Photography gathered in Rizhao

Author:Rizhao News Network Time:2022.06.30

On June 29th, at the Hilton Huanpeng Hotel located in the town of Rizhao Dongyi, guests participating in the 5th China (Rizhao) News Photography Week (first stage) are signing in.

The 5th China (Rizhao) News Week and 2022 National mainstream media focused on the "Chain Rizhao Wonderful Butterfly Change" news photography interview event opened on June 30.More than 40 big coffees from Xinhua News Agency, Guangming Daily, Economic Daily, China News Agency, Volkswagen Daily, Shandong City Party Daily, Xinhua News Agency signing photographers have gathered in the sun, focusing on the high -quality development of Rizhao.

The Fifth China (Rizhao) News Photography Week and 2022 National mainstream media focus on the launching ceremony of the "Rizhao Wonderful Butterfly Change" news photography interview activity (first stage).At that time, the Rizhao Daily Video number and mainstream Rizhao Docheng will live a video of the opening ceremony. Welcome citizens to scan the QR code for online viewing.(Reported by Li Dawei, a reporter from Rizhao Newspaper)

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