Sichuan Rongxian County Transportation System Carry out "Safety Production Month" emergency drill

Author:Cover news Time:2022.06.29

Tong Xiangyun Jiang Bing Cover Journalist Liu Ke Sheng

"Don't come!" On June 27, at the emergency drill site of "Safety Production Month" in Rongxian, Zigong City, a "drunk" man did not comply with the epidemic prevention and control requirements to wear masks to scan the code, and wanted to force break into the south of Rongxian Nannan Gate station. The exercise simulated the man to break through the station, and the staff discouraged invalid. The man beat the staff. The station security immediately called the police to ask the special patrol to come to subdue it.

A total of three subjects have been set up in this exercise to simulate emergency response to emergencies under the prevention and control of the epidemic; traffic accidents occur during the operation of the simulation vehicle, leading to the leakage of the cylinder, and the emergency evacuation and on -site disposal of the fire; the fire extinguisher, safety Hammer function exercise.

According to the person in charge of the Rongxian Transportation Bureau, in June this year, it is the 21st national "Safety Production Month". This emergency drill was carried out in accordance with the theme of the "Personal Safety Law of the Safety Production Law" in 2022. The exercise is to timely and effectively mobilize the rescue forces in all aspects of functional departments and society when an unexpected (incident) accident occurs, efficiently and orderly carry out rescue and rescue work, and minimize the losses caused by the accident.

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