Yuncheng Daily and Yuncheng Television jointly interviewed Cheng Fangqin, vice president of Shanxi University

Author:Reporter Observing Magazine Time:2022.06.30

Cheng Fangqin, a native of Lintong, deputy principal, professor, and blog director of Shanxi University, and the director of the national key laboratory of environmental protection coal waste resources and efficiency. Starting from the environmental protection needs of the national solid waste resource and pollution control, she carried out the research and engineering application of coal -based solid waste resource use and pollution control technology, and obtained a series of iconic results. In 2005, he was rated as "Enjoying the State Council Special Allowance Expert". In 2007, he was selected as a national candidate for the "New Century Million Talent Project". Reliable as "National March 8 Red Banner", "Outstanding Teacher in Shanxi Province", "Scholar Scholar", and the first batch of "Kunlun Scholar" in Qinghai Province.

Not long ago, the reporter of Yuncheng Daily and Yuncheng Television jointly interviewed Cheng Fangqin.

Reporter: President Cheng is good, and I am honored to have the opportunity to communicate with you. What are your expectations for the overall development of Yuncheng Salt Lake?

Cheng Fangqin: Last year, the province decided not to develop mineral resources of salt lakes, so the later transformation and development were very important.

Yuncheng Salt Lake is the oldest salt lake in my country and one of the earliest salt lakes in the world. It has a foundation for the development of the world's salt lake culture and the development of salt products.

In the post -industry era, salt lake has the characteristics and functions of similar industrial sites parks. A series of technological reforms and innovations in the process of manufacturing in new chemical products can be used to display it for college students' internship training and primary and secondary science education. Many people know the social civilization and progress brought by salt culture, which is an important direction.

From the perspective of people's livelihood, nearly 10,000 employees salted are all wisdom and hardworking. They play an important role in the process of production, processing and development of resources, and have a feeling of being unable to give up salt lake. If the history of several generations of salt lakes is combed into a story, it becomes a cultural inheritance information, and then integrated into the industrial site park, this can not only bring cultural and spiritual enjoyment to tourists, but also allow everyone to understand a certain scientific knowledge. We can increase training, let salt people find the entry point that suits them in tourism development and production transformation, combine their strength with the next development, let them turn from the concept, and turn from the ability to turn around. Essence To make salt lakes into an industrial site park in the post -industrial era, it makes it a college student internship training base, and it can also become a popular science base for primary and secondary school students.

Reporter: Your suggestion actually depicts us a blueprint for cultural tourism. Yuncheng has also put forward the goal of building a national tourist resort, so how do we handle the relationship between this construction goal and environmental protection?

Cheng Fangqin: Yuncheng Salt Lake is amazing, it is different from the salt lake elsewhere elsewhere. It turned out that there was a dumb aunt beside our salt lake, sprayed out of fresh water, and the Nanshan next to it was also lush. The salt lake in other places is Gobi Beach, "one hairy is not long." Therefore, there is a certain foundation for Yuncheng to build a national tourist resort area. It is necessary to delineate the area and collect resources in this area to understand the connection between it and the environment. At present, the environmental problems brought by industrial production no longer exist, but how to develop and use salt lake resources must be cautious in the next step. The biggest feature of Xinzhou Yunzhong River Tourism Resort is that there are hot springs. In the future, if you want to attract salt brine to the resort, you should pay attention to environmental protection issues in the process, choose appropriate materials, and have a reasonable design.

In addition, salt lakes can also cultivate brine, which is an important situation in biotechnology development. We have also raised shrimp, with large meat thickness and large volume, which are specialty resources and have the value of cultivation and breeding. You can develop a series of dietary cultural products through several pools and bring it to the table of tourists. In fact, this is also a kind of protection for salt lake resources, because this series of biology and plants coexist in fact, which is actually a very beautiful guardian for the ecological environment. Converting scientific research results to people's clothing, food, housing and transportation, it must be unique, not many in China, not many in the world.

Yuncheng is particularly convenient for transportation. It has both airports and high -speed rails. It has many innate advantages to build a national tourist resort. It can be interdependent between it and the ecological environment and require a world vision.

Reporter: Build a national tourist resort, relying on the unique and rich resources of Yuncheng Salt Lake you just mentioned. Last year's heavy rain made the amount of water in the salt lake more 75 million cubic meters. From a scientific perspective, how should we protect the resources in it?

Cheng Fangqin: Resource utilization requires science and technology to support. After the salt lake enters the industrial era, the demand for water is small. Try not to mix with salt lake water as much as possible. This requires technical transformation, rational ratio, and protective use of resources. In other words, the pattern needs to be changed.

It is not good to enter so much water in the salt lake. We need to investigate to give some suggestions. Now we just know that this is not good. Because industrial production has stopped, we no longer mine, so there should be another method for salt lakes to supply water. The cause of the colorful salt lake is that there are algae in it. We must control the water supply strictly now. How to do it, we should do a survey and research, and finally take out a solution.

Reporter: You have been working on saline for many years, and we especially want to know what the saline development was or what you was impressed?

Cheng Fangqin: For me, there are many lingering memories. It is a very important basic stage of my work, which is of great significance to the formation of my life and the formation of scientific attitude. My initial impression of Salt Lake came from the introduction of the teacher during the university. When I really went to the salt lake, I found that it was so big, there were more than 100 square kilometers. At that time, transportation was not convenient, mainly walking. The place where the salva is small, in the middle of the salt lake. One of my seniors was assigned to the Salt Five Factory that year. After I came, he took me to see the Danda Point. We walked for a long time to go to the salt lake, there was a small pump room there, there were two valves inside, that is, the place where the braised. I felt amazing at the time, because when I was in school, I only used a small drop tube. To achieve production, the redemption is a key link. Later, computer automation was realized. It is no longer necessary to run the artificially regulating valve every day. At that time, it was felt that technology could really reduce the labor burden of many people.

Later, I was transferred to the comprehensive utilization of brine to participate in the comprehensive utilization project of high magnesium brine. This project has a great impact on me and I am impressed. At that time, I did the experiment and we couldn't stop 24 hours. The laboratory is all young people. When we turn the experiments into drawings and the drawings are really excited when the production line is truly produced, because this is what we do after all.

When college students in the 1950s and 1960s were salted, the centrifugal machine used was very simple, and they needed to lie there to count the number of manually, and then calculate the speed. There was also a sudden situation during the experiment. Once a centrifugal machine was unexpectedly flying out. Although it did not hurt people, it had to wake me up -every detail in the experiment must be carefully grasped. Later, whenever I feel that I feel a little exciting, I will tell myself that there may be some small details that need to be more important.

At that time, Germany Meso could only use magnesium sulfate to make potassium sulfate. They believed that it was impossible to use sodium sodium sodium sulfate, but we did it. In fact, it involves the problem of water balance.

When I bid farewell to salt, I wrote a book about the water and salt system picture, and won the first prize in the province and the second prize of the national. This is another generous gift brought to me after I left. Later, I won the second prize of National Science and Technology Progress in 2003. Everyone said that I became a scientist. In fact, I just did something that I could do. And salt is a starting point that I can't forget or erase.

After I came to Shanxi University, I set up a team. From 2005 to the present, I have been doing research on Qinghai Salt Lake for 17 years. During this time, I have also done things about the salt lake of Lop Nur. Recently, Laos Salt Lake is talking to us. All of these are serving national needs. When I achieved a little results, I always thank Yuncheng Salt Lake. Whenever I think of it, I was particularly moved, and I often told the experience and stories about salt lakes to students. This is a process of promoting and growing up, and the spirit of salt lake is inherited.

Reporter: You mentioned the spirit of salt lake just now, so what do you think is the spirit of salt lake?

Cheng Fangqin: I think the spirit of Salt Lake is a simple but unprepared but always blooming spirit.

Reporter: We know that you have a lot of achievements in environmental protection research, so are there any related results for protecting salt lakes? Do you think the next step is to study, protect, and use it scientifically?

Cheng Fangqin: I came out of salt. After arriving at the university, I felt that its education direction was mainly environmental, and at the same time, it was moving the development of chemical, materials, and mineral processing.

My tutor of Tsinghua University has also been to Yuncheng Salt Lake. Once he gave me a book, which contained the results of the production of potassium sulfate about gmaolin method as a case. He said that the case was very meaningful. I was wondering at the time: how could he be interested in such a thing? Later, it was learned that the mentor has been promoting the construction of the discipline of resource circulation science and engineering. He believes that this discipline is very important, which involves the use of salt lake resources.

When I was a kid, when I was a kid, I remember that in the textbook, "China has a great land, the resources are endless and inexhaustible." When I really came to do this, I found that the lack of resources has become a bottleneck restricting development. From this perspective, the recycling science and engineering proposed by the instructor is not only a discipline, but also a national event. The construction of this discipline also has a very important role in the cycle of salt lake resources.

During the one -year study of Tsinghua University with the mentor, I participated in the birth process of this major. I also made up my mind to do this, and I believe that I have the ability to do it well. After I came back, I first declared the doctoral point of resource circulation science and engineering at Shanxi University. This doctoral point belongs to cross -disciplines, involving 4 disciplines of chemistry, biology, environment, and management.

After being approved by the doctoral point of this cross -disciplinary discipline, I have introduced many outstanding talents one after another, and now there are more than 40 people in this team. The common people often say that the soldiers of the iron battalion flow. In 2017, I started running a bachelor's degree. The outstanding talents cultivated before have been able to take the responsibility of teachers. This discipline must be developed well, and the quality of the teacher must be excellent. Now, we all have all the universities. Recently, we are writing a series of textbooks for the ecological and environmental majors. This series of textbooks are included in the "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan". Essence

We are currently cooperating with Dadi Environment Holdings Company with the focus of resource circulation. This company is a leading enterprise in the province's ecological environment. In the next step, the Yuncheng Salt Insurance Center can also cooperate with the company to combine ecological restoration, resource utilization, and tourism development to form a cycle of technology, economy, and society, which should be very meaningful. If you can achieve cooperation, then Yuncheng will come to the front. Because now everyone is doing a circular economy or an industrial park. If we combine technology, economy, and society, it is a large industry and new institution. Reporter: We are particularly looking forward to your team more new results, and we also look forward to your research direction combined with Yuncheng Salt Lake. What are the prospects of your cooperation with Yuncheng in this regard?

Cheng Fangqin: Our Professor Guo Dongzhang has cooperated with the Yun City Salt Insurance Center from the Yun City Salt Insurance Center from the perspective of biological resources. I am also looking forward to the next step in have a broader room for cooperation. The country is related to the special fund of salt lake resources. It is recommended that the Yuncheng Salt Insurance Center leads the lead. Let's communicate with the Ministry of Science and Technology and the State Fund Commission to see if it can be supported at a higher level.

The National Fund Commission and Shanxi Province also have a United Fund, which are now editing the history of salt lake chemical industry. Among them, tens of thousands of words are written in Yuncheng Salt Lake. We can invite relevant experts to the salt lake in Yuncheng to observe the field and let them understand the development of Yuncheng Salt Lake from ancient times to the present. Then designing a national fund key project in this regard will attract a number of scientists in bromine and brine Essence

At the same time, the Ministry of Science and Technology is also about the strategic planning of the cycle of mineral resources. The recycling of resource circulation of Yuncheng Salt Lake should meet this requirement. This plan has 60 topics, which can organize some companies to do similar things and combine national policies with Shanxi development. To do this big, the larger the more content.

We must build national things from a national perspective and combine plans with major national needs. The multidisciplinary interdisciplinary involved in it should be the only one. We can also cooperate with Jiangnan University, Shanxi University, and some units of the Chinese Academy of Sciences to diversify the current brine, black mud resources, and the surrounding ecology, biology, and plant resources. Study and focus on projects, and then support our scientific and technological development and progress.

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