Qingyang detachment went deep into Qingyang Airport to carry out fire safety training

Author:Qingyang Firefight Time:2022.06.29

In order to solid the concept of safety development, and enhance the awareness of fire prevention and emergencies of airport employees. On June 28, the detachment went deep into Gansu Provincial Civil Aviation Group Co., Ltd. Qingyang Airport Branch organized a 2022 fire safety knowledge training to take a vivid airport fire safety training course for all cadres and staff of Qingyang Airport.

"There is only one life once, and life cannot come again." Before the training began, the fire lecturer said such a sentence. During the training, the preacher decomposed the common sense of fire safety and the methods of fire, fire prevention, and self -rescue, and made a comprehensive explanation. In the way of reviewing a typical case of fire accidents, the cause and harm of the fire incident vividly and vividly, the scene also interacted with the trainer through the form of questioning in the case. At the same time, all employees were fully aware of the importance of fire safety while enlightening, further enhanced employees' awareness of fire protection self -rescue and enhanced their ability to escape.

The content of this training content is rich and vivid. It aims to improve the fire safety awareness and emergency treatment skills of airport employees to achieve long -awaited the alarm bells. By participating in training, the airport employees can further understand the basic knowledge of fire protection self -rescue and improve the awareness of fire safety. Master the use of fire emergency measures to achieve a good effect of popularizing fire knowledge and enhancing fire safety awareness.


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