Shouzhong Banker Group Visit the Red Education Base

Author:Shouguang Yun 丨 Fresh Shouguan Time:2022.06.30

On June 28, the Shouzhuan Health Group organized party members and cadres to the Li Zhiting Memorial Hall to carry out the theme of party members' educational activities with the theme of "Inheritance Red Genes Practicing the original Mission", remembering the great achievements of the martyrs, and receiving red traditional education.

During the event, the party members looked closely, listened carefully, and remembered carefully, and touched the livelihood of fresh history.Everyone unanimously stated that they will inherit the unwavering ideals and beliefs of the revolutionary ancestors and the loyalty of firm and persistent loyalty. Based on their own posts, forge ahead, do not forget their original intentions, move forward, and use their own actual actions to contribute more for the group development, promote the development of the group, promote the developmentThe urban and rural environmental sanitation business has reached a new level.

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