Gan Xueni, the first secretary of Hongsheng Village, Rongxian County, Sichuan: Help the rural rejuvenation to practice the original dream with practical actions

Author:Cover news Time:2022.06.29

Zhao Li Cover Journalist Liu Ke Sheng

"I like grassroots work very much. If the organization is approved, I am willing to stay in office after the term of office, and to realize my many ideas." Recently, in Hongsheng Village, Dingxin Town, Rongxian, Zigong, the first secretary Gan Xueni was at work at work. Express your love for grassroots work.

Gan Xueni is the first secretary of the village sent by the Rongxian Agricultural and Rural Bureau. When asking why she chose to register for the village, Gan Xueni said that her uncle was the secretary of the party branch. She watched her awareness to do practical things for the villagers since she was a child. people. When the Organization Department issued a notice, Gan Xueni immediately signed up and won the quota, becoming the first secretary of Hongsheng Village, Dingxin Town.

Visit the grassroots in -depth

Formulate the implementation plan for key work of rural rejuvenation

When he first arrived in Hongsheng Village, Gan Xueni was accompanied by the village cadres and went deep into the grassroots to familiarize the village situation. During this period, Gan Xueni found that the village greenhouse vegetable industry had a certain foundation, but due to the remote terrain of the village, the roads were not connected, the only bridge built by the villagers was also overwhelmed. The poor construction situation, the barren land, and the lack of water resources have weakened the management of grassroots organizations a lot of management on dams and imbalanced development.

To this end, Gan Xueni began to think about what practical help can be brought to the villagers in the past two years, so that ordinary people will increase their income and become rich.

Since then, Gan Xueni has used the advantages of "maiden" and "close relatives" of Rongxian Agricultural and Rural Bureau to send units to the Headquarters Office of the Rongxian Modern Agricultural Park, Rongxian Agricultural and Rural Bureau, Rongxian Rural Revitalization Promotion Center and other departments to report work and strive for financial support. Formulate the "Implementation Plan for the Implementation Plan for the Key Work of Rural Revitalization 2021-2023" to refine the five programs of party building work, industrial development, infrastructure construction, effective governance of the grassroots level, and collective economic development. Detailed planning and struggle for work during the village.

"My plans are all determined by many parties and fought before they are formulated. I can't let the people think that it is virtual, and it cannot be disappointed." Gan Xueni said.

Adhere to the project priority

Effectively improve the actual difficulties of villagers

"Since entering the village in July last year, I have won more than 4.1 million yuan in funds to comprehensively improve the infrastructure, industrial development, and village collective economic project development. It is expected that all construction will be completed in July this year." Gan Xueni introduced.

It is reported that Gan Xueni will strive for 4.1 million yuan to improve problems such as inconvenient traffic in the village, lack of water resources, and collective economic development. , Implement "machine farming, machine defense, machine collection" agricultural production socialized services for more than 800 acres of farmland, and to renovate the toilet of more than 200 farmers' toilets, etc., successfully cultivated a city -level family farm, 2 households at the county level Family farms, comprehensively solve the problems of the most anticipated and urgent production and living problems in the villagers.

In addition, Gan Xueni is also promoting the modernization of village -level governance and the development of collective economic development to help rural revitalization. In accordance with the "1+1+N" thinking mode of "1+1+N" in accordance with the "1+1+N" thinking of " Economic projects, innovation proposed and successfully cultivated the grass -roots governance platform of "Red Sheng Ju".

The platform will mainly carry out "moral banks" evaluation and contradiction mediation activities such as "Mass Bar Banquet" and "Stage of the People" in the "Tea House" and other activities such as the "Mass Dam Banquet" and "The Stage of the People". Economic organic integration and development.

Target realization confidence

Help Hongsheng Village rural revitalization and development

Gan Xueni used actual actions to change Hongsheng Village step by step, and was highly recognized by the villagers. "Secretary Gan loved rural work very much. After she came, she made development for the village, and the project construction was rolled out. We believe that Secretary Gan will lead our village to develop better." Said Li Yugui, two groups of villagers in Hongsheng Village.

At present, Gan Xueni has been drafted all the various systems and charters of the "Red Shengjia", and has been approved by the superior department to hold a meeting. At the same time, she is planning the development of the collective economy, restore the operation of nearly 100 acres of waste tea mountains in the village, and vigorously promotes the "Wen's chicken farming" and "hydroponic vegetable greenhouse base" project. After the project plan is fully completed, the village will achieve a collective economic income exceeding 100,000 yuan.

"Two years are very short and short. Since there is a plan, I must do it seriously. I am very confident to complete the task and excess the task. At the end of the term of office, the villagers can spontaneously say that Secretary Gan speaks for counting, and do his best to do his best to do his best. Promoting the development of Murakami is not to toss, I feel enough. "Gan Xueni said.

In the next step, Gan Xueni takes the opportunity to consolidate and expand the results of the results of poverty alleviation. Convenience, strive to create Hongsheng Village into "county -level rural revitalization demonstration villages" and "county -level grass -roots governance demonstration villages".

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