Hengshui Town, Fengxiang District, Baoji Fengxiang District held the "My Story of the Party" keynote speech contest

Author:Western Decision Network Time:2022.06.30

Western Decision Network (Reporter Amy Zongxian Correspondent Xu Yuan) In order to welcome the 201st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. Recently, Lu Li, the director of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Fengxiang District, Baoji City, Ma Shaohui, deputy secretary of the district committee, and Wang Zhen, deputy district, visited Liulin Town to condolences to the party members and old party members, sent them to the party's care, and extended them to them. Holiday greetings.

Lu Li successively went to the family of Liang Tabo, Guancun Village, and Liu Xucai's family in Tuntou Village to ask the old party members' health and living conditions, understand their family needs, and send condolences. Make good use of various assistance policies, and do everything possible to help them solve their difficulties in life. It is hoped that the old party members will always maintain a positive and optimistic attitude, take care of their bodies, and continue to exert their heat for the party's cause.

Ma Shaohui went to Liulin Village Kong Zhiqiang and Lu Huiming's house in Dutang Village, and talked with the old party members to learn about the basic situation of the family and the problems encountered in life. Old party members are politically concerned, take good care of life, and care for various policies.

Wang Zhen went to Su Luo Village Yang Zhao and Soochu Tou Village Teachers to recording his family to talk to the old party members, understand family income, life, and medical treatment, and wish the old party members to live a healthy and longevity. The families of the old party members should take care of the elderly intimate and carefully. The relevant stations should pay more attention to difficult party members, listen carefully to the demands, and help solve difficulties and problems in a timely manner.

In the condolences, Lu Li emphasized that the town and village party organizations must always carry their feelings and responsibility for the old party members, to do practical things, do good things, and solve difficulties, arrange and take care of their food, food, housing, physical and mental health, and let them feel at all times to feel the feelings Party care and warmth. It is necessary to widely publicize the advanced deeds of old party members and old heroes, form a strong atmosphere advocating advanced and wise, and guides the confidence and determination of the party members and the masses, especially the younger generation, and the younger generation. According to the fire, the majority of party members and cadres are encouraged to welcome the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with the leading actual actions and outstanding achievements in the top of the top.

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