clear and confident in development." Ma Wenjie said. □ Reporter Notes

The fixed booth is not only set by the stall, but also the heart

The stall economy has added a little fireworks to the city, but when the development of the ground stall economy, it should also seek a "balance point" between residents' lives and increase employment channels and enhance the image of the city.

"The wind should be available for a long time", and those who do not seek the overall situation are not enough to seek a domain. How to grasp the balance of "putting" and "tube", and holding the "work" and "order", so as to live without chaos, control but not die. It is both orderly and dynamic. Wisdom and level of social governance of urban grassroots.

From "hitting a shot and changing a place", "seeing the stitches" on the sidewalk, to the fixed place and the fixed stalls, the cadres of various communities fully draw on the advanced experience in other cities in China, the wisdom of the function bureaus of the county and the county, "forbidden" and "putting" "Sparse" and "blocking" is different, providing better and more convenient choices for mobile vendors.

The fixed stalls retain the flowers of the flowing vendors, and they also retain the hearts of mobile vendors.

In the evening, the night markets and markets are not only lighting up, but also the continuous improvement of governance capabilities and the continuous improvement of governance systems in the context of social development. (Gai Yu)

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