Jinda County: preaching the grounding gas into the ear and then in the heart

Author:Golden Tower Time:2022.06.30

In recent years, Jinta County has closely allowed the party's innovation theory to "fly into the home of ordinary people". , Promoted the new era of the party's innovation theory into the minds and deeply.

Strengthen the power of preaching and create a characteristic preaching team

"The report of the 14th Party Congress of the province was inspiring, and there were a lot of support policies for enterprises, and there were many discounts ..." In the conference room, Li Tao explained to his colleagues to explain to his colleagues. The spirit of the provincial party congress was sent from the information bag to colleagues.

Li Tao, the backbone of Jinxin Food Co., Ltd., is the party representative of the Provincial Party Congress. As soon as the meeting ended, he rushed back as a theoretical preacher to help enterprise employees accurately understand the spirit of the party conference.

In the conference rooms of the organs and units, the party and mass activity centers of the township, the school's ideological and political class ... Entering the enterprise, the campus, and the Internet, promote the spirit of the Provincial Party Congress to "fly" into millions of households.

Let the party's innovation theory take root, bloom and bear fruit, and establish a high -level and high -quality preaching team.

Jinsha County actively coordinates the internal and external resources of the system, and creates a rich, extensive coverage, and combined preaching team. The theoretical volunteer service preaching team, the ideological and political teacher preaching team and the online preaching team 7 preaching teams.

Take quality and ability construction as the key to the construction of a preaching team, make full use of the cadre training plan, and combine the key points of preaching, organize preaching team members to participate in various types of training, and make the lecturers a theoretical learning vanguard.

Relying on the micro -party competition, preaching competition and other activity platforms, excavate the enthusiastic, level, and creative outstanding young people to enrich the preaching teams, pay attention to cultivating local "famous mouths" and online celebrities to preach talents, give the microphone to the masses, bring the audience It became the subject of preaching, which fully mobilized the subjective initiative and enthusiasm of the masses to preach.

The lecturers combine the "big principle" and "small incision", combine "Mandarin" with "local dialect", combine "reasoning" with "swing facts", and pass on the new ideas between the masses. At present, more than 330 seminars have been preached in the spirit of the Fourteenth Provincial Party Congress.

Innovate the form of preaching, highlight the value of theoretical preaching value

"Jinta County, Township, Township, has been in trouble. The Sixth Plenary Session of the Sixth Plenary Session of the Sixth Plenary Session of the Propaganda should be done. "Thoughts to Action", let the Sixth Plenary Session of the Plenary Session of the Sixth Central Committee enter the heart.

In Jinda County, not only the theoretical preaching in the conference room, but also the literary preaching on the stage, which could not help but let the resident Zhang Xiaoling feel: "The form is novel, impressed, and unforgettable."

The theoretical preaching is the "spear", "amplifier", and "tuning". To make the party's voice more loud, more appropriate, and more comfortable, it must be promoted in the preaching method.

"We adopt short -level" micro -lectures ", tour" literary and artistic lectures ", and full coverage of" Yunxuan Lecture ". Social high -quality development condenses strong spiritual power, "said the person in charge of the Propaganda Department of the Jinda County Party Committee.

In response to the diversified needs of grassroots people, Jinta County carefully produced and preached materials, combining important contents of the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the spirit of the National Two Sessions, and the spirit of the 14th Party Congress of the Provincial Conference with cultural creation. The music allegro "Learning Thoughts and Seeing Actions", the dance and dance "Together Chinese Dream" and "Red Flag Fluttering" and other literary programs, such as "Red Flag Fluttering", changed a single lecture to vivid rap, so that the masses had thoughts in the laughter, and cracked the previous " The spokesperson is embarrassing.

In recent years, Jinta County has incorporated theory into the art forms of the people such as sketches, allegro rap, and opera, and transformed the "big theme" into "small incision" in the form of "literary and artistic+preaching" to "Mandarin" in the form of "literary and artistic preaching". It turned into "Golden Tower", which talked about the theoretical policy and enhanced the penetration and appeal of the party's innovation theory.

Broaden preaching positions, open up the grassroots preaching "last mile"

The sky is the curtain, the earth is the stage, and there is no lecture on the table. Without the platform, everyone sitting around at will, and the preaching is like a family. Recently, the preaching of the Southeast Street community is very grounded.

In the past few days, the "Red Vests" and "Great Truth" of the Southeast Street Community of Jinta County shuttled through the community buildings, and through the "building preaching", "bench classroom", "small speaker propaganda", etc. Let the spirit of the 14th party congress of the province reach the grassroots level.

"Promoting the good voice of the party, the masses can sit, listen, and remember to be key." Ni Xingbo, secretary of the Party branch of the Southeast Street Community, said that in the preaching The form of the spirit of the party congress is easy to understand, and the "last mile" problem of grass -roots theory preaching is effectively solved.

In response to the concerns of the masses, the "red vest" and "big principle" preaching the team from the perspective of ordinary people, eliminating the phenomenon of a manuscript to the end, a face board to the end, and strived to make the preaching service "soil smell", "grounding gas" Through the subtleties and spring winds, the theory forms public opinion. Not only that, Jinda County also broke the preaching method of a thousand people. According to the different objects of the audience, the preaching position was set up in the "big locust tree", "small square" and "courtyard", highlighting the small range, close range, and a short time in a short time. The preaching, abandoning the lengthy and boring, and enhanced the theoretical preaching effect.

"Today's preaching is very close and grounded. We can understand the spirit of the party's congress at the door of our house. It feels very good. I look forward to the future happy and beautiful life." Aunt Zhang of Xin Sheng Garden said Party members, she witnessed the improvement of the living environment, felt the improvement of the quality of life, and was confident in the future development of the community.

Up to now, Jinda County has carried out more than 1,1600 preaching of the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee, the spirit of the new development, the spirit of the "Two Sessions" and the spirit of the 14th Party Congress of the Provincial Congress. Blooming at the grassroots level and deeply rooted in people's hearts. (Li Xuemin)

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