A man in Chengdu crossed the tram -specific lane.

Author:Cover news Time:2022.06.29

Cover Journalist Song Xiao intern Feng Lian

Who should be responsible for the accident?

On June 29, the reporter learned from the Chengdu Railway First Court and learned that a man crossed the tram -specific lane together and rescued the invalid death after a collision with the tram collision with the tram. The regulations of the lane are the causes of the accident, and the entire responsibility of the accident should be affected.

It is understood that on September 11, 2021, Yang drove the tram from the No. 236 tram along the rail transit Line 2 from Xinye Road, Chengdu Gaoxinxi District to Tianhe Road. When the Western Rail Transit Line 2 was close to the morning wind platform, the direction of the car line passed through the green belt through the green belt, and the pedestrian Jiang Moumou, who passed through the tram track, had a collision, which caused Jiang Moumou to be injured. After being injured, Jiang Moumou was sent to the community health service center of Yipu Town, Laudu District to rescue him. He was rescued by the hospital and died that day.

The court believes that in accordance with the provisions of the "Regulations on the Safety Technical Specifications of Tram's Road to Train Road", "Design Specifications for Urban Road Transportation Facilities" and "Regulations on the Management of Chengdu Urban Rail Transit Management", none of them shall make hardcores for the isolation of tram -lanes. It is stipulated, but it is stipulated that "the use of road stones, isolation fences or marked marks will be isolated from other vehicles and pedestrians", and a fixed track is placed in the section of the incident; Other roads areolate; and on the surrounding electric poles, there is a prohibited cross -warning sign. There are warning signs that "prohibit entering" and "tram -free vehicles prohibit entering inside" outside the outside.

Secondly, in accordance with Article 59 of the "Regulations on the Management of Chengdu Rail Transit Management", "Other vehicles are prohibited from entering special lanes for trams without authorization. Non -motorized vehicles and pedestrians are prohibited from entering the tram lanes and their prohibitions in the prohibited area ..." It is stipulated that there are people crossing in front of the road section. Jiang Moumou's unmanned pedestrian traversal lanes are across the tram. Finally, the driver took the brake (emergency braking) measures in time when the incident. After the incident, the emergency handling plan of the tram company immediately rescued the injured person to call the injured and quickly called the police. The emergency assistance measures taken were properly taken.

The tram company has adopted the necessary safety management and fulfilled the warning obligations and subsequent rescue obligations, and should not bear the responsibility of the accident. The court believes that in accordance with Article 62 of the "Road Traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China": "Pedestrians pass the intersection or cross the road, and they should walk on the horizontal or street facilities" and the "Regulations on the Management of Chengdu Rail Transit Management" : "No non -motorized vehicles and pedestrians are prohibited from entering the lanes of tram -specific trams and their prohibition areas." Common sense, Jiang Moumou crossed the special lanes of tram, causing damage, obviously the party where the accident occurred. As a person who has the ability to fully civil behavior, Jiang Moumou has the ability to predict damage. He also has the ability to prevent and control the result of damage. As long as he complies with the relevant rules, this accident will not occur. Management and warning obligations, and setting a crossway in accordance with regulations to fully protect the rights of the people around the people. Therefore, Jiang Moumou's violation of pedestrians to prohibit the entry of tram -specific trams is the cause of the accident. It should bear all the responsibilities of the accident.

The judge reminded that "civilization" is the basic content of the core values ​​of socialism. With the rapid development of society, new means of transportation appears in our lives, and the operating subjects and rhythm have gradually accelerated. Observing the rules of traffic and travel of civilization is the obligation of every citizen.

Jiang Moumou paid the price of his life for his non -obedient rules. This kind of behavior that ignored the rules and destroyed order not only seriously affected the normal operation of public transportation, but also endangered his own life. He caused a huge blow to his loved ones. The rules maintain social civilization. Traffic safety is not just a slogan, but also about everyone's precious life. Only when citizens follow the rules of traffic can citizens respect the danger to us and build a civilized society together.

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