Oil price is lowered!Starting today, the owner will spend 12.5 yuan less with a box of oil

Author:China Urban News Time:2022.06.29

According to the National Development and Reform Commission on June 28, according to the recent changes in oil prices in the international market, in accordance with the current mechanism of oil prices of refined oil products, from 24:00 on June 28, 2022, domestic gasoline and diesel prices have decreased by 320 yuan and 310 respectively for 320 yuan and 310 respectively. Yuan.

The agency estimates that it is equivalent to 0.25 yuan per liter of gasoline 92, 0.27 yuan per liter of gasoline 95, and 0.26 yuan per liter of diesel.

After this round of price adjustment, No. 95 gasoline in some areas is expected to farewell to ordinary private cars with a fuel tank with a capacity of 50L. The owners will spend about 12.5 yuan less for the owners.

This is the second time in my country to reduce gasoline and diesel prices since this year.

The relevant person in charge of the National Development and Reform Commission said that CNPC, Sinopec, CNOOC, and other crude oil processing enterprises should organize the production and transportation of refined oil to ensure the stable supply of the market and strictly implement the national price policy.

Relevant departments in various localities should increase market supervision and inspection, severely investigate and deal with acts that do not implement national price policies, and maintain normal market order. Consumers can report price illegal acts through the 12315 platform.

The National Development and Reform Commission Price Monitoring Center predicts that international oil prices will remain at a high level in the short term.

Will oil prices affect your car purchase choice?

■ Source comprehensive: Xinhua News Agency, Zhongxin Finance

■ Yue Xun finishing

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