Zhengzhou Airport's North Forestry District has successfully completed the clean -up before the investment, and is expected to be put into use within the year

Author:Mengye News Time:2022.06.29

Elephant reporter Wang Lin Correspondent Shi Shufang Gangyi/Wen Shi Xiaoming/Picture

The hot summer heat of the cargo aircraft in the summer. In order to ensure the air defense safety of the North Freight Area of ​​Zhengzhou Airport, Zhengzhou Airport Organizing Hundreds of Clearance Personnel of the Hangan Division, the Flight Zone Management Department, and the Engineering Construction Headquarters In the area of ​​3.01 million square meters, the operation is aimed at small items left in the northern region area left in the northern stock area in the area of ​​3.01 million square meters.

It is understood that as a key project in Henan Province, the North Freight District of Zhengzhou Airport has just obtained industry acceptance on June 9, marking that it has open operating conditions.

At 11 o'clock in the morning, the team members who took more than two hours at high temperature picked up more than 10 bags of garbage. According to the relevant person in charge of Zhengzhou Airport, if the items left in the project construction are not carried out, it may affect the safety of the North Cargo area in the future. More than 300 bags of FOD (may damage the safety of flight safety), which effectively reduces hidden danger in FOD in the North Cargo area, has created safety conditions for the recent operation of the North Cargo Transport Area.

It is reported that the North Freight Area of ​​Zhengzhou Airport is planned in accordance with the target of 2.2 million tons of annual shipping throughput. This period is constructed in accordance with the target of 600,000 tons of annual shipping throughput. Setting roads, tower towers, enclosure, drainage, fire protection and other supporting facilities; 70,000 square meters of cargo transport library in the cargo station area, 35,000 square meters of loading and unloading cargo greenhouses, comprehensive buildings, cargo stacking, customs bayonet, large truck parking parking Fields and other facilities.

Earlier, Henan Airport Group stated that it is doing a good job of rectification of acceptance issues, release of aviation intelligence materials, and guaranteeing guarantee for the protection of the acceptance.

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