Tianjin: Jizhou Fire Organization "Pickup" Red Education Resources Activation Theme Education "Red Class"

Author:Tianjin Fire Time:2022.06.30

Red resources are lively history, and they are also the most vivid textbooks for "keeping leaders' training words and doing loyalty guards forever" theme education. In the past few days, party organizations at all levels of the Fire Rescue Detachment of Jizhou District of Tianjin have given full excavation and activation of the resources of the old red revolutionary districts in Jizhou District. More than 10 red education bases such as Longshan Patriotism Base and Red Shili Corridor, drawing strong spiritual nourishment among red resources, and constantly promoting theme education to go deep.

Feel the hardships of the Red Army and be the inheritance of the revolutionary spirit. All fire rescue workers walked into the former revolutionary site, remembering the great achievements of the revolutionary martyrs, inheriting the red gene, and accepting the baptism of party spirit. Hiking in the red ten -mile promenade, looking for the trace of the heroic battle of the revolutionary martyrs of the year, and thinking about the heroic deeds of the revolutionary martyrs. Every red station on the way tells the story of the red revolutionary story. All personnel have stated that they should use the red resources, the tradition of red, and inherit the red genes well, and further cast the soul of faith, consolidate the foundation of ideas, and take responsibility for the people.

The century -old red fire species is the pioneer who continues the original intention. Learn to understand the party's history and culture, and to cultivate the love of the party and the country. All fire rescue workers walked into the United Village Red Education Base. A solemn and serious feeling spontaneous. The Lotus Peak Seven Warriors and Panshan Military Anti -Japanese Class and other anti -Japanese hero feats made the fire rescue staff aggressively forge ahead from the red education resources. The power has always been the spirit of "breaking", the strength of "creation", and the style of "dryness", which strengthens the leadership and educational effectiveness of educational ideas, and stimulates the enthusiasm of the officer entrepreneurship and the lofty spirit of dedication.

Admire the revolutionary of the times, be a good teachman. Red resources are the spiritual imprints of the party's leading hard work of the revolutionary martyrs and the precious spiritual wealth. Entering the Martyrs Cemetery of Panshan, the vivid historical pictures, a precious historical cultural relic, witness the original intention and mission of the revolutionary martyrs to the party and the people, and educate and guide all fire rescue personnel to keep in mind the duty and responsibility of "nightman". In the new era of Tianjin fire protection spirit, which is inherited and promoted to the party, exquisite power, and the people in this post, the spirit of Tianjin Fire will be held with excellent results to welcome the 20th victory of the party with excellent results.

There is faith in my heart, and there is strength under my feet. The party committee of the Jizhou District Fire Rescue Detachment regards the red education resources in the area as the "main position" of inheriting the red gene, the "big classroom" of the excellent tradition, and the "gas station" that stimulates the enthusiasm of the work. Essence Through red education resources in the jurisdiction, all fire rescue workers drawn mental nutrients in red resources, helping the theme education to go deeply, and promote the continuous development of fire rescue.

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