Affairs is office | Beijing 12345 recent hotspot response

Author:Beijing released Time:2022.06.29


What are the conditions for employers to enjoy job subsidies and social insurance subsidies?

It is necessary to meet the following three conditions at the same time:

(1) Sign a labor contract for one year or above in accordance with the law (the labor dispatch unit shall establish a fixed period of labor contracts for more than two years with the dispatched workers);

(2) Pay employee social insurance in accordance with regulations;

(3) The monthly basis is not less than the salary of 1.2 times the minimum wage standard of the city in the year.


What are the application conditions for enterprises and other employers to apply for a residential provident fund, and how to apply for a slow -to -pay housing provident fund?

All units affected by the epidemic can apply for slowly, without special restrictions. The unit can apply for a slow payment through the online business platform of the housing provident fund.

When applying, you only need to upload the "unit housing provident fund reduction ratio and slow payment application form", which is issued by the official seal of the unit and the signing of the legal person (or stamped).

The specific operation process can log in to the Beijing Housing Provident Fund Network "Convenience Services-Explanation of Operation-Housing Provident Fund Account Payment" to view "the unit applying for housing provident fund to reduce the deposit ratio and the detailed explanation of the payment of the operation". After the expiration expires, the unit shall promptly pay the housing provident fund during the retracting period. (Municipal Housing Provident Fund Management Center)


After the enterprise applies for social security, when will the social security replenishment at the latest?

The three social insurance premiums applied for applications for participating units should be paid before February 23, 2023 to avoid sturstances. Those who have not paid overdue, starting from March 1, 2023, the three social insurance premiums that have been paid will be collected in accordance with regulations, and the personal rights and interests of the social insurance participating employees will be truthfully recorded. (Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau)


Which personnel can be recruited by employers can apply for job subsidies and social insurance subsidies?

① The city's urban and rural labor force, "4050" personnel, minimum living officers, the first family members of the Beijing Sui Army, and the "zero employment family" labor for unemployment registration or transfer of employment registration;

② Graduates from ordinary colleges and technical colleges, senior work classes, and preparatory technicians in general colleges and technical colleges within the graduation year, and graduates of the city of vocational education in special education institutions (referred to as "fresh college graduates");

③ The approval of the approval of the cities with a retired soldiers who have not exceeded the active time for more than one year (referred to as "retired soldiers");

④ Personnel who establish labor relations with the city's public welfare employment organization and enjoy the public welfare employment organization subsidies of unemployment insurance funds (referred to as "public welfare employment organization resettlement personnel");

⑤ In accordance with the relevant regulations of the country and the city, the city's employees need to be diverted (referred to as the city's diversified employees "in accordance with the state and relevant regulations of the city, and other major city regulatory reform projects, and the manpower and social security departments registered.


Social security payment time?

On the 10th of each month (if the holidays are postponed to the next working day) to the 25th (holidays are not postponed), the tax department pays social insurance premiums to the tax department.

The bank initiates batch deduction time: 10th every month (if the holiday is postponed to the next working day).

Note: ① In order to ensure the success of the batch deduction of the payment unit, it is recommended to choose a batch deduction method to pay social insurance premiums to ensure that the bank account balance is sufficient for bank accounts used for payment (including supplementary payment) before 8th.

② The payment unit that chooses to pay for social insurance premiums cannot use other ways to complete the payment during the batch deduction period.

③ The payment unit shall confirm the payment through the "unit social insurance premium management client" after the batch deduction is over. The unsuccessful payment unit of batch deductions can be used to complete the payment by using other methods except the "bank batch deduction" before each month.

④ Those who do not pay social insurance premiums within the prescribed payment time will affect the rights and interests of personal social insurance. Please make a reasonable arrangement for the payment unit to ensure the payment on time.


How to define small and medium -sized enterprises in the policy? Do I need to determine the relevant departments?

Small and medium -sized enterprises' planning standards are the "Notice on Printing and Distributing the Sexual Enterprise Planning Standards Standards" (the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Union Enterprise [2011] No. 300), the People's Bank of China and other departments " Notice of Standard Standards "(Silver Hair [2015] No. 309). Small and medium -sized enterprises do not require enterprises to apply for identification from relevant departments. (Municipal Economic and Information Technology Bureau)


Is there any version request for upgrading to a cartoon app? Why did some users report that using Apple mobile phones could not upgrade the physical card?

Hongmeng system mobile phone users upgrade the "Beijing One Card" APP to or above; the Android mobile phone users upgrade the "Beijing One Card" APP to or above; Apple mobile phone users upgrade the "Beijing One Card" APP version to 5.3. 2.1 or above can be handled.

Apple mobile phones cannot upgrade the physical card, there may be two reasons. First, the "Beijing One Cartoon" APP version is low, and the functions of a card app are continuously updated and improved. It is recommended to upgrade the APP version to the latest. The second is that you cannot read the physical card number directly through the card. You need to enter the card number to upgrade manually. Please follow the card number printed on the card to accurately enter to upgrade successfully.


How to understand the project price and cost level announced by "Beijing Dynamic Adjustment of the" New Coronatte Virus Nucleic acid Detection "price"?

For the "new coronary virus antigen detection" price project, the detection service is 2 yuan each time (the project price is the highest guidance price, public medical institutions shall not float, and the downfield amplitude is not limited).Tolls alone, the total cost of services and reagents does not exceed 6 yuan.Source: Beijing 12345

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