Tighten the gas "safety valve" 气 Beiyuan Street to carry out special inspections of urban gas safety

Author:Kuiwen Published Time:2022.06.29

Gas is safe and small. In order to further strengthen the source management and effectively prevent and curb the occurrence of gas safety accidents, in accordance with the requirements of the district party committee and district government on gas safety improvement work conference, in the past few days, Beiyuan Street has actively deployed and moved rapidly. examine.

Joint law enforcement and implement responsibilities. On June 24, the Beiyuan Street Cooperation District Government Office, Emergency Administration Bureau, Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau, Market Supervision Bureau, Hong Kong Huaqi Company and other departments conducted joint inspections on gas safety in custodian institutions and restaurants in the sub -district. The problems that occur in are required to be rectified within a time limit, so that the task is to be on -the -job, responsibility, and management in place, and effectively maintain the safety of the lives and property of the people.

Pay attention to and act quickly. The Emergency Environmental Protection Office of Beiyuan Street and the Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Office set up a joint inspection team to conduct gas safety inspections at the "Nine Primary" venues and "three -in -one" venues daily. Fire fighting equipment, gas alarm device, etc. carry out all -round investigations, do not leave hidden dangers, and establish a work ledger on the spot. If you can rectify on the spot Single, rectification within a time limit. While doing a good job of inspection of gas safety inspections of catering merchants, reminding merchants to conduct self -examination of the use of gas equipment on a regular basis, find hidden dangers to rectify in time, mobilize everyone to participate together, and solid the concept of production safety.

Regular "look back" to ensure that the rectification is in place. In order to ensure the effect of investigation and rectification, Beiyuan Street regularly organizes the inspection team to "look back" to ensure that the rectification of the problems detected earlier is in place. The places that refuse to rectify will be punished in accordance with the "Shandong Province Gas Safety Management Regulations".

In the next step, Beiyuan Street will continue to do a good job of rectifying the special rectification of gas safety production, organize relevant units to conduct a safety inspection of the use of gas catering merchants, remind merchants to self -check and correct them every month, eliminate hidden dangers in time, and protect the residents and masses. Sales and production environment.

#Focus on the 12th Party Congress of Shandong Province ## ## Our new era ## 奋Haopin Shandong ## 山 好 好 好#

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