Life relay, no fear of wind and rain, quickly "customs clearance" Jiaodong International Airport to open hematopoietic stem cells to transport green life channels

Author:Qingdao Evening News Time:2022.06.30

At 1 pm on June 29, the donor Wang Xinglong completed the donation and collection at Qingdao Central Hospital; at 1:50, Qingdao's "good driver" rescue team arrived at the central hospital and set off at about 2:77 to Jiaodong International Airport; arrived at 3 o'clock to arrive in The airport, more than ten minutes later transport the specialized hematopoietic stem cell transport box through security check ...

On the 29th, the Qingdao Red Cross and Qingdao International Airport Group Co., Ltd. signed a memorandum of cooperation to open a unpaid donation of hematopoietic stem cells to transport green life channels to achieve adoptness cooperation.

Donate in the best state to open the relay

On the day of the signing of the cooperation memorandum, Wang Xinglong, the 140th donor of blood stem cells in Qingdao, donated and collected at Qingdao Central Hospital. 26 -year -old Wang Xinglong is a native of Pingdu in Qingdao. In 2020, he became a volunteer donation of hematopoietic stem cells. After receiving the successful matching and the implementation of the donation notice, he adjusted his body to the best state by strengthening exercise, reasonable diet, and regular schedule. Send a new life for patients with blood diseases in the distance. Wang Xinglong said: "I know the chance of successful matching of non -blood relationships is one -one hundred thousand. It is really rare to join the bone marrow storage for 2 years. Life is also a fate. "

At 1 pm, the donation was collected; one hour later, the transportation of the specialized hematopoietic stem cell transportation box quickly walked out of the Qingdao Central Hospital and took a yellow rescue pickup truck with a "Qingdao Hematology Stem Cell" sign. Running towards the airport.

Lu Yue Raining "Good Driver" arrives safely

According to the plan, take the plane on the afternoon of the same day to send the hematopoietic stem cells donated by Wang Xinglong to the hospital where hematological diseases are located. It is the volunteers of Qingdao's well -known public welfare organization -the well -known public welfare organization of Qingdao's well -known public welfare organization. "We understand that during the transportation and transportation of hematopoietic stem cells, the transportation time is often caused by difficulties in the road conditions and tight capacity, and we took the initiative to ask for the public welfare activities of hematopoietic stem cell donations, give full play to the professional advantages of the team, and provide vehicles and emergency transportation volunteer services." Tian Pengfei, the sponsor of Qingdao's "good driver" rescue team, said that in order to improve the entire process of donation of hematopoietic stem cells, ensure the safety and timeliness of transportation and transportation, to ensure the safety and timeliness of transportation, save time, "good driver" from "good driver" Volunteers arranged to connect early, and they encountered rainfall on the high speed on the same day. Fortunately, the driver had rich driving experience and drove safely and steadily throughout the process.

At 3 pm, the "Good Driver" transported a special car stopped steadily in front of the Terminal of Jiaodong Airport. Jiaodong International Airport donated hematopoietic stem cells to transport green life channels officially opened: after the departments of the airport group cooperate, check the introduction of the introduction letter, the airline's consent to carry the certificate, the Chinese bone marrow library logo on the transport box Her hematopoietic stem cell transportation box is convenient for safety inspection and fast boarding. It is understood that according to the cooperation agreement, the transport box equipped with hematopoietic stem cells is exempted from the inspection of the civil aviation luggage security equipment to prevent the blood stem cells invalid. When blocking or traffic control, the airport coordinating the air management department will prioritize the transportation difference. In special circumstances, he hematopoietic stem cells will also be assisted in the recent flight.

Together with the green life channel

Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is an effective means to save patients with severe blood diseases. Non -blood -related hematopoietic stem cell donations reflect the selfless love of donors and show the civilization and progress of the city. Since March, affected by the epidemic of new crown pneumonia, Qingdao's non -blood relationship donation volunteers donated and collected locally in Qingdao, and some hematopoietic stem cells will be transported to various places through Jiaodong International Airport. The two parties adhere to the principle of life first, focus on providing high -quality and efficient service guarantees, and within the scope of the rules and regulations, rely on the advantages of resource advantages in their respective fields, jointly optimize the transfer process of donating hematopoietic stem cells, and fully ensure the safety and timeliness of the transportation of hematopoietic stem cells, for life for life convoy. This transshipment green channel is the selfless love that does not seek to return hematopoietic stem cell donors, and carries the hope of re -life of patients with severe hematological diseases, showing the responsibility of the life of all sectors of the island city. Qingdao International Airport Group Co., Ltd., various airlines, and Qingdao "good driver" rescue teams, etc. In their different fields, adhere to everything for life, condense their hearts, and work together to unblock this life passage.

Young donors and loved units and lovers from all walks of life together, together with the love of Qingdao with great love. The seeds of life crossed the mountains and rivers, with great love relay, and brought the hope of new life for patients in the distance. As of now, 41,400 volunteers of hematopoietic stem cells in Qingdao City have been successfully donated by 140 cases.

Donation, she fulfilled her promise 12 years ago

On the morning of June 29, Qingdao Red Cross, Chengyang District Red Cross, and Chengyang Street Red Cross held a ceremony at Heilier Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., giving Ms. Sun Haiyan donated the life of hematopoietic stem cells to save strange patients. After the donation is successful, Ms. Sun will become the 21st case of blood stem cell donors in Chengyang District and 141 cases in Qingdao.

Ms. Sun served in the domestic registration department of Heilier Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. in 2010. In 2010, she learned that leukemia could be cured through non -hemorrhagic hematopoietic stem cell donations, and she germinated the idea of ​​participating in hematopoietic stem cell donations. In June of that year, I added a database to the donor of Chinese hematopoietic stem cells. In March of this year, the staff of the Red Cross of Chengyang District contacted her and told a patient that she had successfully matched her first and sought whether she was willing to donate the opinions of hematopoietic stem cells to save her life. She agreed without hesitation. Due to the busy work, she used her spare time to cooperate with the staff of the Red Cross to complete the high -resolution sampling and physical examination, and finally determined the successful matching with the patient. According to the plan, she will donate hematopoietic stem cells at the Qingdao Central Hospital from June 30th to July 5th.

Hemorrhea donation is a humanitarian good deed to save life and benefit the society. At present, the collection of hematopoietic stem cells is collected from peripheral blood. It is a safe and scientific method, and the personal health of non -destructive volunteer donors. Citizens with a welcome age at 18 to 45 years old and healthy citizens go to their love of blood donation houses, fully understand the relevant donation knowledge and obtain the consent of their relatives, fill in the application form of the warehouse, and retain 8-10 ml of blood samples. Library, bring more patients and families to bring the hope of new life.

Source: Guanhai News/Qingdao Evening News reporter Yu Bo

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